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In this section you'll find posts from the official developers forum. The base is updated every hour and stored on a server wot-news.com. If you encounter any bugs, have suggestions or comments, write to info@wot-news.com

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2nd February special
09.02.2012 18:33:43
Subject: News from the Front\Discussion of News Articles\2nd February special
Link on message: #1429040

 WAROFHELIUM, on 09 February 2012 - 05:21 PM, said: I have T-25 and its nice not mutch played but nice
while the ram 2 was shit for long time till patch 7.0 or 7.1 they must have buffed it I see it doing great things on the battlefield
you are one of the guys I never see saying anything possitive and tiger P is not OP if you mind the frontal armour there are things like flanking, lower frontal plate and even the turret and space between turret and the frontal amour enough let your T29 or IS with big guns screw it (ah srry mods again dno other word atm)

Overlord: Didnt touch it actually. Prolly your skills have improved since then.

2nd February special
09.02.2012 18:33:11
Subject: News from the Front\Discussion of News Articles\2nd February special
Link on message: #1429037

 T34BG, on 09 February 2012 - 04:28 PM, said: We want double credits and x5 <_<

Overlord: Woo! Why not 10x credits ans exp finally. Nad 10k gold to everyone!

Journal Hebdomadaire #17
09.02.2012 16:51:46
Subject: Journal Hebdomadaire #17
Link on message: #1428470

Decept1on: Posted Image
Quel est le nom de ce tank ?
Les 3 premiers à répondre correctement recevront 1500 gold et les 3 suivants 750 golds, alors dépêchez vous !
Répondre à cette adresse : euprizesfr@worldoftanks.eu
Doit comprendre pseudo ingame, et la réponse (plus ou moins élaborée selon la question)
Règles: Un seul mail est autorisé, donc réfléchissez avant d'envoyer, je ne cours pas après les gens s'ils n'ont pas mis les informations nécessaires dans le mail, les gagnants de la semaine passée ne peuvent pas répondre à la question de cette semaine.
Vainqueurs de la semaine passée:
- 1500 golds : Machmalo , Pepeleramolo , Takyekorpius
- 750 golds : Benimarou , riwan , Arvigna

Вопросы разработчикам
09.02.2012 16:44:32
Subject: International Forums\BY, RU, UA Community\Важная информация\Вопросы разработчикам
Link on message: #1428431

View PostSech, on 09 February 2012 - 12:27 PM, said: Вы издеваетесь?
Европейская глобалка - это унылое болото с кучей фармеров, иначе не скажешь. NAP's land, как говорили, да. Бои на высадках начинаются дай бог с 1/16-1/8-й финала вместо 1/32 (да и то с недобором, как правило), а взятые зоны высадки успешно дефятся кланами неделями.
Но если позволять кланам с парой сетапов держать почти по двадцать провинций - оно, конечно, тесно будет, да.

LiannaSilverwind: Прошу прощения за офф-топ, но в этом болоте Напсленда не смогли захотели удержаться многие кланы - победители турниров и чемпионатов.

Journal Hebdomadaire #17
09.02.2012 16:25:17
Subject: Journal Hebdomadaire #17
Link on message: #1428321

