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Конкурс "Самый большой прогресс января"
03.02.2012 09:12:40
Subject: International Forums\BY, RU, UA Community\Турниры и конкурсы\Викторины и конкурсы\Конкурс "Самый большой прогресс января"
Link on message: #1398068

View Postappendix, on 02 February 2012 - 04:23 PM, said: забавная разница в баллах 2 и 3-го мест)
я тоже новичок можно сказать но о конкурсе узнал поздновато и после находился там, где играть, а тем более повышать эффективность, затруднительно
но думаю 2-й (а точнее 3-й :Smile-hiding: ) раз тот же конкурс проводить не стоит, может только потом, если появится другая формула :rolleyes:
если что я за проведение ротного марафона или чемпионата какого нибудь среди нашего и балтийского коммьюнити - как раз стимулировать развитие ротных боев
только чтобы скринов поменьше :o

OldFox: Ротный марафон - дело хорошее, но он отсекает от участия соло-игроков. Есть люди, которые не любят играть во взводах или ротах.
Второе: ротный марафон рано или поздно из конкурса игроков превратится в конкурс командиров рот: заставить всех вовремя придти, поддерживать дисциплину и т.д. и т.п. То есть, победит более организованная команда, а не более скилованная. Например, не собрали топовый состав, поехали в составе 9-10 человек, естественно, слились там, где могли бы и победить, будь еще 2 человека и так далее.

Какой конкурс провести?
03.02.2012 09:06:12
Subject: International Forums\BY, RU, UA Community\Турниры и конкурсы\Викторины и конкурсы\Какой конкурс провести?
Link on message: #1398058

View PostSech, on 10 January 2012 - 08:18 AM, said: Навеяно вот этим.
Коль различные творческие конкурсы у нас уже проводились (те же эссе, например) - почему бы не сделать конкурс на лучший обзор/комментарий какого-нибудь матча (пусть даже с чисто символическими призами)? Причём можно даже в двух номинациях: голос+видео и письменное резюме игры.

OldFox: Я поясню свою позицию, которую конкурс эссе как раз и подтвердил. Творческих людей, способных писать, рисовать, сочинять и прочее, не так уж и много в реальной жизни. Соответственно, примерно такой же % от общего числа игроков WoT способен на что-то экстраординарное. Остальные просто умеют играть.
Так вот, у нас очень небольшое коммьюнити, поэтому количество участников творческих конкурсов будет настолько невелико, что среди них не будет конкуренции. Призы придется давать тем, кто участвовал, а не тем, кто сделал лучше всех. Это дискредитирует сам принцип конкурса - кто лучший. Творческие конкурсы хороши на большой аудитории, на большом коммьюнити. Поэтому я предпочитаю проводить конкурсы, связанные с самой игрой, поскольку играть мы все можем.

We are going to dance
03.02.2012 07:53:49
Subject: We are going to dance
Link on message: #1397949

View PostGorzki, on 02 February 2012 - 11:54 PM, said: 1st PAD does not interfere in what our players do in random battles. If they are breaking the rules, wargaming is supposed to chase them, I'm not interested in being a policeman. Or doing their job for them. So if you will se 1PAD member breaking the rules, flaming, cheating, teamkilling, using hacks - report it to support, cause if you will send it to me (or other 1PAD officials) i will just delete it because it's not mine concern.

vuque: So you don't have any concern like protecting your name&honour and you/your ppls can cheat until they get cought/punished.You think if he/she is not cought he/she is innocent.Awesome kind of corruption.Once upon a time i thought you had some moral manners but now i can clearly see you don't.  :unsure:

Best Regards from EPIC
02.02.2012 22:10:27
Subject: Best Regards from EPIC
Link on message: #1396898

vuque: So when i saw the quick victory i directly thought "they wanted to loose(again) and that is because they lost."
Then i learn that was 15:0 and i realized there must be a hidden purpose behind it because mighty epic don't loose battle's they just wants to give some presents to their enemies(like chuck norris).  :Smile_harp:

