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Wojny Klanów: zamrożenie mapy globalnej
17.12.2013 18:05:03
Subject: Wojny Klanów: zamrożenie mapy globalnej
Link on message: #6729746

{lang:macro__view_post}malps, on 17 December 2013 - 04:46 PM, said: Jak zawsze musi być jakiś kwiatek    Pamiętajcie jednak, że mapa globalna będzie zamrożona na okres przerwy świątecznej – od 23 grudnia do 9 stycznia. Ostatnie rozgrywki na mapie globalnej odbędą się 22 grudnia. Po odblokowaniu mapy 9 grudnia zostaną przywrócone zasady, które obowiązywały przed rozpoczęciem kampanii:   Takie tam raz styczeń raz grudzień, co do przerwy to zdecydowanie jestem za, trochę odpoczynku jest bardzo wskazane:glasses:

Gepard_PH:   Takie tam raz styczeń raz grudzień, co do przerwy to zdecydowanie jestem za, trochę odpoczynku jest bardzo wskazane:glasses: Poprawione, dzięki! :)

banned yet again
17.12.2013 17:51:37
Subject: banned yet again
Link on message: #6729592

{lang:macro__view_post}AEG_old_geezer, on 17 December 2013 - 03:59 PM, said: come on WOT and WG you need to let people vent their anger at idiot morons who 1 - cant shoot 2 - cant play 3 - don't want to win 4 - ruin the game 5 - cant kill the enemy 6 - will not cap and win when this is the obvious choice to make   can you please allow for more in game reports, currently 5 is not enough   can you also please extend the number of people that I can refuse chat from as my list is currently full   come on WG stand up and be counted don't hide behind the internet.

Dakiras:   Alright, so a little disclaimer before I reply:   This is in no way meant to belittle you and your opinions, and I'm not trolling. I mean this genuinely.   If you want to vent in an angry and very abusive manner, open Notepad and type out your rage. Scream and shout in all caps, and vent it ALL out. Just let rip. Once this is done and you've returned to your normal self, if you still feel upset by the actions of others make a thread on the forums or speak to the person in-game. BUT!!! You turn what you wrote in your notepad into coherent, polite English (or whatever language you're communicating to this other person/people in).   If these players are really bad, as you say, then I honestly don't believe that shouting at them will help them improve. Talking to them might. If not, then at least you've tried.    

Quitting WOT
17.12.2013 17:43:51
Subject: Quitting WOT
Link on message: #6729517

Dakiras: It's generally not a good idea to paint a big target on your back for the rest of the community to shoot. (Rear armour is generally pretty weak). I can understand frustrations and annoyance - everyone feels it from time to time; however, quitting threads don't offer any valuable discussion and as you have seen here you have created an opportunity for people to take a shot at you personally.   Sorry that you feel disgruntled with the game, but a public thread such as this doesn't give us (Wargaming) any views on what you would like to see changed. It only serves as a very loud cry of anguish. If you want to see something change, make a discussion based around that specific topic and offer your own thoughts on the matter. Based on your account's posting history I don't think this has been attempted yet.   Locking before it turns nasty.   -Dak

Bir Sonraki Topluluk Etkinliği Nerede Olsun?
17.12.2013 17:42:05
Subject: Bir Sonraki Topluluk Etkinliği Nerede Olsun?
Link on message: #6729493

Ishtara: Arkadaşlar bu anket yarın kapatılacaktır. Kocaeli ve Eskişehir arasında büyük çekişme var. Bakalım, yarın netleştireceğiz :)

Concurso: Villancicos acorazados
17.12.2013 17:41:44
Subject: Concurso: Villancicos acorazados
Link on message: #6729488

MrDonnie: Muy buenos todos. Va a estar difícil la cosa...

Zwrot golda za ISa-6
17.12.2013 17:40:29
Subject: Zwrot golda za ISa-6
Link on message: #6729474

Gepard_PH: Możliwość uzyskania zwrotu za nieużywany pojazd premium (taki, w którym nie rozegrano ani jednej bitwy) dotyczy tylko pojazdów zakupionych w sklepie premium lub sklepie w grze. IS-6 za misje jest nagrodą, a nie zakupem, więc nie będzie podlegać zwrotowi.

Concurso: Volando voy, volando vengo.
17.12.2013 17:35:14
Subject: Concurso: Volando voy, volando vengo.
Link on message: #6729426

MrDonnie: Bueno Comandantes, cierro el hilo.    ¡Enhorabuena a todos y gracias por participar! 