Decept1on: Posted Image
ESL Tournaments
World of Tanks et ESL en partenariat. Ceci est votre chance de gagner de l'argent avec WoT. ce partenariat offre a donné fruit à plusieurs coupes ou il est possible de gagner jusqu'à 2300€  par mois.  Cette participation ne vous coûte rien de plus que votre temps.
Si cela vous intéresse, voici les liens et infos!
Page principale de World of Tanks : http://www.esl.eu/wot
Guide ESL: http://www.esl.eu/eu/wot/cups_guide/ Forum WoT ESL (anglais): http://forum.worldof...sl-tournaments/
Go4WoT (10.500€)
Comment Go4WoT marche:
- Chaque semaine une coupe!
- 250€ pour le gagnant de chaque semaine!
- Les équipes dans le Top8 reçoivent des points pour le classement mensuel!
- Les équipes du Top8 sont qualifiés pour la coupe mensuelle!
- 1050€ pour les vainqueurs de celle-ci!
- Les matchs se disputent en 7vs7
- Page Go4WoT : http://www.esl.eu/eu/wot/go4wot/
- Règles: http://www.esl.eu/eu...wotrules/rules/
ESL Major Series (7.500€) Dernière chance!
Comment l'EMS marche:
- 4000€ pour l'équipe gagnante, 2500€ en seconde place et 1000€ pour la 3ème!
- Les matchs se disputent en 7vs7
- Page de l'EMS : http://www.esl.eu/eu/ems/season9/wot/
- Règles: http://www.esl.eu/eu...wotrules/rules/
1on1 (PVP, tanks moyens)
Comment cela fonctionne:
- Munitions/consommables premium autorisés!
- Les screenshots au début du match ne sont plus nécessaires!
- Unique aux tanks moyens Tier 9 (E-50, Т-54, M46 Patton) !
- Les cartes sont limitées par des zones
- 5min maximum par match
- More information: http://www.esl.eu/eu...1/medium_tanks/
- Rules: http://www.esl.eu/eu...um_tanks/rules/
1on1 (PVP, tanks lourds)
Tanksdisponibles : max.Tier 8 Lourd
Munitions/consommables premium autorisés!
Toutes sortes de mods/skins sont autorisés, sauf interdictions dans d'autres sections des règles.
Les cartes sont limitées par des zones
More information: http://www.esl.eu/eu...dder-open-now-/
Rules: http://www.esl.eu/eu...um_tanks/rules/
7on7 (Equipe vs. Equipe)
Comment ça fonctionne:
- Munitions/consommables premium autorisés!
- Les screenshots au début du match ne sont plus nécessaires!
- Tous tanks autorisés!
- Page principale: http://www.esl.eu/eu/wot/7on7/ladder/
- Règles: http://www.esl.eu/eu...les/%5Brulebook
3 contre 3 en versus
Système: 3 vs 3 Temps: 10 minutes Tanks disponibles: Tous tanks jusqu'a tier 8 (non artillerie) Cartes: Mines, Murovanka, Ensk (ville seuleument!!!) La capture de base n'est pas autorisée, si le résultat est un match nul, il faut entrer match nul en résultat!
Lien: http://www.esl.eu/eu/wot/news/174496/
Saint Valentank
Chers amoureux des chars,
Cette semaine est une semaine de mièvrerie. La saint Valentin, les petits cœurs mignons et toutes ces choses douces, c’est pour les faibles.
Les vrais amateurs de chars ne sont pas des faibles !
Alors pour célébrer votre histoire d’amour entre vous et vos machines, vous allez leur concocter le plus mignon des garages. Mignon, à la façon World of Tanks, bien entendu. Avec des cœurs brûlés, des anges détruits et toutes les choses niaises écrabouillées comme elles le méritent. Vous pourrez gagner un titre unique sur les forums, et ainsi montrer à toute la communauté combien vous êtes insensible avec la mention « heart squasher » (écraseur de cœur) sous votre nom.
Pour participer au concours, il vous suffit de modifier votre garage, votre char ou une capture d’écran du jeu d’une manière très… « Valentank »
Du 9 au 13 février, vous pouvez nous envoyer la capture d’écran modifiée. Soyez fous ! Vous n’avez aucune limite pour nous montrer à quel point vous détestez la Saint Valentin. Rendez votre char le plus apte à chasser l’amour !
Règles de participation :
Envoyez la capture d’écran modifiée à : Contests_eu@wargaming.net , avec votre pseudo en jeu dans le corps du courriel, et la capture en pièce-jointe. Vosu pouvez modifier votre image dans n'importe quel éditeur graphique. Les dessins à la main sont autorisés.
Une seule participation autorisée par joueur.
Deux catégories :
Le meilleur tout confondu (réalisation et idée)
La meilleure idée
Notre équipe élira les trois meilleurs de chaque catégorie et leur distribuera, en plus du titre de forum, les gains suivants :
1e : 3000 pièces d'or
2e : 2000 pièces d'or
3e : 1000 pièces d'or
Montrez-nous votre créativité ! Notre équipe jugera votre travail, et soyez certains qu’ils détestent les trucs mignons.