Раздолбайский клан - Saboteur "DAD" - "Диверсанты"
02.02.2012 21:42:39
Subject: International Forums\BY, RU, UA Community\Клановый раздел\Раздолбайский клан - Saboteur "DAD" - "Диверсанты"
Link on message: #1396795

OldFox: Создал специальную тему для продолжения обсуждения конкурса. Чтобы тут не флудить и оффтопить, прошу высказываться там: http://forum.worldof...81#entry1396781

Обсуждение конкурса "Прогресс января"
02.02.2012 21:40:06
Subject: International Forums\BY, RU, UA Community\Турниры и конкурсы\Викторины и конкурсы\Обсуждение конкурса "Прогресс января"
Link on message: #1396781

OldFox: Приветствую коммьюнити!
Поскольку конкурс "Самый большой прогресс января" завершился, надо подумать, проводить ли его в дальнейшем. Было высказано много претензий к формуле подсчета эффективности игрока, поэтому я решил спросить вашего мнения: проводить/не проводить/проводить, если исправить формулу.
Особый интерес у меня вызывает формула. Сейчас она поощряет новичков, имеющих небольшое количество боев. Я понимаю, что опытные игроки с высоким коэффициентом эффективности остаются как бы за бортом, поэтому спрашиваю: если у кого-то есть идеи, как доработать формулу, прошу, высказывайтесь.
Давайте в данной теме обойдемся без флуда и троллинга, а будет говорить корректно и по делу.

Раздолбайский клан - Saboteur "DAD" - "Диверсанты"
02.02.2012 21:32:51
Subject: International Forums\BY, RU, UA Community\Клановый раздел\Раздолбайский клан - Saboteur "DAD" - "Диверсанты"
Link on message: #1396756

View PostSU_152rus, on 02 February 2012 - 08:26 PM, said: Конкретно, уже говорилось в прошлых темах - повторять не имеет смысла.
По поводу новичков: у нас в клане таких около 15 человек активных каждый день, стаж от 1000 до 5000 боев, и совсем новичков человек 7 с <1000 боев - они тоже не захотели.

OldFox: Потому что их командир получил РО? Завидная солидарность, молодцы новички. А вот тебе, на мой взгляд, стоит подумать, как сделать так, чтобы твои личные траблы с адмиином не лишали новичков шанса заработать голду.

Раздолбайский клан - Saboteur "DAD" - "Диверсанты"
02.02.2012 21:14:22
Subject: International Forums\BY, RU, UA Community\Клановый раздел\Раздолбайский клан - Saboteur "DAD" - "Диверсанты"
Link on message: #1396685

View PostSU_152rus, on 02 February 2012 - 07:59 PM, said: Легко додуматься самому, просто посмотрев странички победителей. На это указывалось еще в прошлом месяце, но из-за страстей по "тухлому лидеру DAD", на это не обратили внимание. Также в прошлом же месяце указывались (не мной) и другие дырки в правилах, и способы их корректировки, но и от них отмахнулись. Когда я в январе намекнул про дырявые правила, имея ввиду дырки с прошлого месяца, мне влепили, цитирую: "показательное наказание", совершенно не поинтересовавшись, а собственно почему я высказался в подобном ключе. Засим, наш клан решил после этого конкурса больше не участвовать в подобных ивентах. Причем многие сошли с дистанции и в этом конкурсе, в последний день, как только подтвердилась "дырявость" ивента.Чешипузик, например, выложил свои скрины просто так.
ЗЫ. Против победителей мы не имеем ничего лично против. Даже рады их победе, несмотря, что как раз ивент был "под них", а не для всех.

