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Selling clan wars tank just so you can take a spot from another player
22.03.2022 18:15:20
Subject: Selling clan wars tank just so you can take a spot from another player
Link on message: #13020591
RealBattousai, on Mar 22 2022 - 08:39, said: Not exactly, say you already had the chief, but you secured
your spot in the 1200 for this campaign... so you sell the chief,
make a few million credits, and then get the chief back again (if
that is possible, not sure it is). That is what OP is talking
Link on message: #13020591

churchill50: It is possible, but the player would have to pay 4,000 bonds
+ the fame points equal to the player at 1,200th place in order to
buy the Chieftain again. So it's not worth it at all.
Subject: ranked rewards when ?
Link on message: #13020557
Link on message: #13020557
churchill50: Per the Ranked season article, annual rewards will be handed out
within 2 weeks of the end of the season.
Selling clan wars tank just so you can take a spot from another player
22.03.2022 15:54:36
Subject: Selling clan wars tank just so you can take a spot from another player
Link on message: #13020532
Casual_Boops, on Mar 22 2022 - 05:50, said: Whether or not someone sold a tank before selecting another one is
not relevant-- they were in the top 1200, and if they sell or don't
sell it doesn't matter. The person who's 1201 isn't getting the
tank like that regardless. WG doesn't give out 1200 tanks, it
allows the top 1200 people to select one (for 4,000 bonds).
This thread demonstrates a misunderstanding of the tank
crediting process as its base level.
Link on message: #13020532

churchill50: And to add to this, even if it didn't work this way it would
be stupid to think people would sell a CW reward tank for credits
only to purchase it again for 4,000 bonds, when bonds are a much
more valuable currency.What you're saying makes no sense for
multiple reasons OP. I don't know where you heard this theory, but
you should probably reconsider listening to anything you hear from
that source ever again.
Subject: My game crashed unnormally and I suspect a cheater present.
Link on message: #13020440
Link on message: #13020440
churchill50: So.... let me get this straight. According to the OP, WG has
created such a well-coded and stable game that it is absolutely
impossible that it will crash every once in a blue moon.Is it just
me, or are there major issues with that theory?
Subject: Codes-R-Us
Link on message: #13020371
Link on message: #13020371
Einzelganger7: Well, since now it is about tier and class I guess it is normal
that they reduced the gold earnings because it became more flexible
to choose a tank with said class/tier and participate, is not a bad
thing in general because now more people can participate compared
to the old format where less people had that speciffic tank. So now
we would get less gold per challenge completed but more often (at
least for players like me that do not have all tanks).
Subject: What's a good breakthrough tank?
Link on message: #13020369
Link on message: #13020369
Einzelganger7: If it is tier 8 I'd say VK 100.01 P and the premium US tank
destroyer TS-5.
Subject: E50 the Anime
Link on message: #13020368
Link on message: #13020368
Einzelganger7: Mine has the Girls und Panzer crew as well and for some reason the
tank started to have better win rate/performance since then, I
guess it got the "anime protagonist" treatment. lol

Subject: Clan [FINES] uses inappropriate logo
Link on message: #13020252
Link on message: #13020252
Jaguarz: Someones jimmies have been ruffled....
Subject: Best tier 9 TD ♦ Radley Walters
Link on message: #13019972
Link on message: #13019972
Draschel: This could have been easily avoidable with a simple title. And your
simple rhetoric in the game concerning the title.''My favourite
Tier 9 TD. The easiest one to play, to which even average players
will do acceptable in'' Go now to RU, and ask Stanlox if he
thinks tortoise - best. Go.
Subject: Best tier 9 TD ♦ Radley Walters
Link on message: #13019971
warp103, on Mar 21 2022 - 06:52, said: sigh Clearly So are you still going call it the
WORST?????? Were are the guys saying Hey you are right it the worst
t9 td????
Link on message: #13019971