Journal Hebdomadaire #17
09.02.2012 16:16:30
Subject: Journal Hebdomadaire #17
Link on message: #1428267

Decept1on: Posted Image
Changements dans la boutique en jeu
Chers joueurs,
Le 13 février, durant le redémarrage du serveur prévu entre 6 h 00 et 6 h 30 (heure de Paris), les chars premium PzKpfw 38H735(f) et PzKpfw B2 740(f), seront retirés de la boutique en jeu de World of Tanks.
Bien entendu, les joueurs ayant acheté ces véhicules avant la date spécifiée les conserveront.
Ce changement est dû à l’introduction de l’arbre technologique français : à l’origine, les chars PzKpfw 38H735(f) et PzKpfw B2 740(f) étaient français, mais nous les avions placés dans l’arbre technologique allemand en tant que matériel capturé.
Si vous souhaitez acheter ces deux chars, vous pourrez toujours le faire avant le 13 février, 6 h 00 (heure de Paris). Après cette date, il sera possible de les acquérir lors d’actions spéciales, pour lesquelles nous vous préviendrons à l’avance.
Calendrier de février !
2ème offre spéciale de février
La 2e offre spéciale de février est l’occasion pour vous d’avoir plus de chars que jamais dans un immense garage, et d’obtenir plus d’expérience lors de vos batailles. Soyez prêts pour cette offre, qui commence le 10 février à 6 h 30 et se termine le 13 février à 6 h 00 (heure de Paris).
Voici le détail de l'offre :
- Expérience multipliée par 3 pour la première victoire quotidienne.
Pour gagner chaque jour plus de points.
- 50% de réduction sur les chars premium :
Ram II (obtenez-le pour 875 pièces d’or au lieu de 1750 !)
T25 (obtenez-le pour 750 pièces d’or au lieu de 1500 !)
Matilda (obtenez-le pour 750 pièces d’or au lieu de 1500 !)
- 50% de réduction sur les chars suivants :
AMX 12t (obtenez-le pour 105 500 crédits au lieu de 210 100 !)
M36 Slugger (obtenez-le pour 417 100 crédits au lieu de 834 200 !)
PzKpfw VI Tiger (P) (obtenez-le pour 638 250 crédits au lieu de 1 276 500 !)
SU-8 (obtenez-le pour 252 500 crédits au lieu de 505 000 !)
Une bonne opportunité d’agrandir votre arsenal !
- 50% de réduction sur les emplacements de garage
Pour garer tous ces nouveaux chars !
Amusez-vous bien !

Journal Hebdomadaire #17
09.02.2012 15:12:06
Subject: Journal Hebdomadaire #17
Link on message: #1427944

Quote Bonjour à tous,
Le but du journal est de donner les dernières nouvelles du front ! Les prochains évènements à venir, des informations sur les problèmes actuels et articles intéressants.
Si vous pensez avoir une histoire ou un article qui pourrait être intégré, envoyez-le-moi en MP sur le forum.
Profitez bien du jeu et balayez tout sur votre passage avec votre tank ! Vous pouvez toujours essayer de me détruire si vous me voyez sur le champ de bataille.
Toutefois je ne me laisserai pas faire facilement.
Staff : Decept1on, Mr_Kubrick

Decept1on: Posted Image
Q: Y a-t-il des plans pour réduire le coût du 105mm T5E1 AT ?
R: Le 105mm va être déplacé en tier 8 et va coûter 18k XP, le prix en crédits va aussi être abaissé.
Q: Est-ce que le spall liner a un effet sur les dommages d'équipages/modules ou réduit juste les dommages des HE ?
R: Réduit seulement les dommages des HE.
Q: Des nouvelles de l'arbre tech britannique ?
R: Nous ne le verrons pas pour le premier semestre 2012.
Q: Est-ce que les chars français recevront une meilleure dépression de canon ?
R: Il est fort probable que ce soit amélioré, nous considérons ce genre d'ajustement.

EU Questions & Answers
08.02.2012 23:00:35
Subject: Game Discussion\Gameplay Discussion\EU Questions & Answers
Link on message: #1425129

View PostCromaq, on 08 February 2012 - 09:42 AM, said: They should be in 0.7.4 patch. It definitely should be this year

Overlord: Mm, not in 7.4. That one will contain the rest of the French tree.