OldFox: Ты конкретно ответить можешь? Что именно в правилах было не так, по-твоему? Никто и не отрицал, что это конкурс для новичков, призванный стимулировать их прогресс. А для "отцов" был взводный марафон. Кроме этого, что еще не так?
По поводу РО - я тебе тогда сказал, и сейчас повторю: не терплю панибратства, а так я белый и пушистый.
ПС. Да, прошу обратить внимание: я говорю о правилах, то есть, о регламенте проведения, а не о самой формуле. О ней нужен отдельный разговор и в отдельной большой теме.
ПСС. По поводу вашего неучастия - мне жаль. Однако тут на показательные демарши внимания никто не обратит. Меня так воспитать у вас не получится, а остальной народ даже рад - меньше конкуренция. Так что это вам самим невыгодно

Раздолбайский клан - Saboteur "DAD" - "Диверсанты"
02.02.2012 20:48:51
Subject: International Forums\BY, RU, UA Community\Клановый раздел\Раздолбайский клан - Saboteur "DAD" - "Диверсанты"
Link on message: #1396579

OldFox: Оффтоп, конечно, но позволю себе напомнить: СУ-152 так и не ответил мне, чем правила проведения конкурса были несправедливы. Мне кажется, формула немного хромает, а сам регламент нормальный.

Раздолбайский клан - Saboteur "DAD" - "Диверсанты"
02.02.2012 20:40:17
Subject: International Forums\BY, RU, UA Community\Клановый раздел\Раздолбайский клан - Saboteur "DAD" - "Диверсанты"
Link on message: #1396535

View PostSU_152rus, on 02 February 2012 - 07:35 PM, said: Ох shit! вся семейка в сборе)))

OldFox: Дык, может, по такому случаю... по маленькой?

Раздолбайский клан - Saboteur "DAD" - "Диверсанты"
02.02.2012 20:31:31
Subject: International Forums\BY, RU, UA Community\Клановый раздел\Раздолбайский клан - Saboteur "DAD" - "Диверсанты"
Link on message: #1396497

OldFox: Едритыть... Тогда я что, ДэдВолкеру - дедушка??????

We are going to dance
02.02.2012 19:52:58
Subject: We are going to dance
Link on message: #1396344

View Postn0way, on 02 February 2012 - 06:41 PM, said: Yeah, because someone in your clan was stupid enough to let us. And I'm not the one who was all like "It's impossible to put a mole in PTS" on forums before this happened ;) same as we were stupid enough to let google bots chache our forums so your beloved CL could publicize parts of it, remember? When you play dirty be prepared, its a double-edged sword. End of story.

vuque: That doesn't explain the truth about the teams and their quailty/power.That statement just say's "yeah we have cheated because we can."I would expect sth like this from you "My/our team is strong enough to play fair and beat our enemies at equal based area's but at this case some info's came but i don't think so that effects my team so much.I still believe my team is capable of win against that PTS team bla bla"
But you prefer to say "yeah we have cheated because we can."
Hmm interesting.Nice to see how confident you are about your team  :Smile_great:   :rolleyes:

We are going to dance
02.02.2012 19:39:25
Subject: We are going to dance
Link on message: #1396296

View Postn0way, on 02 February 2012 - 06:28 PM, said: Maybe yes, maybe no; who knows how would it end.

vuque: From here;looks like you knew how would it ends and that is because you cheated...

We are going to dance
02.02.2012 19:36:34
Subject: We are going to dance
Link on message: #1396280

View PostDesertArms, on 02 February 2012 - 06:01 PM, said: 1. we are not weak we are on global map since it started and not like some Pirates because we make not aggresion pact with EVERYONE arround us

DesertArms (Diplomat SB_2)

vuque: That part made my day  :D

Gamespy tested World of Tanks
02.02.2012 18:53:59
Subject: Gamespy tested World of Tanks
Link on message: #1396020

vuque: 3 star only?  :Smile-hiding:

EU Questions & Answers
02.02.2012 16:42:06
Subject: Game Discussion\Gameplay Discussion\EU Questions & Answers
Link on message: #1395177

View Postje87, on 02 February 2012 - 03:32 PM, said: Hi,
will it be possible in one of the next patches to buy more slots (maybe +1 for Credits and +2 for Gold) for consumables and modules?
How does it wok with the new upcoming crew skills in 7.2?
The way to bring the second, third..etc. skill to 100% is very long at the moment.
Will you speed it up or give us the opportunity to pay for it?