Nowe konto dla statystyk
17.12.2013 17:31:27
Subject: Nowe konto dla statystyk
Link on message: #6729393

{lang:macro__view_post}Schirru, on 17 December 2013 - 02:29 PM, said: . Reroll to wyczyszczenie całego konta z pominięciem czołgów premium, miejsc w garażu, i rozbudowanych koszar, a żeby zrobić coś takiego trzeba napisać do supportu

Ban - za co ?!
17.12.2013 17:29:44
Subject: Ban - za co ?!
Link on message: #6729374

Gepard_PH: Niestety nikt tutaj nie wie ani nie jest w stanie powiedzieć Ci za co dokładnie dostałeś bana.   Więcej informacji może udzielić Ci tylko dział obsługi klienta: Moje konto zostało zablokowane - co robić? 

Fêtes de fin d'année : Bonus dans le jeu
17.12.2013 17:21:27
Subject: Fêtes de fin d'année : Bonus dans le jeu
Link on message: #6729297

{lang:macro__view_post}Redempteur7, on 15 December 2013 - 09:46 AM, said: Bonjours,   Petit doute;les chars premium  en promo le 25 décembre ont une réduction de 15% à partir de la boutique premium à savoir en euros,ou en jeux à partir d'or ?? Perso,je compte m’offrir le T34 à partir d'or cumulé et j'espérais donc une offre promo qui va dans les deux sens!

Tanatoy: J'ai donc la réponse Redempteur7, les chars seront disponibles avec la réduction en crédits et en or donc en boutique et dans la boutique en jeu. D'ailleurs massive facepalm pour moi, cela est marqué aussi sur l'annonce.    L'hypnose ne marche pas ! "y'en a qu'ont essayé, ils ont eu des problèmes". 

Finały 3 sezonu ligi Wargaming.net w Tychach - ankieta
17.12.2013 17:01:16
Subject: Finały 3 sezonu ligi Wargaming.net w Tychach - ankieta
Link on message: #6729099

Cmd_Latina: Drodzy fani rozgrywek esportowych!   Jak zapewne wiecie już w styczniu odbędą się finały 3 sezonu ligi Wargaming.net. Wydarzenie to będzie się odbywać przez dwa dni (24-25 stycznia) w specjalnie przygotowanym studiu w Tychach. Czy mielibyście ochotę dołączyć do publiczności w studiu? Czy chcielibyście obejrzeć na żywo zmagania najlepszych drużyn i poznać profesjonalnych graczy World of Tanks oraz członków zespołu ds. Społeczności i esports?     Jeśli jesteście zainteresowani dajcie nam znać w tej ankiecie:smile:

Dekoriere deinen Panzer!
17.12.2013 16:54:28
Subject: Dekoriere deinen Panzer!
Link on message: #6729035

{lang:macro__view_post}ShadowNX, on 17 December 2013 - 10:28 AM, said:   Euer Wettbewerb also eure Regeln aber wo ist denn ein gif ein screenshot ( Mir ist bewusst das gifs aus vielen Bildern besten... Bildern, mehrzahl also nicht ganz Regelkonform )?   Wenn möglich bitte einfach Regeln klipp und klar festlegen und dann nicht noch dran ändern, für Leute die schon einen screenshot in der mache haben ist es natürlich doof wenn nun plötzlich auch gifs gehen.      

SergeantBaba:   Du hast Recht mit deiner Aussage, Ich habe meine bisherige Antwort zurück gezogen und bleibe bei only Screenshots um es für alle fair zu halten!

those nice people who make me regain faith in wot's playerbase
17.12.2013 16:38:12
Subject: those nice people who make me regain faith in wot's playerbase
Link on message: #6728874

Dakiras: Kudos for the after-battle apology Banana, and kudos to Sutakk for the graceful acceptance of the apology and understanding. Just goes to show that the same points can be made in civil discussion. Have a +1

Finále 3. sezóny Ligy Wargaming.net v Tychy, Polsko
17.12.2013 16:35:51
Subject: Finále 3. sezóny Ligy Wargaming.net v Tychy, Polsko
Link on message: #6728847

Tuccy: Přátelé a příznivci eSportu,   Jak možná víte, finále 3. sezóny Ligy Wargaming.net se uskuteční ve dnech 24.1. a 25.1. 2014 ve měste Tychy v Polsku.   Protože je tychy relativně blízko hranic ČR, nabízíme možnost zúčastnit se jako diváci přímo ve stufiu. Máte zájem sledovat souboje těch nejlepších týmů Evropské ligy a posléze se s jejich členy i s námi setkat? Pak prosím vyjádřete zájem v anketě v sekci pro eSport!