Draschel: obviously, there can be overlap. Nothing is clear cut. For
instance, Defender or hull down Bofors tomato tank, are easy to
play. AND broken, well the bofors when positioned to be. TS5, well
lets be clear is alot better a platform than Turtle, Tortoise, T95.
Simply because it has way better acceleration, gun handling - while
maintaining that fearful DPM. TS5 can be deployed into OP
scenarios, but there are also scenarios and maps you won't be OP
anymore because you may never even reach fighting. you
are right. It isn't the worst. T95 is the least versatile. Tortoise
tied w/ Jag tiger, the next least versatile. I would
rather play Conway, T30, 263, 704, K91PT, waffen over Tortoise.I
think I would even play Chinese TD over tortoise Skill4ltu
wouldn't have an issue at all. He values flexibility. Thats another
word for versatile. Skill4ltu says this many time. Flexibility is
king.And mr warp, I don't know about you, but just rewatched circon
movie of Turtle, and his take on it was pretty loathsome. If you
can find me a tortoise when, link it, I will watch Whos Atra?
Never heard of it. I am pretty sure 279E and to lesser degree
Chieftain, and to lesser lesser lesser degree jran are easy to paly
as well. Overlap. Someone in 279E >>>> someone in IS4
or IS7. Someone in Chieftain >>>>> VS super conquer.
What I mean by lesser than easy to play, for chieftain and Kran,
compared to 279E because those things need more position knowledge.
They can suffer easier, than 279E when caught out of
position. Bad players have bad habits of being out of position,
often. 279E or something like release 268 V 4 don't care what
position its in. Why would destroy me in
EU? lol? People like iyouxin and kajzoo think the
same way. Daki? Please don't make me laugh. Skill think's the same
way. Are you trying to say cromwell, bourratt, progetto,
skorpion G aren't overpowered tanks because they have a raised
skill floor? They are overpowered, because when the pilot know what
they are doing, they have incalculable skill ceiling, carry factor,
that others in tier don't have. We really shouldn't use tanks like
LT432, Chieftain, 279E, 260 because they blur the lines so
heavily. No, you are right. It isn't the worst. But it isn't
near the best. I wouldn't even say in the middle.
Subject: Gasoline
Link on message: #13019885
Klaatu_Nicto, on Mar 21 2022 - 01:18, said: If you think the price of gas is bad, try wood. A friend is having
some work done on his house and plywood is $120/sheet, $20 for a
six foot 4x4..
Link on message: #13019885

Draschel: There are many doing the:: portable mill and F350
service rig with a crane arm combo. Doin [(illegal
logging)] that the RCMP or COs aren't too concerned about
anyway. You know, mountain pine and spruce bark beetle being what
they are. Or simply excuses for procuring firewood? Lots of
people in unincorporated towns do it.
Subject: Best tier 9 TD ♦ Radley Walters
Link on message: #13019871
Link on message: #13019871
Draschel: Lets be clear on some terminology because obviously you need it
cleared for you. Broken
Easy to play Arta
VZ55 / Skoda 56
110E3Old Type 5
T3485MHulldown Kran/Badger Broken +
OP 279E/Chieftain Lets discuss the
categories. Broken + OP is reserved for those vehicles like
chieftain and 279E, that not only break traditional game play with
impact, like say Kran in Ranked Battle, but UNLIKE Kran aren't
handicapped by limiting factors. For instance, Kran has poor side
armor, poor hull, bad gun control, low HEAT pen that places it in
disadvantage when its not hull down in its safety net. 279E and
Chieftain simply combine the broken aspects of play, with versatile
well rounded attirbutes elsewhere, so they never truly
suffer. Broken is like above, something that they
possess fractures normal physics and/or gameplay. Like HE
bombing, EBR wheels, LT camo on the move, Hull down tanks,
Etc. Overpowered, are platforms that do exceedingly
well. The effort placed into them overflows potentials
obtainable, the better the player the better the result. For
example, Skoda 56 and Renegade are obviously the best tier 8 heavy
tanks, but are they the best tier 8 heavies for lowbies that
casually aren't concerned with 45-49% win margin? Damage yes, as
they are platforms that excel in doing damage, even a bad player
can sum 1,000 damage. But they can be killed quite easily still,
but despite dying rather easy, they still deal that 1,000 damage
easier than they would do so in other heavy tanks. Easy to
play, are the tanks Warp is mentioning, like this Tortoise, or TS5,
or 110E3, or Defender. These tanks, aren't excellent platforms like
say VZ55, Skoda 56, Renegade to deal higher damage than normal, but
are chassis that are tough kill themselves. And end up surviving in
bad players hands, which the bad players would otherwise be killed
in if they were playing something like renee, or Czech heavies. But
despite their resilience, they have things ailing them that allow
them to do the easy damage Renee or Czech heavies are capable of.
Lets look at this, using numbers.-While the defender or TS5 may
block alot of damage and have higher survival rate, higher W/R -
they can have difficulty dealing damage because of limitations in
versatility. Lets say the bad lives, but still deals a mediocre 800
damage.-While the Renegade or Skoda 56 tend to die quicker and have
lower survival rate, but still the high W/R - their difficulties
are staying alive because of softer profiles. Lets say the bad
dies, but still in death deals a higher 1,000 damage. Warp
clearly has trouble distinguishing them. In simply
lumping everything good into 1 category
Subject: Thoughts on a Mixed Italian Casemate TD and Gun Truck TD Line?
Link on message: #13019790
The_Happiest_Husky, on Mar 20 2022 - 22:40, said: Israeli merkava?
Link on message: #13019790