EU Questions & Answers
08.02.2012 22:59:44
Subject: Game Discussion\Gameplay Discussion\EU Questions & Answers
Link on message: #1425128

View Posttja2000, on 08 February 2012 - 09:39 AM, said: From this statement I would conclude that if there were a tier 10 for tank destroyers then they would
1) be on equal terms with heavies
2) would automatically be worthwhile for CWs
Q1: Is my assumption more than 90% correct?
Q2: Is there a negative impact of a T10 TD that outweighs the benefits?

Overlord: 1. Its rather difficult to determine the correctness percentage. :)
2. I dont see anything of the kind.

EU Questions & Answers
08.02.2012 22:50:32
Subject: Game Discussion\Gameplay Discussion\EU Questions & Answers
Link on message: #1425098

View PostOtto_matic_Reiffel, on 08 February 2012 - 09:27 AM, said: Hi Overlord
Will we see the second line of German TDs any time this year? Maybe what quarter they are expected in?

Overlord: Difficult to say for sure, but definitely this year.

EU Questions & Answers
08.02.2012 22:37:16
Subject: Game Discussion\Gameplay Discussion\EU Questions & Answers
Link on message: #1425034

 Szalona, on 08 February 2012 - 08:54 AM, said: Some Wot and not only questions:
But WoT first.
Q1: what will happened with experience gained at IS-4 when it is transferred to Tier 10 - it will stay on IS-4 or it will be available for the replacement tank?
Q2: is that true what is written in Q/A on USA forum - HE damage increased by 20% (subject to change) - and what patch - 0.7.2?
World of Battleships:
(question numbers starts from not 1, since some were answered)
What will be the size of the maps?
What will be the view range and fire range of the guns?
Torpedos? Fire range/speed/detection range?
Will there be possibility to put smoke cover?
Can you describe planned way of game-play - steering the ship, shooting, using torpedos, planes?
Any reco-planes from battleships?
How many tiers - also 10?
Do you plan pre-orders with "unique one time offer" ships - like in WoT?
When will there be forum we can speak with devs or at least WoB forum - (please make it .eu so proxy at my work will not block it ;))?
When do you plan (estimations) - alpha tests, close beta tests - and do you plan to invite EU players or only RU?
What is the stage of development?
Can we have more open discussion with devs about what they plan?
Integration with WoT - gold? credits? free experience? CW? - and how?
Can we have at least Q/A similar to OL topic, but about WoB - maybe first in WoT forum, and later moved to WoB forum when it is ready? Please start EU/US common forum also for WoB, not only RU.
Historical dates the ships will be (range of years)? HMS Dreadnought :P? Maybe in this case it would be better to start early and finish with II WW (as the "end of battleships era")
Optical range view only or radars too? Will radars help aiming?
Multi-core processors support? Same as WoT (no support) or something more modern?

Overlord: 1. Most likely transferred, however the procedure is not finalized yet.
2. HE absorption coefficient will be decreased approx by 20% in 7.2.
8. 10.
10. Of course there will be a separate forum.
12. Preparing alpha billd.
14. Planning some account integration, in game currency, free exp, etc. The rest is unknown.
15. It will be up on due time. Patience. :)

EU Questions & Answers
08.02.2012 22:24:38
Subject: Game Discussion\Gameplay Discussion\EU Questions & Answers
Link on message: #1424970

 Reklaw, on 08 February 2012 - 06:36 AM, said: That doesn't make TDs or Meds better. It just makes it more difficult to use the superior tanks.
Hint: fix the upper tier balance and stop trying to dance around the issue. We need tier 10s for both of those lines, and you know it.

Overlord: We have a dilemma here. Giving boost to top TDs and MTs will screw up the random. As they are now MT9 are more efficient than HT9.

EU Questions & Answers
08.02.2012 22:22:48
Subject: Game Discussion\Gameplay Discussion\EU Questions & Answers
Link on message: #1424962

 Snib, on 08 February 2012 - 01:19 AM, said: All auto-loaders and auto-cannons have incorrect values both in game and on tankopedia. It was in the list of incorrect descriptions we discussed recently, so you probably already forwarded it. ;)

Overlord: Unfortunately that wont be fixed in 7.2.