Finále 3. sezóny Ligy Wargaming.net v Tychy, Polsko
17.12.2013 16:24:56
Subject: Finále 3. sezóny Ligy Wargaming.net v Tychy, Polsko
Link on message: #6728726

Tuccy: Přátelé a příznivci eSportu,   Jak možná víte, finále 3. sezóny Ligy Wargaming.net se uskuteční ve dnech 24.1. a 25.1. 2014 ve měste Tychy v Polsku.   Protože je tychy relativně blízko hranic ČR, nabízíme možnost zúčastnit se jako diváci přímo ve stufiu. Máte zájem sledovat souboje těch nejlepších týmů Evropské ligy a posléze se s jejich členy i s námi setkat? Pak prosím vyjádřete zájem v této anketě!   Upozornění: Nejde o zápisy na akci, pouze o předběžné zjišťování zájmu o ni. Zápisy budou otevřeny později. Ubytování a dopravu si budete muset zajistit sami, ale pracujeme na zajištění slev na ubytování ve vybraných hotelech.

Licencje do publikowania treści zastrzeżonych prawem autorskim Wargaming na Y...
17.12.2013 16:04:07
Subject: Licencje do publikowania treści zastrzeżonych prawem autorskim Wargaming na Y...
Link on message: #6728518

Gepard_PH: Również nie jesteśmy zadowoleni z tego, że YouTube postanowił zmienić zasady. Dotychczasowy układ był korzystny i bezproblemowy dla obu stron. Wprowadzenie nowych zasad na YouTube jest zaskoczeniem i dodatkowym problemem nie tylko dla Was. Chcemy umożliwić dalsze publikowanie filmików z WoT bez przeszkód każdemu kto jest tym zainteresowany - wysłanie ticketa do supportu z kilkoma informacjami wymaganymi przez procedury jest najprostszym rozwiązaniem jakie możemy w obecnej sytuacji zaproponować.

Finały 3 sezonu ligi Wargaming.net w Tychach - ankieta
17.12.2013 15:54:52
Subject: Finały 3 sezonu ligi Wargaming.net w Tychach - ankieta
Link on message: #6728421

Cmd_Latina: Drodzy fani rozgrywek esportowych!   Jak zapewne wiecie już w styczniu odbędą się finały 3 sezonu ligi Wargaming.net. Wydarzenie to będzie się odbywać przez dwa dni (24-25 stycznia) w specjalnie przygotowanym studiu w Tychach. Czy mielibyście ochotę dołączyć do publiczności w studiu? Czy chcielibyście obejrzeć na żywo zmagania najlepszych drużyn i poznać profesjonalnych graczy World of Tanks oraz członków zespołu ds. Społeczności i esports?     Jeśli jesteście zainteresowani dajcie nam znać w tej ankiecie! :smile:   UWAGA! To nie jest temat do zapisów - więcej informacji na ten temat pojawi się wkrótce na naszym portalu. Jeśli jesteście spoza Tych będziecie musieli sami zorganizować nocleg, ale obecnie prowadzimy rozmowy z hotelami w celu uzyskania zniżek dla uczestników.   Pozdrawiamy   Zespół ds. Społeczności

Veřejný test herní aktualizace 8.10
17.12.2013 15:50:15
Subject: Veřejný test herní aktualizace 8.10
Link on message: #6728372

Tuccy: Tak díky vaší aktivitě se Karlie podařilo získat odpověď :smile:    Šlo o chybu, která byla opraena při dnešním restartu testovacího serveru. Zkontrolujte, jestli se vám volné ZK a goldíky zobrazují nyní normálně - měly by :honoring:

The Intern Help and Support group.
17.12.2013 15:41:15
Subject: The Intern Help and Support group.
Link on message: #6728296

IPaul72: Seasonal Greetings All I fail to see the purpose of this topic aside from it being a completely fictional interview :amazed: Therefore I'm closing and moving the topic as it doesn't generate discussion, just mild humiliation to an otherwise young fella (intern) thats doing a great job.  Kind Regards IPaul72

What happens if..
17.12.2013 15:21:02
Subject: What happens if..
Link on message: #6728116

View PostMystiA, on 17 December 2013 - 01:07 PM, said: ...You happen to complete the is6 quest and You have that tank already? Do you just get a free garage slot? 12k gold as compensation? Or nothing?

Ectar:   You get the gold value of the tank

Which category are you in?
17.12.2013 15:19:09
Subject: Which category are you in?
Link on message: #6728100

View PostMangrove, on 16 December 2013 - 06:13 PM, said: From my observations of behaviour during roll-out from base, I mentally put players in the following categories:
PRO:  Knows what to do and where to go;  leaves base efficiently without bumping into other players;  gives way to other players crossing his path;  doesn't shoot his guns.
LEMMING:  Doesn't know which way to go and turret can be seen turning side-to-side trying to decide which train to follow;  starts out in a direction and then changes mind to follow a longer train in another direction.
NOOB:  Rushes out of base bumping into other players that are in the way;  usually seen shooting guns and often hits other players starting a mini revenge battle; always signalling "HELP", "DEFEND THE BASE", "POSITIVE", "NEGATIVE" for no apparent reason;  is usually one of the first to be killed;  can often be seen trying to explore inaccessible areas of a map or traversing at speed down a 500 foot sheer cliff face;  they also leap off the top.
SHOW OFF NOOB:  Seems to think that travelling with the turret facing rearwards is cool;  usually has a decent tank like a T69 but should go back to Tier I with the other children.
NOOB PLATOON:  Same as Noob above;  usually low tier tanks rushing around in remote areas of a map shooting each other.
IDIOT PLATOON:  And don't we all love it when Tier VIII platoons with Tier II ....
There must be other categories that players slot into ... any ideas?