Draschel: We have it already. I can't afford it with mine, but put
Bonds turbo and hardening on 215BVoila
Subject: What 10K Bonds gets you.
Link on message: #13019781
Link on message: #13019781
Draschel: FCM50. did get some love. But it was long ago, the HD re-work I
think. 2017? It gained +250 B.Hp, gained the 8.82 RoF, 2 extra
-GD All
I think it needs now is some more DPM, some protection. Make it
8.96 RoF, 130 UFP, 150 front turret
Subject: What 10K Bonds gets you.
Link on message: #13019778
haxmachine21, on Mar 20 2022 - 20:48, said: The extra gun depression is nice....makes the IS-5 a bit more
flexible when it comes to positioning. And yeah, I can
agree......out of all the other Tier 8 Prem. buffs, the IS-5 got
Link on message: #13019778

Draschel: well, I think T92 LT and T95E2 got more dirt in the eye than
IS5. I just wanted more.To be honest, buffed 20% dispersion control
is huge, even if IS5 was left off still with very mediocre .20/.20
numbers. 1 extra gun depression makes a differenceBut I really do
not see why they could not give 0.44acc and 2,9aim, pretty much
like what they have done with other 122 tanks like T-34-3, 111,
112, 50TP, Defender, 703-ii........comparisons, its extremely sad
that even KV3 has better .44 and 3.1 compared to IS5. .46 and 3.2
are horrendous.If IS5 got .44, 2.9, and either IS-M or
IS-2-ii 750 B.Hp engine I don't see it breaking the vehicle,
breaking the tier. AMX CDC, FCM50, T95E2, T25 Pilot, T92 LT
need more appropriate considerations, and/or re-look
Subject: Thoughts on a Mixed Italian Casemate TD and Gun Truck TD Line?
Link on message: #13019769
Link on message: #13019769
Draschel: Czechoslovak TD 1st please.Japanese SPGs 2nd.Japanese 100 tonne TD
3rdRe-buff AMX CDC and not comically, like they frequently
buff Super pershing, 59-patton, Type 59, STA2. All
else, who cares.
Subject: Gasoline
Link on message: #13019765
Link on message: #13019765
Draschel: Its getting better, though filling up at $/1.77 still isn't fun,
compared to years of steady 1.10-1.40. A week ago it hit $/1.96,
highest regular unleaded I've ever seen. I see a drastic
reduced amount of snowmobilers. Compared to 1 month ago. People
simply unwilling to pay these prices. I pray for the subcontractors
that have to pay for this, yet bill their steady clients normal
rates still. I pray for the V8 pickup drivers or worse, the service
rigs, everywhere. And I pray for the people that fill up with
premium.Here is to hoping it goes back down to 1.50. Thats my
goal For you guys south of the line, thats probably 5.66 a
gallon, converting both.
Subject: What 10K Bonds gets you.
Link on message: #13019708
Link on message: #13019708
Jaguarz: Gratz but the gun isnt much worse than other t8 russian prem
heavies and its on the move stats is better than most and its quite
mobile, has fast velocity apcr as base round, good (relative)
depression, its a "balanced" tank.
Subject: What 10K Bonds gets you.
Link on message: #13019698
Link on message: #13019698
Draschel: one of my first 3 marks. Won it in clan wars a long time ago. I
wouldn't say armor cars fear it necessarily, the shells are
fast but don't particularly go in the direction you need them
to.sort of disappointing in the buffs it got. well, I mean
compared to what KV4 kres, Chieftain 95, ISU130 got yes, IS5 got
the short end of the stick. Interesting giving it some gun
Subject: Guido's Thoughts on the New Rules Violations Policy
Link on message: #13019697
Angry_Johnny_Killbillys, on Mar 20 2022 - 19:12, said: To bad we don't have a XVM type rating for posts and likes because
you would be Green and I would be Purple tells you something...not
you since you cant figure much of anything out but normal folks get
it. Back to the topic the changes again are optics and the
real issue WG is addressing is not creating a system that they lose
players by their own actions.
Link on message: #13019697