Overlord: 1. No, won't be doing that.
2. Yes, it's would require some time to grind 4th and further skills. We are planning to introduce a way to speed up the process.

EU Questions & Answers
02.02.2012 16:23:29
Subject: Game Discussion\Gameplay Discussion\EU Questions & Answers
Link on message: #1395060

View Postkamilus, on 02 February 2012 - 03:17 PM, said: When will you know more about that change? Can you give me some info about time, when you decide how to make it and how it will look? Are you discussing that thing now, or just the problem was moved away in time?

Overlord: "When" is not my type of question. Things will be clear closer to the release of the patch with German TDs. I remind you that won't happen in the next 2-3 updates.

EU Questions & Answers
02.02.2012 16:21:50
Subject: Game Discussion\Gameplay Discussion\EU Questions & Answers
Link on message: #1395050

View Postyourgreatestfear, on 02 February 2012 - 03:09 PM, said: At least you admit that you have a flawed way to balance the game. :Smile_great:
We don't prefer to exploit weak and deseased.
But actually your whole matchmaking (High Tier spread), XP-/creditsystem (no difference between damaging higher/lower Tier) and PayToWin-system (gold ammo and premiumtanks with better Battle Range) very much favors and encourages bashing the weak, noobs and deseased (= stock tanks)!
Any way we can at least convince you to change your priorities in development?
More weight on gameplay/battle types then new items/maps for example. Took you almost a year now to implement techtrees while only minor changes were made in gameplay and nothing new added in that part.

Overlord: Balance? It's ok mostly, much better than it used be.
Matchmaking? Yes, it needs much improvement.
We do know the priorities. They are new game modes and matchmaking 2.0. Eg techtrees and matchmaking system are developed independently and don't depend on each other.

EU Questions & Answers
02.02.2012 16:18:09
Subject: Game Discussion\Gameplay Discussion\EU Questions & Answers
Link on message: #1395027

View PostGigaton, on 02 February 2012 - 02:51 PM, said: Was this really true? Our regular Russian Q&A informant on US forum, Kruzenshtern, just informed us that Serb has said:
Assuming this is true (and Kruz is about always reliable) does this mean Chaffee is going to be affected as well? Or is the T-50-2 just being rethought rather than nerfed.

Overlord: Just checked EU weekly stats specifically for you. Both M24 and T-50-2 have approx equal win ratio of 53%, while Chaffee earns 13% more experience per battle on average. So yes, the American is in the lead here.

EU Questions & Answers
02.02.2012 16:07:47
Subject: Game Discussion\Gameplay Discussion\EU Questions & Answers
Link on message: #1394966

View Postburdy, on 02 February 2012 - 03:05 PM, said: I have a question about a sign in Himmelsdorf and Mines.
Posted Image
The text reads "Stop. The inscription in German onward unreadable. Attention". The sign was obviously created by someone who can't speak German.
Is it intended to be a joke or did someone simply randomly stringed together German words to make the sign look like a German sign for someone who can't speak German?

Overlord: The text reads "Stop. The inscription in German onward unreadable. Attention". The sign was obviously created by someone who can't speak German.
Is it intended to be a joke or did someone simply randomly stringed together German words to make the sign look like a German sign for someone who can't speak German?
Can't it be just an unreadable inscription or even an easter-egg? :)

EU Questions & Answers
02.02.2012 16:06:13
Subject: Game Discussion\Gameplay Discussion\EU Questions & Answers
Link on message: #1394961

View PostSzturmi, on 02 February 2012 - 02:24 PM, said: If it would be introduced then skill would be unimportant in this game. Many players with worse skills then yours would get more XP and credits (so get more and better tanks faster) because they would have been fighting with less skilled people then you. So your idea is good only for bad players helping them in grind.
1. T25-2 TD looks almost exactly like T25 tank, so is it T25 tank put into TD line (like T30)?
2. What do you think about nerfing Lorraine by removing 100 mm gun (it would be also slight nerf for Bat Chat, because his user had to research this gun)? Lorraines have such great influance on battle because they can penetrate anyone on battlefield which is impossible for other VIII tier meds.