Ectar:   Pro lemming Show off noob reporting for duty sir!     

HyperX Festtags-Fun-Cup
17.12.2013 14:50:24
Subject: HyperX Festtags-Fun-Cup
Link on message: #6727783

{lang:macro__view_post}GaGaKOT, on 17 December 2013 - 10:55 AM, said: Wann geht es heute los? Um 19:00 lokaler Zeit oder 20:00? Die Einladungen kommen dann wie bei CWs oder? Wie viele Spiele wird es heute geben?

PanzerGert: Aus der englischen News: December 17th, 19:00 CET (UTC+1)   Es handelt sich also um unsere lokale Zeit 19 Uhr. :honoring:   Welche Teams gegen welche antreten ist mir noch nicht bekannt. Wenn ich das richtig sehe sind unsere 'eSportler' gerade dabei das Turnier fertig zu stellen. Seid also bereit wenn um 19 Uhr die Gefechte aufgehen. :izmena:    

{lang:macro__view_post}SagittariusMSM, on 17 December 2013 - 12:36 PM, said: werden die Maps wieder alle im Begegungsmodus gespielt? Diesmal gibt es keinen Hinweis!

PanzerGert: Die Gefechte finden im Encounter Modus statt, siehe dazu auch folgenden Thread, den jedes Team folgen sollte:   HyperX Holidays! - Information and Updates

Quickybabys eSport-Bootcamp: Livestream am 17. Dezember
17.12.2013 14:27:26
Subject: Quickybabys eSport-Bootcamp: Livestream am 17. Dezember
Link on message: #6727559

{lang:macro__view_post}DrNeckbreaker, on 17 December 2013 - 12:17 PM, said: Meine Meinung zu Quickybaby:  guter Spieler (Ich kann von ihm lernen), nett, Humor (z,B. Trollkompanien) und bleibt relativ locker beim spielen. Außerdem erklärt er, wasum er gewisse dinge tut - sehr hilfreich, wenn man sich verbessern will.

PanzerGert: nuff said. :glasses:   Generell kann ich Quicky Baby nur empfehlen, ein sehr lustiger Typ, aber er weiß auch spielerisch sehr gut Bescheid. 

Japanese Art Contest - Emblem Design
17.12.2013 14:25:24
Subject: Japanese Art Contest - Emblem Design
Link on message: #6727536

Dakiras: Remember that the competition ends Monday 23rd December 2013 23:59 CET so make sure your entries are in before then! That's next Monday! :)

12 Days of Christmas - Verse 5!
17.12.2013 14:23:38
Subject: 12 Days of Christmas - Verse 5!
Link on message: #6727523

IPaul72:   Seasonal Greetings!
As you may or may not know, Christmas carols are often sung in certain places around the world to celebrate this festive season. We have a unique competition to celebrate this fine event, in which we take the 12 days of Christmas song and make it World of Tanks themed.    All 12 verses must be completed in time for Christmas at the rate of one line per day, with a prize for each day. All we're asking is for you to help us re-write this popular carol, one line at a time. The line for today is highlighted in orange here as an example:   On the fifth day of Christmas My true love gave to me   Five golden rings   Four Wolverines 3 shots from Lorraines
Two driver's gloves
And the new "Get FOCH'd" tee   Adapt this orange line to a world of tanks themed sentence that rhymes with the verse (see the example below).   At the end of the competition all 12 verses will be published on the forum. Lets see how adaptive and creative our community can be!
  The Reward is: Bonus Code: 1 Free Garage Slot
300 gold
1 Day Premium
Premium Light Tank M3 Stuart  The Rules: All answers must be posted within this topic. Answers sent any other way will not be counted. Edited posts will not count and only one post per player. PLEASE TAKE NOTE OF THIS AS PLAYERS ARE STILL EDITING POSTS. Forum rules apply! Must not contain abusive messages or profanity, or you will be instantly dismissed from the competition. Entries after 23:59 16/12/13 CET are ineligible   Example: On the fifth day of Christmas My true love gave to me:   5 ms ping   Four Wolverines 3 shots from Lorraines
Two driver's gloves
And the new "Get FOCH'd" tee   Seasonal Regards Your Community Team

12 Days of Christmas - Verse 4!
17.12.2013 14:19:45
Subject: 12 Days of Christmas - Verse 4!
Link on message: #6727483

Dakiras: Hi everyone!   Thanks for taking part and making your submissions. The votes are in, and the prize today goes to...   Koksownik for the verse:   On the fourth day of Christmas
My true love gave to me
Four Wolverines   Congratulations! Your prize will be winging its way over to you very shortly.   Thanks again to everyone who took part, and be sure to check on the Regional Contests & Events section for the start of the next round - which will be very soon!