EU Questions & Answers
08.02.2012 22:20:19
Subject: Game Discussion\Gameplay Discussion\EU Questions & Answers
Link on message: #1424949

 PzB, on 08 February 2012 - 01:17 AM, said: That's fair enough but the IS-7 is still the best tank in the game.
Even after a ~18% reduction its top speed still surpasses that of most mediums, so the reduction should perhaps be even bigger?
Ps! Todays first CW battle setup: 8 IS-7, if there had been more available there would have been 10.
All the 'adjustments' that make the tanks in ones garage perform less than average are hard to accept and reducing Tiger top speed with ~26% seems unnecessary. The tank performs low average compared to other tier heavy 7 tanks so why don't let it have it's 35km? No need to reduce IS speed with 3km either then B)

Overlord: Depends on what you mean by best tank. Most popular in CW? True. Having the highest avg exp or win ratio? No. Its even 2nd to Maus in terms of some stat points.

EU Questions & Answers
08.02.2012 22:16:41
Subject: Game Discussion\Gameplay Discussion\EU Questions & Answers
Link on message: #1424925

 don_banan, on 07 February 2012 - 11:51 PM, said: Actually about IS-4 I think it stinks... I smell odour of a weakest Tier X... How are you going to prevent it from being repeatedly raped by its paper front?

Overlord: Will add him 100mm of front armour of course.

Journal Hebdomadaire #16
08.02.2012 02:23:13
Subject: Journal Hebdomadaire #16
Link on message: #1420672

View PostPepeleramolo, on 07 February 2012 - 07:29 PM, said: oh putain, la vache !! j'y crois pas, decept1on si t'es gay ou tu veux tenter de nouvelles expériences, je viens et je te fais un petit truc sympa sous le bureau, ça te fera le plus grand bien ;) lol. Nan je rigole, en tout cas j'y croyais pas, alors merci d'organiser des quizz :Smile_great:

Decept1on: haha, ça m'a bien fait rigoler :D

EU Questions & Answers
08.02.2012 00:08:07
Subject: Game Discussion\Gameplay Discussion\EU Questions & Answers
Link on message: #1420295

 Motions, on 07 February 2012 - 10:53 PM, said: Won't tank freezing hurt the chances of smaller, newer clans winning clan wars, while not reducing the ammount of tier 10's used by big clans? Small clans don't have that many tier 10 tanks.
The big clans have a lot of people with multiple tier 10's, so they can just change tier 10.
I am not sure what the mechanics for tank freezing are, I couldn't find anything so I don't know if I'm correct?
I have another question:
There was a poll about tier 10 meds/TD's on your blog. Have any plans/conclusions been made about tier 10 TD's/meds yet?

Overlord: Info gathered from RU side shows that there are more pros than cons of the freezing. Many clans (and on RU most of them are big) have to change tactics and setups to defend the provinces. Why not take out some of the enemy's top tiers using daily rushes with secondary setups with meds, tier 9 heavies and TDs, and then strike with the main forces. Plus FoW increases tactics possibilities.
Havent made up my our mind on tier 10 meds and tds yet.

EU Questions & Answers
08.02.2012 00:01:52
Subject: Game Discussion\Gameplay Discussion\EU Questions & Answers
Link on message: #1420280

 Panocek, on 07 February 2012 - 10:22 PM, said: So maybe buff them to make them at least appear in thought "what to put in CW..."? Especially JT :P
On bit more serious note, do Spall Liner have impact on crew/module damage or it only reduces HE damage?

Overlord: 1. Stat-wise they are ok and play their role decently, it is tier 10 heavies that spoil the fun a bit.
2. Only reduces HE damage.

Обозначение страны игрока
08.02.2012 00:00:48
Subject: International Forums\BY, RU, UA Community\Обсуждение игры\Общие дискуссии\Обозначение страны игрока
Link on message: #1420277

LiannaSilverwind: Чехословацкое коммьюнити обычно называет игроков с кодом страны CZ/SK нубами, неспособными придумать собственное имя. Иногда игроку действительно лень выдумывать нового Джона, да и имена почти все забраны, и так он становится JohnCZ. Иногда это просто патриот своей страны, целенаправленно вещающий, откуда он.
В РПГ играх конечно имена типа JackSparrowNL или TomCruiseRU звучат ужасно.