Draschel: everything you say, screams green. Like you know, the guy who
still gets 2k damage in a tier 10 and think its great to clock out
after. In 2022. You complain about gold rounds. You complain about
unicums. You complain about sacrificing wins in search of more
combined total. You complain about nerfs like arta or HE. You
complain about certain tanks. You post half truths all the time,
denoting at any given time you know enough that you aren't the
48%er across the street, but are stuck in 3rd gear. You are envious
and snap back at many distinguished players, I mean the visible
ones clearly seen. This has nothing to do whether I like or
dislike you. (Though I do) What it has to do is, if it talks
like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, fidgets like a
duck - chances are it is a duck. And the hypocrisy is pretty
bad too. Name a purple posting player on NA. One that
does it routinely. Someone that picks up 3k + WN8 tiers 8-10
consistently. I've seen enough of your responses in their face. The
excuses change.
Subject: You know what the forum needs...?
Link on message: #13019579
Kliphie_Reborn, on Mar 20 2022 - 10:38, said: OMG, this was just an ingenious rep farming post all along!
Link on message: #13019579

_BobaFett: Truly big brained.
Subject: Worst tank in the Chinese LT line?
Link on message: #13019407
Grillo_Parlante, on Mar 20 2022 - 00:14, said: Yes, its absolutey insane for him to suggest that better s/p is
somehow a negative, or not important for lt performance.
Then its also bizarre that he is basing his ranking as it being in the same tier of bad as the tier 9 or tier 10 on a comparison with a tier 7 prem.
Link on message: #13019407

Then its also bizarre that he is basing his ranking as it being in the same tier of bad as the tier 9 or tier 10 on a comparison with a tier 7 prem.
Draschel: WZ131 was harder to play 4 years ago when I frequently had to
slam into tier Xs, not IXs. And I had to do it without perks like
equip2.0, field mods, HP re-balance to reap The suggestion, if
you read, aren't that HP/T is a negative. But rather terrain
resistances are more important, 400 flipping DPM is more important,
and 20m VR is massively important. 21 HP/T isn't something to
complain about While skill4ltu hates Type 62, i believe its
more of his negative reaction to it treating him sour.
For instance, in RU with his more modern try hard
setups, his WZ131 only slightly outpaces his Type 62
in EU though, his Type 62
massively outpaces his WZ131 in DPG, W/R. Not slightly.
Subject: Best tier 9 TD ♦ Radley Walters
Link on message: #13019403
Link on message: #13019403
Draschel: So are you trying to tell me that if I were to look at top W/R,
DPG, WN8, KPG of medium tanks and see Chieftain, Chimera, T Rex,
Type 59 at the top - its indicative of them being better tanks than
progetto, Bourratt, LIS? Thats your reasoning? What
makes the tank the -BEST- and we are talking about that concept,
right? The -BEST- is that equally, a best or as close as can
be, the best pilot is supposed to be piloting the tank. So lets
take Stanlox for example, and he deals his highest TD DPG in
jag pz, 5 ,660 DPG. Are we to say then, conclude that jag pz best
TD ever? No. We get his opinions, and he states reasons as to which
TD is the best TD. As to what are the reasons making it the best.
Of course a 48% potato is going to do well in tortoise, T95.
Because they are afforded protection from being shot at, even if
they don't know what camo is or isn't. Compared to T30 or Pz IV
waffen? Are we really having this conversation? You
don't rate BEST, by having most average guys playing it performing
at decent rates. You call this, doing well. Low skill floor. But
unlockable potential? high skill ceiling? = best. And
this needs the best drivers too. Sorry, but you don't
have a clue about what you are talking about. And thats why you are
quick to slander great players. By remarking all they do is snap
shot left right. What are you trying to prove here?
Tortoise face punching KV3, T43, CS44? Thats what your concept of
what makes the best TD is? This isn't bashing. You don't have a
Subject: Casual Boops Commentary -- Object 277: Actually a Medium
Link on message: #13019392
RenamedUser_1034836210, on Mar 20 2022 - 04:20, said: According to you playing them (you haven't) or from what
tanksgg says... We'll go with what Tanksgg says since that's
all you ever quote.
Link on message: #13019392