Ankara Ankara Güzel Ankara!
17.12.2013 14:17:39
Subject: Ankara Ankara Güzel Ankara!
Link on message: #6727464

View PostDeatlykiss, on 17 December 2013 - 12:51 PM, said: BABA 2 deydim. ve tam ortam hazırlanırken dışarıda emniyeti sağlamak ile meşkulduk ne oldu ne bitti bilmiyoruz valla :D 

Ishtara:   Tamam ekledim, en kısa sürede geçer hesabına ödülün :)

Youtube Videoları
17.12.2013 13:58:30
Subject: Youtube Videoları
Link on message: #6727278

Ishtara: Arkadaşlar,   Youtube'un telif hakları kullanımı konusunda bazı kuralları değiştirdiğini fark edenleriniz olmuştur. Bu durum haliyle Wargaming oyunlarının videolarını kendi kanallarınızda lisanssız olarak yayınlamanızı engellemektedir. Bu nedenle sizden ricamız.    - Oyun içi kullanıcı adınızı - Adınızı ve soyadınızı - Youtube kanalınızın linkini - Youtube'a kaydolduğunuz email adresinizi   Bana (özel mesaj ile) veya bilet oluşturarak destek ekibine göndermeniz.   Destek sayfamız için:     Böylece size bireysel lisans sağlayarak, sorunsuzca Wargaming ürünlerinin videolarını Youtube kanallarınızda yayınlayabilmenizi sağlayacağız.   Teşekkürler!

QuickyBaby eSports Boot Camp Live Stream, December 17th
17.12.2013 13:57:38
Subject: QuickyBaby eSports Boot Camp Live Stream, December 17th
Link on message: #6727261

Ectar: Always cool to help more people know more about eSports!  It's no secret that Spale are my favorite team too! ULI ULI ULI!    

Do you know Tanks?
17.12.2013 13:43:22
Subject: Do you know Tanks?
Link on message: #6727090

Hunter1911: Fun thread and an awesome idea!

Do you know Tanks?
17.12.2013 13:43:22
Subject: Do you know Tanks?
Link on message: #6727090

TheKroo: Fun thread and an awesome idea!

Ankara Ankara Güzel Ankara!
17.12.2013 13:43:20
Subject: Ankara Ankara Güzel Ankara!
Link on message: #6727089

View PostRZR87, on 16 December 2013 - 02:21 AM, said:     Bu arada malum altınları ne zaman görebileceğiz hesaplarda ?

Ishtara:   Tüm altınlar ve kazanılan premium tanklar hesaplara geçirildi.

Bir Sonraki Topluluk Etkinliği Nerede Olsun?
17.12.2013 13:32:42
Subject: Bir Sonraki Topluluk Etkinliği Nerede Olsun?
Link on message: #6726967

View PostAlleinWolf, on 16 December 2013 - 08:11 PM, said: öğrencileride düşünerek acaba haftasonu yapabilirmisiniz bu etkinliği

Ishtara:   Etkinliklerimiz her zaman Cumartesi günü yapılıyor zaten. Bazen de Cumartesi - Pazar bir yapıyoruz. Ondan hafta sonu olacağından şüpheniz olmasın :)

Güncel Fame Point Sıralaması
17.12.2013 13:29:52
Subject: Güncel Fame Point Sıralaması
Link on message: #6726932

Ishtara: İlk seferlerde bireysel emeğe değer verilmediği konusundaki geri bildirimleriniz dikkate alınmıştı ve bu seferlerde en iyi 10bin oyuncu özel tank hediyesine sahip oldular.   Beni en çok sevindiren kısımsa bu listede Türk oyuncuların da isimlerini görmek oldu. Kazanan herkesi tebrik ederim, tankınızı güle güle kullanın :playing:

Wie funktioniert der Matchmaker ?
17.12.2013 13:28:51
Subject: Wie funktioniert der Matchmaker ?
Link on message: #6726922

{lang:macro__view_post}Funken69, on 17 December 2013 - 09:30 AM, said: Warum ist es nicht geplant?  Technische Gründe?  Spielerlebnis?    Werden durch ein Skillbasiertes MM die Kämpfe nicht ausgeglichener und somit interessanter?