EU Questions & Answers
07.02.2012 23:14:13
Subject: Game Discussion\Gameplay Discussion\EU Questions & Answers
Link on message: #1420114

 Panocek, on 07 February 2012 - 10:10 PM, said: Still Tier 9 Heavy beats Tier 9 TD. Unless clan have THAT tank shortage.

Overlord: Tend to agree, however tier 9 TDs will have more chances to appear than they have now.

EU Questions & Answers
07.02.2012 23:07:05
Subject: Game Discussion\Gameplay Discussion\EU Questions & Answers
Link on message: #1420087

 Orkel2, on 07 February 2012 - 10:04 PM, said: Any plans to make TDs more useful/used in clan wars?

Overlord: Tanks freezing anyone?

EU Questions & Answers
07.02.2012 23:00:38
Subject: Game Discussion\Gameplay Discussion\EU Questions & Answers
Link on message: #1420068

 Celestia, on 07 February 2012 - 09:52 PM, said: Is this average dispersion or max dispersion?
As the dispersion indicator does not always reflect the listed values.

Overlord: Max dispersion given in specs, ofc usually its lower.

EU Questions & Answers
07.02.2012 22:58:58
Subject: Game Discussion\Gameplay Discussion\EU Questions & Answers
Link on message: #1420061

 PzGrenKdr, on 07 February 2012 - 09:50 PM, said: great thxs, this will happen in v0.7.2 or later?

Overlord: In 7.2.

EU Questions & Answers
07.02.2012 22:38:32
Subject: Game Discussion\Gameplay Discussion\EU Questions & Answers
Link on message: #1419995

 L3gi, on 07 February 2012 - 09:21 PM, said: 1. question related to the quote: what does that mean for ppl who have researched em? some refund xp wise?
2. About the accuracy value:
What exactly is the unit you are handling with? meters, yards, any other?
I am also wondering about the size... the difference between 0,25 and 0,5 is rather extreme.
How exactly is that working? Could you give us some clearification?

Overlord: 1. Nothing. The guns will be cheaper to get and to sell from 7.2 and on.
2. The dispersion is given in cm per 100m, ie 0.25 means that at 100m shell can deviate by 0.25m from the center which is not that huge, while at 500m the dispersion is 1.25m and 2.5m for 0.5-guns. Thats quite a difference.

EU Questions & Answers
07.02.2012 22:29:42
Subject: Game Discussion\Gameplay Discussion\EU Questions & Answers
Link on message: #1419954

 RDDD, on 07 February 2012 - 07:17 PM, said: careful mate... it's questions like those will get you on the same list as me and other people who question WG on certain issues. And "yes" seeing as the values of the tanks are 100% controlled by WG it is artificially tailored to screw over the german tanks.
as far the tiger' speed goes, without knowing it, I doubt it... I don't think the tiger could "clutch out" as such and free roll down a hill and if they could I doubt they would as it would cause some serious issue trying to reengage the clutch again at exceeded speeds.
All the scources I have or have dugg up says the tiger had a road speed of 36-38 depending on model & King Tiger' road speed was between 35-42 depending on model. What I, and many others, called for in beta was that the tigers got a speed of 35-38 which would put them in the same range as all the other heavies in their class.
Now I have played this game on/off since august 2010 I believe and I have yet to find a cause why the tigers are limited to 30 and 28.... but then again mate ohhh the stories I could tell of the BS WarGaming lets out when you start to ask questions.
The comparison that was made back then was that while we were trying to convince WG that the tigers needed a speed boost to somewhere mid to late 30s, they upped the speed of the IS-3 from 36 to 38 on "historical reasons" to which we pondered and questioned that if the IS-3 got a boost it didn't need based of historical info they had why were the tigers kept at their unhistorical speeds... to which we were *in kinder words* told to suck it up, deal with it or change nations.

Overlord: Its not that one-sided. First off this is business, and i-game national bias is BS. Or if it does exist we are biased to Lorraine/Chatillion more than to anything.
IS7 got minus 10 to his top speed, IS4 - minus 6-8, IS3 - minus 2, IS - minus 3. And that is taking into account that data differ and various tanks had their own passing abilities which also have their effect in game.