Overlord: 1. Practically yes.
2. Will see. Personally I'm against this.

EU Questions & Answers
02.02.2012 16:04:35
Subject: Game Discussion\Gameplay Discussion\EU Questions & Answers
Link on message: #1394951

View PostKongtiger, on 02 February 2012 - 02:11 PM, said: Overlord - I think the best MM should acoount for "skill"- team members should have more or less same experience and that could be evaluated using your ingame global ranking - we all have our global rank calculated by you. Then we would exclude matches which annoys us all - when 5 or 6 players die in 1st minute or die foolishly and you still loose beiing killing five or even more.

Overlord: It's not 1vs1, or even 4vs4 battles in WoT and we would like to avoid the undesired complexity of match-maker until the introduction of Match Making system 2.0.

EU Questions & Answers
02.02.2012 16:02:16
Subject: Game Discussion\Gameplay Discussion\EU Questions & Answers
Link on message: #1394931

View Postkamilus, on 02 February 2012 - 02:07 PM, said: I'd like to ask one question about expierience on tanks. Assume I have elite Ferdinand in my garage. I research Jagdtiger, but still playing on my Ferdi. After some time I get on it (e.g.) 20k exp. In one of incoming patches second German TD's tree is added, so my Ferdinand will be moved to another tree, and in its place I will have another TD (lets call it X).
So here is the question: is this 20k exp will be moved with Ferdinand to another TD tree, or that expierience will stay on tank X (in place where it was earned)?

Overlord: This change as well as the procedure itself are not finalized.

Раздолбайский клан - Saboteur "DAD" - "Диверсанты"
02.02.2012 15:33:39
Subject: International Forums\BY, RU, UA Community\Клановый раздел\Раздолбайский клан - Saboteur "DAD" - "Диверсанты"
Link on message: #1394756

OldFox: Посмотрел на карту, потом на список кланов. Картина маслом: DAD - 40 человек в клане, провинций не имеет, RG - 55 человек в клане, провинций не имеют. Вместе - 95 человек. Сотрудничать не пытались?

Подсчет точности на арте
02.02.2012 15:20:50
Subject: International Forums\BY, RU, UA Community\Техника\Сравнение техники\Подсчет точности на арте
Link on message: #1394665

OldFox: Мне только кажется, или голдовый сплеш у Т92 был более 14 м, а сейчас стал менее 14 м? В каком патче подрезали?

[BTC] Baltic Storm
02.02.2012 15:19:37
Subject: International Forums\BY, RU, UA Community\Клановый раздел\[BTC] Baltic Storm
Link on message: #1394661

OldFox: А что, уваж. Лиа тоже досталось на орехи, или только Лемосу?

EU Questions & Answers
02.02.2012 15:03:34
Subject: Game Discussion\Gameplay Discussion\EU Questions & Answers
Link on message: #1394554

View PostGigaton, on 02 February 2012 - 02:01 PM, said: Yes, lets all start using procedurally generated instead of random. Then we finally earn the right to wear nerdy eyegalsses. B)
There really isn't any other choise than FV 215B.
Posted Image

Overlord: No comments.

EU Questions & Answers
02.02.2012 15:02:09
Subject: Game Discussion\Gameplay Discussion\EU Questions & Answers
Link on message: #1394543

View PostAnonym0us, on 02 February 2012 - 01:51 PM, said: Question of the millenia : Why do we even have ingame statistics at all... wouldnt it be better to balance the game after tank performance with equally skilled players then to balance it after players who the majority of them dont even know how to handle the tanks.

Overlord: In-game statistics is displayed for players use only, some like to stare at figures and compare.
The data used for game design balancing is of another kind. From the game point of view everyone is equal: skilled guru and novice or "noob" with X thousand battles.
Or you would prefer to slaughter the diseased and weak to preserve the gene pool?