PanzerGert: Das MM ist leider nicht so einfach wie es auf dem ersten Blick aussieht. Im Computerzeitalter sind wir in etwa da als Telefone noch von der netten Telefonistin manuell verbunden wurden, und nicht von Wahlautomaten, als auch die erstmal elektromechanisch waren.   Wenn man Spieler mit 50% Win Ratio aufeinander los lässt, so werden einige gewinnen, andere verlieren. Nun versucht der Matchmaker die starken Spieler gegeneinander zu setzen. Was passiert? Beide drücken sich gegenseitig wieder die Win-Rate auf 50% herunter. Umgekehrt geschieht das gleiche mit denen die verloren haben. Ergo, beide Gruppen werden vom MM dann wieder auf die 50% zurück "gedrückt".   Das ist aber nur eine kurze und simple Version. :honoring:

So gerne ich ein skillbasiertes MM sehen würde, eine Umsetzung wäre, selbst wenn möglich, nicht einfach. Zumal die meisten deswegen nicht unbedingt 10 min oder länger im MM festhängen wollen.

[BABA] Klanı Faaliyet Raporu
17.12.2013 13:22:17
Subject: [BABA] Klanı Faaliyet Raporu
Link on message: #6726849

Ishtara: Türk Topluluk Takımı olarak BABA Klanını tebrik ediyoruz. Son dakika gollerini severiz :popcorn:   Ayrıca vuque'ya katılıyorum, gerçekten bu listede daha fazla Türk klanı görmeyi istiyoruz. BABA klanının başarısının diğer Türk klanlarına örnek olması dileğiyle. Tekrardan tebrikler :medal:  

Licencje do publikowania treści zastrzeżonych prawem autorskim Wargaming na Y...
17.12.2013 12:53:14
Subject: Licencje do publikowania treści zastrzeżonych prawem autorskim Wargaming na Y...
Link on message: #6726528

Cmd_Latina: Po więcej informacji zapraszamy tutaj.   

Second Campaign General Feedback
17.12.2013 12:15:32
Subject: Second Campaign General Feedback
Link on message: #6726214