Petition to change damage and penetration deviation from +-25% to +-10%.
07.02.2012 22:27:39
Subject: Game Discussion\Gameplay Discussion\Petition to change damage and penetration deviation from +-25% to +-10%.
Link on message: #1419946

LiannaSilverwind: Voted for lowering randomness in the game. :Smile_honoring:

EU Questions & Answers
07.02.2012 22:13:53
Subject: Game Discussion\Gameplay Discussion\EU Questions & Answers
Link on message: #1419881

 PzGrenKdr, on 07 February 2012 - 09:02 PM, said: @Overload:Are there any plans to reduce the xp-costs of the US 105mm T5E1 AT?
Tank and antitank gun are very expensive to research (40.7k/41k xp), while compareable german guns costs 16800xp and the sovjet Bl-9(S) as T9 costs 44k but with much better specs. So pls reduce the Tierlvl of the 105mm T5E1 from T9 to T8 and reduce also the costs to maybe 20-21k xp. This would be more fair and balanced(or reduce only the AT gun).

Overlord: Both 105mm will be set to tier 8 and will cost 18k exp, credit price will also be lowered.

EU Questions & Answers
07.02.2012 22:12:24
Subject: Game Discussion\Gameplay Discussion\EU Questions & Answers
Link on message: #1419874

 brick128, on 07 February 2012 - 08:05 PM, said: After the 7.1 update and all the nerfs to reduce the amount of arty really worked well.
I almost never get in battles where there are five arty per side.
As WG doesn't designate TD's as SGP's how the hell is it possible to score "Burda's Medal"?
Its the only medal I haven't got yet and I want it.
Please don't get me wrong.
I'm happy that the insane amounts of arty are gone, much better for the game.
Will you do something to make it possible to earn this medal again?
Loads of TD's where designated as SPG's, maybe include them for Burda's medal.

Overlord: We are planning to readjust medals. Some like Burda's are hard to get (btw I have one on RU server), some loke Boelter's are rather easy.

EU Questions & Answers
07.02.2012 22:08:34
Subject: Game Discussion\Gameplay Discussion\EU Questions & Answers
Link on message: #1419856

 RAZORLIGHT, on 07 February 2012 - 07:53 PM, said: will some French tanks, get better gun depression, especially AMX M4 1945, AMX 12t and AMX 50 100?

Overlord: Most likely they will. We are considering this sort of adjustment.

EU Questions & Answers
07.02.2012 22:05:18
Subject: Game Discussion\Gameplay Discussion\EU Questions & Answers
Link on message: #1419841

 PzB, on 07 February 2012 - 06:47 PM, said: Can you elaborate on # 2 please?
- The Tiger is cap'ed at 30km and isn't exactly a top performer.
- The IS-7 can reach 50km and is a top performer.
Intentional or not, makes it look like speed limits have been artificially tailored to make selected tanks slower.
Rolling downhill the Tiger would easily reach ~40km.

Overlord: And according to the IS7 specs historically it could reach 60.

EU Questions & Answers
07.02.2012 22:00:38
Subject: Game Discussion\Gameplay Discussion\EU Questions & Answers
Link on message: #1419821

Overlord: @ Snib
Will check the table when Im back from my minor jouney (in a couple of days). Mobile device is not that convenient.
ps You might need to remind me to do that.

EU Questions & Answers
07.02.2012 21:57:23
Subject: Game Discussion\Gameplay Discussion\EU Questions & Answers
Link on message: #1419809

 zuegma, on 07 February 2012 - 06:20 PM, said: Two questions, one simple, one not so simple
1. Are the values like traverse speed and traverse speed affected by the crew skill i.e. if they are lower than 100% or only when the relevant crew member is killed?
2. Are there any plans to fix the Breda 2cm gun on the leichtraktor in relation to its rate of fire? It is stated at around 320 rpm like most other auto-cannons but it is nothing like that in game. Is this a typo on the stats or a bug in game?

Overlord: 1. Traverse speed is reduced when driver is taken out.
2. Must be an UI bug. Need to check.