EU Questions & Answers
02.02.2012 14:53:07
Subject: Game Discussion\Gameplay Discussion\EU Questions & Answers
Link on message: #1394487

View PostCpt_Kawa, on 02 February 2012 - 01:41 PM, said: First of all stop calling some game mechanics in WoT random, as they are not. They can't as they are produced by algorithms, so maybe they seem random but they aren't. Producing real randomness would be based on physical processes like a real dice roll or radioactive decay and so on and it is doubtful that the "WoT - randomness" is based on such processes.
But you actually knew what I was aiming for, but probably I should write it more clearly:
"Why can't we choose what maps we want to play and what maps we don't want to play?"
Personally there are some maps I really dislike and it is fkin annoying to be forced to play those.
I can't think of a round based shooter where you can't select maps. So please explain.

Overlord: Personally there are some maps I really dislike and it is fkin annoying to be forced to play those.
I can't think of a round based shooter where you can't select maps. So please explain.
Now you know one.

Конкурс "Самый большой прогресс января"
02.02.2012 14:48:47
Subject: International Forums\BY, RU, UA Community\Турниры и конкурсы\Викторины и конкурсы\Конкурс "Самый большой прогресс января"
Link on message: #1394459

View PostSU_152rus, on 02 February 2012 - 01:10 PM, said: Данный конкурс в который раз доказал необьективность правил конкурса. Почему так? Думайте сами, распинаться не буду - не хочу снова в РО за "ёрничество".

OldFox: А ты попробуй без "ёрничества". Правила конкурса чем были плохи?
Если твоей задачей является постебаться над модером или админом, то это карается на всех фрумах, а если ты говоришь корректно и по-делу, то банить тебя вряд ли будут.

EU Questions & Answers
02.02.2012 14:13:22
Subject: Game Discussion\Gameplay Discussion\EU Questions & Answers
Link on message: #1394218

View PostSnib, on 02 February 2012 - 12:44 PM, said: While the effect is the same, previously it was actually said that Accelerate Crew Training distributes the entire XP the tank would earn (100%, since 5% free XP are bonus) to the crew member with the least total XP (0.6.4 patch notes), in addition to the same amount of XP that is regularly being shared by all crew members.
Is that still correct Overlord? (I assume your avg. 25% was just a reference to an average crew count of 4?)

Overlord: The least experienced one gets the bonus since 6.4, correct. 25% is a reference to an average crew count of 4. Also, correct.

Конкурс "Самый большой прогресс января"
02.02.2012 13:58:08
Subject: International Forums\BY, RU, UA Community\Турниры и конкурсы\Викторины и конкурсы\Конкурс "Самый большой прогресс января"
Link on message: #1394129

OldFox: Ну что, проводить ли еще такой конкурс? Мне кажется, что новичков в коммьюнити мало, а данная формула поощряет именно их. Так что вам, скорее всего, такой конкурс не будет интересен.

EU Questions & Answers
02.02.2012 13:21:50
Subject: Game Discussion\Gameplay Discussion\EU Questions & Answers
Link on message: #1393933

View PostAnonym0us, on 02 February 2012 - 12:20 PM, said: As my question seems to have been deleted i will ask again.
Q : are devs going to implement new "correct" Ingame Tips for players not aware of current game mechanics?

Overlord: Yes, it's in plans.

EU Questions & Answers
02.02.2012 13:15:21
Subject: Game Discussion\Gameplay Discussion\EU Questions & Answers
Link on message: #1393888

View Postdeveen23, on 02 February 2012 - 11:17 AM, said: Overlord, any info available on tree line Centurion will be on, medium or heavy?

Overlord: Medium.

EU Questions & Answers
02.02.2012 13:07:04
Subject: Game Discussion\Gameplay Discussion\EU Questions & Answers
Link on message: #1393846

View PostSnib, on 02 February 2012 - 05:05 AM, said: Overlord, we've done some testing regarding the aiming circle and would appreciate if you could confirm our findings. Is it true that:
Shots are normally distributed around the center of the reticle (wherever the server thinks it is).
The accuracy at 100m value given in the gun descriptions actually describes the standard deviation σ from the center of the reticle, i.e. only 68.27% of all shots will land land within this area.
If 2. is correct, it seems the outer edge of the aiming circle is set at ~ 2.5 σ, i.e. 98.76% of all shots will land within this area.
At close range, the reticle shrinks down to 25% of its original size. Is this just a UI feature or does it mean that shot deviation at close range is reduced by the same factor?