View PostGnomus, on 16 December 2013 - 04:37 PM, said: Hi dear WG and other players.   Here’s some thoughts about Campaign II. As feedback to WG and as points of discussion for other player. Please share your opinions and point of views so we can get Campaign III  better than this one.   Warning: Wall of text coming. :)   General: 1.       This Campaign was much better than earlier in my opinion.   2.       Rules should have been published even earlier (still much better than last time) and opened up. For example stage 1: “Increased change of revolt” is just words. “100% change of revolts and half of your provinces revolting” would have been hard facts. More about this in VP section. Or even better, publish rules and listen for feedback and then modify them. Now it took most experienced players about 5 minutes to see how FP's can be exploited, but this seemed to surprise WG.   3.       Big alliances couldn’t dominate, but all clans needed to work for their points. This was great.   4.       This changed CW metagame, as instead of safety and area control clans were forced to look for maximum number of (winnable) battles and try to attack and provoke encounters and attacks as much as possible. I liked this.   5.       As main point of Campaign was FP’s (or VP’s for top clans) gold farming was nicely reduced (wise farmers would have been at basic CW map). Most areas were looted most of the time, as stacks went through and holding areas was not necessary. Also clans came and went from riots leaving much room to map. This resulted in nice flow of game, including few chip actions, like 1-1, 2-1 or 4-5. At least for us. Interesting to use less than full stacks on map.   6.       For good clans it was still unwise to fight each others as long as there were other targets available, but once there were no easy battles left, it was battle time no matter who was next to you.   7.       Separating VP’s from FP’s was brilliant. Both had problems in themselves, but having different measures for players and clans was good in theory.   8.           One of biggest problems with FP’s was that clan leadership had to make hard choices about who gets battles and who doesn’t. This was especially true for clans with lot of active players and no “chip accounts”. This was something I didn’t like, as I had to say to some clan members: “Sorry, you are not getting playtime, as getting you to 10k is risky and we need to secure tank to those who can get it.” I hated this. Hated. Did I say I hated it? Yes! I hated it really much!   9.       Campaign was still too long. I know several CW-leader that got burnt out at third stage (point 8 didn’t help this). 3x12 was not necessary. 3x7 or 4x7 if T4 would be included would have been better.   10.       Tier coefficiencys for FP’s were pretty good. There was hardly difference between stage 1 and 2 battles and stage 3 had only slightly bigger amount of FP’s per battle. Good job there. Interestingly it wasn’t the tiers, but maps that made FP difference. From a nice victory in Campinovka with medium lineups clashing one could get only near to 4k mark, with heavy lineup in Ensk even 5k was possible per battle.   11.       Fame points from missions should have been visible as soon as mission is finished. There will be lot of butthurt when someone who reached 10k with hard work will be dropped out after campaign as mission rewards are added.  Points and situation should be visible all the time to increase competition, but also to show actual situation of player.        12.    Otherwise Missions were good. They didn’t give too much fame, but that fame came to all players in clan. Nice addition to give reasons to do something else.   13.       Please add medal descriptions to “Winners of…” news. Not much work, but then players could see what clans did to get that medal instead of trying to search old news for finding one telling what was needed to get that medal.   14.       Also gather up all important information to clear place. Now there’s official pages, news, news discussion and forum clan section discussions.     Exploiting rules:   15.       This was totally crap. There were no clear rules what is exploit, what is intelligent use of game mechanism and what is just tactically stupid.   16.       Now only rule was “don’t exploit”. Asking for replays was basically ok, but that is something that shouldn’t be clans responsibility (serverside replays anyone?).   17.       Now only few clans got punished for exploiting, and either they must have been stupid (say it loud themselves), very obvious (low tier tanks etc.) or just unlucky (WG decided to concentrate on them). I’m pretty sure that many clans did exploiting more or less and punished clans weren’t only ones or perhaps even worst. Couple of clans contacted us trying to fix match results, but we declined them all. The punished clans were just picked as public warning to others. Arbitrary punishment. Needed, but I would have preferred clear line of what’s ok and what’s not and then some way of make sure that line is same for everyone.   18.       As there’s no official alliances or any way WG can control clans communication it’s pretty much impossible to prevent milder exploiting as even clans part of same community are officially separate. How can one sanction for allies fighting against each other when there are only informal alliances based on communication between players?   19.       Example of mild exploiting: Winner is decided diplomatically and other side brings weaker players, non-optimal but still useful tanks or, easiest, just informs enemy what tactic they are using so they die because of “bad tactical choices”. Pretty much impossible to “prove” as exploit, but means that clans can gather FP’s easier.  Not as fast as clans getting high WR for proper battles, but can more easily distribute FP’s to players needing them regardless  of player skill or tank garage. Problem for clans is losing stacks while doing this.   20.       Side note: My clan decided at start of Campaign to fight properly and every battle was fought to the bitter end. In the end it was good decision, as we managed to get clearly positive winrate and generate more FP’s than could have been done in arranged battles (with 50/50WR). Also everyone getting tank knows they have earned it (few players who should have gotten tank didn’t get it L). We were offered few times fixed battles or NAPs, but it was refreshing to decline them and go for YOLO attacks around. Only problem was lack of delays, as we rarely had actively friendly neighbors.   Victorypoints:   21.       Having very restricted VP’s was good. Getting them needed some work (or luck), especially in stage 2 and 3   22.       Having VP’s as meaningful only to few top clans (FP multipliers, big gold reward) was not good. If you weren’t part of top game it was enough to aim for top30 positions. If you wasn’t part of top30 competition VP’s were totally useless and uninteresting.   23.       There should have been more gradual change. Some bigger reward for positions 4-10 to keep clans fighting for those positions (1-3 got good enough rewards). Also some reward for others too, like 20 000 gold for positions 31-50 and 10 000 gold for 51-100. That would have made non-top clans interested in VP game instead of just folding out of big clans way because for them VP’s meant nothing.   24.       VP numbers were badly out of balance. Stage 1 gave too much in comparison to stage 2 and 3.   25.       