Draschel: Thats funny, coming out of someone with 200
battles. Whats with the flux of users complaining about
alternate accounts, in an alternate account?no that it really
matters anyway. As even your alt account performs quite bad
Subject: Not a fan of the T-34-3
Link on message: #13019391
Link on message: #13019391
Draschel: Not getting the most bang for your buck then. Using bounty rotation
mech or aiming class.You have a mobility and scouting
spot, and a free spot for the rammer. If you are not
going to use bonus slots, may as well try hard full gold setup with
bonds stabilizer, ventilation, rammer.
Subject: Casual Boops Commentary -- Object 277: Actually a Medium
Link on message: #13019351
Casual_Boops, on Mar 19 2022 - 21:56, said: Back when the 430U and 277 were widely used in clan wars,
the running joke was that the 430U was the best tier 10 heavy
and the 277 was the best tier 10 medium. So is it actually a
medium? Maybe not, but it's as fast as quite a few of them.
I agree on the lack of negatives though-- as I was typing
out the positives I had a sizeable list, then I got to the
negatives and was like... huh... I guess that's it.
Link on message: #13019351

Jaguarz: I took out my 430u just from this thread, I dont really play
it, just have it and even post nerf its pretty bully, held off a
Skorp, Wz-114, Ts-5 and a t-54 who all charged me underground on
Safe haven, an obliging Somua chewed them up on the straight while
I killed the t-54 to use as cover, was pretty funny. Gun isnt worth
a damn mid to long range though
Subject: Not a fan of the T-34-3
Link on message: #13019329
Link on message: #13019329
churchill50: Since the latest round of buffs, personally I find the T-34-3 to be
an incredibly good tank.You have:Good mobility.Decent turret armor
and the ability to sidescrape.And a decent gun. You have 390 alpha
with workable pen, 6.5 degrees of gun depression, and okay gun
performance. It can definitely be derpy though, and the DPM does
lag behind.Pref MM, which is an amazing thing to have. It does
require a good setup though. Food, a good crew, and Bounty
equipment all help the T-34-3 immensely. Without them it's only an
okay tank. With all of those, it really comes into it's own.Bounty
IAU (the most important piece of Bounty equipment for the T-34-3
imo), V-Stab, and Rammer for the loadout.
Subject: Best tier 9 TD ♦ Radley Walters
Link on message: #13019276
Belicia, on Mar 20 2022 - 02:37, said: Tier IX is the tier of pain. Especially for new F2P players.
Tier IX means grinding through a mountain of XP while using stock
gun, stock turret, stock suspension, stock engine.
Link on message: #13019276

Draschel: pain can be both inflicted, and self inflicted I
understand, F2P. But please know the difference of convenienceLets
look at this in-depth. 1st off, are your M56 scorpion
and 903-ii rentals, or yours? After that, you can play CW for
gold. Thats pretty cringe, but is an optionYou can take part in
tournaments, these are not bad. War games also an option
Fri-Sat, but pays pretty crappyPlay 1-2 tier 9 battles, play
5-6 free tiers 5-6 tanks?Try to manage your grinding
pathway? many modules still exist
which constitute parts of many tech trees. And can definitely help
stock grindiingSave your free exp for stock upgrading to make the
vehicle playable
Subject: Not a fan of the T-34-3
Link on message: #13019256
Link on message: #13019256
Draschel: I wished it got horsepower buffs to breathe some life, like the
rest of the chinese things that have had someHard to imagine, 112
and WZ111 have even gotten stronger engines over the time of their
release, but never T-34-3Type 59 (has even seen 2 engine
buffs) 59-patton, WZ111, 112, 121B, 121 all seen considerable
HP/T improvement. T-34-3 would like some too Give it 112
engine. A good start.
Subject: Casual Boops Commentary -- Object 277: Actually a Medium
Link on message: #13019253
Link on message: #13019253
Draschel: 279E is the defensible push heavy. 260 is the open ground
maneuver heavy. Chieftain is the ridgy hold ground heavy. 277,
IS7, WZ111111111111111111111115A, super conquer are second rate
tank locked stuff.
Subject: Best tier 9 TD ♦ Radley Walters
Link on message: #13019250
Draschel, on Mar 19 2022 - 14:21, said: +a couple more paragraphs
Link on message: #13019250

Subject: Best tier 9 TD ♦ Radley Walters
Link on message: #13019242
Jaguarz, on Mar 20 2022 - 00:20, said: To be fair, I used to feel the same way about Warp but all
he is doing is offering his personal opinion and like buttholes we
all have them, he doesnt profess to be amazing and actually invites
debate and discussion over things.
Link on message: #13019242