Overlord: Regardless of the range shells are to be distributed within the aiming circle. If they are not it's either a bug or a result of server fault / connection issue.

EU Questions & Answers
02.02.2012 12:35:11
Subject: Game Discussion\Gameplay Discussion\EU Questions & Answers
Link on message: #1393723

View PostNixouf, on 02 February 2012 - 09:49 AM, said: Overlord you admitted that french high tier tanks are going to be nerfed.
In this case and looking at the further statistics of win ratio by tank country:
In accordance to this statistics and the fact French are going to be nerfed, will the type 59 and all the Russian tanks get nerfed too?
Will the french low tiers get buffed?

Overlord: These figures are not particularly important for balancing. Each tier/class combination is considered separately.
You will see that during public tests.

EU Questions & Answers
02.02.2012 12:31:04
Subject: Game Discussion\Gameplay Discussion\EU Questions & Answers
Link on message: #1393707

View Posttrispect, on 02 February 2012 - 08:38 AM, said: About map rotation: Is the rotation truly random or do you have some kind of weighing in it? Since it seem to vary day by day. With this I mean you get some map more ofren than others and some maps hardly at all.
EDIT: So even if you could not exclude maps from rotation completely, it would be nice to get to set lower weighing on some maps you would like to see less often.

Overlord: All maps are on equal ratio, apart from Malinovka, Himmelsdorf, and Mines, which in total occur more often due to the fact that newcomers battles are limited to the three.

EU Questions & Answers
02.02.2012 12:26:00
Subject: Game Discussion\Gameplay Discussion\EU Questions & Answers
Link on message: #1393674

View PostSnortsch, on 02 February 2012 - 03:18 AM, said: Hi Overlord,
you can get an estimate on how many matches you have to play before your
crewmembers skill will reach the next percentage point. Turning on "accelerate
crew training" doesn't seem to change this number.
Is the benefit from the accelerated crew training not displayed, or is the acceleration that marginal?
If it just isn't displayed, can you tell me the rough, average percentage of acceleration you
get with this option?

Overlord: It's not displayed. The avg bonus of accelerated crew training is 25% of the exp earned.
We are planning to introduce a faster and more extraordinary way to train crews in future.

EU Questions & Answers
02.02.2012 12:23:38
Subject: Game Discussion\Gameplay Discussion\EU Questions & Answers
Link on message: #1393663

View PostSturmtiger_304, on 01 February 2012 - 04:58 PM, said: I just got a very good example of a bug with the stock S-51 gun with normal HE.
(S-51 direct hit no explosions on the sides of the enemy's GW Panthers. I will try to get a Fraps video like I did below.)
This is the exactly the same issue that the GW Tiger had with it's stock 170mm HE gun being fired on it's own tank type.
(Skip to 2:15 for the actual shot example.)
Will this be fixed, the S-51's stock gun haves 900 damage, yet cannot destroy a open topped GW Panther with 500 HP'ish.

Overlord: The gun took all the damage. With SPG shell it does look especially illogical.

Lielākais janvāra progress
02.02.2012 11:23:49
Subject: International Forums\Baltic Forums\Latviešu\Turnīri un konkursi\Viktorīnas un konkursi\Lielākais janvāra progress
Link on message: #1393407

View PostThelenox, on 02 February 2012 - 10:06 AM, said: Diena uzlabota par 150%. Bija iemesls prātīgāk spēlēt un kā jau redzat - tas atmaksājās ar 6000 gold. Ceru, ka turpināsim iegūt vietas šajos konkursos un parādīt latviešu mērķtiecību un spēlētprasmi EU serverī.

OldFox: Es ari uz to loti ceru :Smile_honoring:

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