VP generating in stage 1 was badly off. To get points as landholder one mistake meant you got nothing while for rioters one lucky success meant you got your reward. As this wasn’t clear from rules (point 2) this made whole 1 stage badly balanced. When situation got clear some clans had clear lead while others had big potential hold that they would have needed to dump to try rioting way. I see three possible solutions: a)      Some coefficiency, like 0,5 to 0,75 for looting VP b)      Longer cooldown for leaving map, so it’s not so easy to raid every evening. c)       Some more difficult system, like banking 10% of potential VP’s per day for landowner. For example 1 day you get 250VP so you get 25VP to bank and 225 as potential. Next day you get another 250, so you have 475 potential so 48 goes to bank etc. Longer you hold area more you get to bank, but there’s still plenty for rioters.   26.   Fix changes from stage to stage and random bonuses from WG. a)      End of stage 1: Landowners needed to stay on map to gather their VP’s. Rioters could leave map as soon as battles were resolved, so they were in better position when stage 2 started. This in combination to rioting being more profitable in stage 1 punished landowners some more. b)       Route of trains in stage 2. Some clans hopped to train and followed it through stage as well as their skill and power permitted. Some other clans met invisible barrier as train went through landing zones meaning that they couldn’t anymore catch that train as they would have needed to take longer route. Trains moved too fast. Staying in one place for a day would have given time to setup some kind of assaults on them. Now they were already gone when you got near them. c)       Stage 2 and 3: Clans getting a train or gold mines in their areas got free VP’s for more than half a day with no need to do anything. Just random bonus from WG.  Best example from start of stage 3 BIA (nothing against BIA, you are just best example of this) got more than 8k from lucky positioning. It took more than two days for VP hunting clans to go past them. [As of writing this BIA is 6th on S3 with 13k VP’s instead of 24th with 5k VP].  Also clans that got hold of train or goldfield just before removing them got only small benefit as they didn’t get full 24h reward. d)      Worst example: MUROP was doing Mission, so had their HQ moved to Kiev, and then wild Goldfield appeared over Kiev and MUROP HQ annihilated. MUROP got screwed badly and EFE got hold of one whole goldfield at end of stage and rocketed past RSOP to victory. And of course all the added drama on forums thanks to this. This almost changed winner of Campaign, so one random placement of Campaign things can have really big cumulative effect. e)      These kind of random changes place clans on uneven footing and their effect can be quite high if competition is though. Most of all, there’s no reason for such. If information is available beforehand clans can plan for it. Then it’s up to their skill, not some arbitrary random decision. Any actual reason not to tell trains route or goldfields positions in advance? Use as little RNG or random jumps as possible or at least give all possible information in advance. If gold field positions would have been given in advance this kind of fiascos would not happen. It would give more options and planning to clans instead of these “hey, have a 10k VP bonus” or “whoops, we just screwed your HQ, have fun” happenings that had major influence to results of whole campaing.   Technical issues:   27.   When you learn to have some quality control?   28.   Wrong logos on maps. Though only when turn was changing.   29.   Homepage languages as random (not CW problem, but makes reading news and announcements quite difficult).   30.   CW map closed for “scheduled maintenance” every primetime. If servers need this to be stable and count all moves properly, then it’s ok. What’s not ok is not tell about it (Russian server had announcement, but EU not). Now you couldn’t know if whole CW is down or is it just calculating turn results, so lot of people had to just wait instead of doing something useful like playing randoms or doing household chores. Also don’t use that same picture as every time server is down. Some day we don’t believe anymore that it’s “scheduled” blow up of servers. Perhaps “CW calculating results, be back in few minutes” instead? (Or “We are having server problems, we are sorry” if it’s actually down.)   31.   FP’s missing from lot of battles.   32.   FP’s doubled or tripled for some battles.   33.   First stage bonuses and FP multipliers applied several times.   34.   Battles not showing up.   35.   Battle results not having effect on map.   36.   Randomly placing goldfield on an area with attack declared. Remove attack and place stack to cooldown and basically spoil on clans plans. Why not place that stack to riot in minimum? (Or better yet, don’t place things on map randomly without advance notice.)   37.   You can move your own chips to rioting area if you own that area. Clear and good rule. When having a “redivision of world map” (normally this is not problem, but we had these twice when some clans stayed on map) you can’t move your own chips from your own province to another own province? Why? Of course you are free to move your HQ and place down chips.  Logic? Simple solution if Igor is too tired to code this properly: remove cooldown for moving HQ during redivision of the world. At least that way one could get their chips on map from HQ to defend against lading clans.   38.   Chips getting removed from map. That one bug of battles not showing up spoilt us one whole day, we were half strength next day as stacks were wrongly positioned and couldn’t get battles or defend areas  and even third day we were still having effects from wrong positionings. Thanks WG. Having chips returned as green was nice, as otherwise we would have been even worse off. Also giving 1000FP for all affected landing clans and 2500FP for affected clans on land was nice, but in one day we could have gotten 5-15k FP’s to players who actually needed those points.     39.   As you can see from earlier point (and 26d) even small changes can have very big effects on map. It’s really nice and appreciated that we get some reaction (freezes removed, FP compensations etc.) instead of old “CW is beta, so suck it up”, but we would like more to have even playing field where results are not decided by unclear rules, random changes or bugs, but clans own action. Now we had probles quite often and having major bug only few days before end of Campaign made it hard for some players to compete for positions at 10k. Having some battles not showing up at last night can pretty much mean that not all who would have deserved tank got it.

Decept1on:     On a serious note, it is a really great constructive feedback and will definitely use every line for my final report. Thanks a lot to you and also all participants of the Second Campaign.   This campaign had its bumps but overall it was good and dynamic and based on this, hopefully we will do much better :)

The all new "I killed Ectar" thread
17.12.2013 12:10:56
Subject: The all new "I killed Ectar" thread
Link on message: #6726169

Ectar: Maybe, it would need to be on a weekend again and I don't normally work weekends now.

HyperX Festtags-Fun-Cup
17.12.2013 11:49:10
Subject: HyperX Festtags-Fun-Cup
Link on message: #6725964

PanzerGert: Die einzelnen Details sind mir nicht bekannt, es gibt verschiedenste Gründe warum Teams nicht angenommen werden, so z. B. wenn diese nicht vollständig sind (ein Spieler Teams sind witzlos) oder Spieler schlicht die nötigen Panzerstufen noch nicht haben bzw. 0 Spiele aufweisen (etc.).

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