EU Questions & Answers
07.02.2012 21:50:53
Subject: Game Discussion\Gameplay Discussion\EU Questions & Answers
Link on message: #1419788

 Dragokar, on 07 February 2012 - 06:06 PM, said: Hello Overlord,
I know that there will be no super platoon what is really really sad but I have another question.
Why don´t you support multicore option excatly?
I know that you posted that it is due technical reason but which one excatly? I build up somquickd & dirty sets with Bigworld 2.0 Indie License and can bring it to life with multicore. So I guess you guys have much more knowledge and should be able to do that. Maybe its a major step for you and needs some big changes inside your 3D or whatever but you really should think about. It is not okay to do a single core game in years of multicore up to 8 cores in consumer PC´s. There are so many advantages in manycore solutions. Not such a big deal for you maybe, but for the players it would be a great improvement.

Overlord: That was also answered some time ago. While technically its possible to enable multi core support in WoT (of the same kind as in WoWP), the current Umbr technology for minor objects which limits the multi core possibilities. WoWP does not use it, since there are not that many objects to display in the sky. Supposedly in the new render we will be able to combine the two.

EU Questions & Answers
07.02.2012 21:34:53
Subject: Game Discussion\Gameplay Discussion\EU Questions & Answers
Link on message: #1419712

 Listy, on 07 February 2012 - 04:36 PM, said: Hello Overlord.
Is there any imminent danger of the much anticipated British tech tree coming out soon? By that I mean just the initial release tree (Infantry/Cruiser/Lights)? I ask because I get the impression that the full tree isn't finished yet.

Overlord: We are going to maintain certain gap between the trees plus we have to accomplish the announced revisions.
We wont see British tanks in the first half of 2012.

Какой конкурс провести?
07.02.2012 18:55:03
Subject: International Forums\BY, RU, UA Community\Турниры и конкурсы\Викторины и конкурсы\Какой конкурс провести?
Link on message: #1418882

View PostConstantinius, on 07 February 2012 - 05:50 PM, said: Вы не правы. WOT - командная игра, и этим всё сказано. "Рандом" - тут ругательное слово. Собирайтесь в команду и участвуйте. А если хотите один, то сделайте конкурс ТИР! Вы один выезжаете на IS7 и против вас 15 оргов на t-50-2 в малиновке по полю шастают. И засекайте как быстро убьёте. Вот веселуха. Любой может участвовать, всем доступно. :)

LiannaSilverwind: Принимая во внимание боекомплект ИС-7, ХП Т-50-2, будет интересно. :)

Journal Hebdomadaire #16
07.02.2012 17:56:50
Subject: Journal Hebdomadaire #16
Link on message: #1418569

Decept1on: de rien :Smile_honoring:

Problème lors de l'installation.
07.02.2012 17:53:32
Subject: Problème lors de l'installation.
Link on message: #1418549

Decept1on: as-tu essayé de retélécharger ?

Problème signature sur le forum
07.02.2012 17:52:43
Subject: Problème signature sur le forum
Link on message: #1418544

Decept1on: c'est un bug du forum, il faut essayer plusieurs fois, si ça marche toujours pas, essayer à une autre heure, j'ai le même problème avec le JH de temps en temps ;)

Problème de connexion au serveur WoT !
07.02.2012 17:51:40
Subject: Problème de connexion au serveur WoT !
Link on message: #1418540

Decept1on: Il y a probablement un problème soit:

- de pare-feu, auquel cas il faut donc ouvrir les ports pour le jeu
- de routeur, le changement d'ip du fait du passage wifi -> ethernet a changé l'ip, tu avais peut-être les ports ouverts pour l'ancienne ip réseau mais pas la nouvelle, je suggère fortement de regarder ici

Impossible de se connecter au réseau
07.02.2012 17:47:50
Subject: Impossible de se connecter au réseau
Link on message: #1418508

View PostMetheril, on 07 February 2012 - 12:41 PM, said: Bonjour,

J'ai actuellement le même soucis que toi mais je ne trouve pas le fichier preferences.XML
Pouvez vous me donner le nom du dossier dans lequel il se trouve ou le chemin pour y accéder ?
Merci d'avance

hé bien, si tu utilise Win 7, il se situe dans C:/Utilisateurs/ton_nom_d'utilisateur/AppData/Roaming/Wargaming.net/WorldOfTanks

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