Draschel: i will entertain this point. Number 1 A- I like
this tank destroyer. It is my favorite this tierB- This is
the best tier 9 tank destroyer. See the difference? And yes,
there is a clear difference between the two Number 2Never do I
say, you can't use reference material or exemplary performance or
voice of the tanks community players, their quotes and
beliefs. For sake of astuteness, effectiveness. I do it alot
myself. Whomever, your pick, your poisonBut what Warp does, is
different altogether. He takes randomized quotes, out of their
original context and meaning, and applies them to where he sees
fit, that if an avatar of the person originally saying it,
believing it was present would be adverse to it. This is a
Subject: Best tier 9 TD ♦ Radley Walters
Link on message: #13019162
Draschel, on Mar 19 2022 - 23:47, said: When people berate you about effectiveness, or ''least qualified''
they aren't attacking your character as a person. They are simply
remarking, you are lesser qualified. How did you get so far in life
where you cannot discern the differences between skills VS attitude
matrix? Tortoise is inflexible. It is an extreme. It has
armor, lots of HP, lots of DPM - but on the other side of the dark
moon has poor camo, is slow, lacks punch, and the gun handling is
bad. While it can do well in certain scenarios, such as devastating
tier 7s in funnel maps, it will flounder against people who know
what they are doing, not confined to funnels. Much more flexible
tanks like 263, T30, Conway, Pz Iv waffen, 704, K91PT don't have
the assault personality to face punch tier 7s in corridors, no. But
have avenues of flexibility that allow them to do things, where
Tortoise is doing nothing. You said it yourself, there will be
games where you do nothing. This is awful, and no sane skilled
player will attest to that being something you want in a tank. What
you want is consistency, flexibility. Not extremes.
You should rename your threads, to ''bestest tonk for 48%
tater'' Then yes, I would believe you. Because I would want
my 48% team mate in a tortoise, and not Pz IV waffen or Strv.
Someone who doesn't know how to use mobility, camo, trades for 750,
Etc the things that lead people to be higher performing
players, can be sacrificed for easier to deploy features,
such as driving into funnels guns ablazing with thick armor and
high HP. So yes, you can take this as an
offense, and think that people dislike your ideas because your not
a snapshot unicum, or everyones a racist, or whatever other
silly thing you think about. No. Its because you are lesser
qualified to deem whats best and whats not best. For your
information, lets just 'say' best means great, and great play means
2nd mark? 3rd mark? When you try to deface what Skill4ltu thinks
and says, do you know what his TD are doing? Let me inform you of
yours, 1,800 damage in a tier 9 TD doesn't constitute great play.
No where, does that mean great play.
Link on message: #13019162

Jaguarz: To be fair, I used to feel the same way about Warp but all he
is doing is offering his personal opinion and like buttholes we all
have them, he doesnt profess to be amazing and actually invites
debate and discussion over things. Do I think hes wrong about
things? Yes, frequently but thats just an opinion too, hes not
denigrating Skill or talking absolute horseplop like Claus just
offering his view as it stands at that moment as a slightly better
than average player and to be honest hes more the core market than
me or Unicums. A lot of unicums I know love the Tortoise, even
Skill who doesnt has it as a "good" tank, personally I dispise it
with the power of 1000 suns. I guess you could claim the title
as clickbait but I think thats a little harsh, unlike a great many
sub par players he doesnt actually think he knows it all or is
correct, hes just making content.
Subject: Worst tank in the Chinese LT line?
Link on message: #13019154
Link on message: #13019154
Draschel: Insignificant means 'does not matter' I never said, does
not matter. What I clearly said was a choice of very useful
400 DPM, 20m VR which are much more bang for the buck, than not so
useful 60m/s shells, 10mm HEAT pen, and 5HP/T. Type 62 has all the
mobility that is needed. Type 64 is undisputed king of tier 6
lights, and maybe possibly the best tier 6, with.....-5 HP/T less
than peers? But what does it have more in spades than its peers?
DPM, VR. Type 64, (and 62) are fast enough. An extra 5 HP/T isn't
defining an already quick tank already getting where it needs to
Subject: We Demand Better MM
Link on message: #13019147
Link on message: #13019147
Draschel: i really don't care about presentation.....but is what he is
saying, wrong? There is something afoot with Matchmaker, that
much is certain. +2/-2 spread needs to go, we need +1/-1And, is it
fair if you get 3 Maus tanks on Malinovka? When your enemy gets 3
Kranvan? How about Ensk, 3 110E3s, and the other side
gets 3 Strv103? And a 25% random number generator span
is ridiculously large, largest I have seen for a main stream
Subject: Best tier 9 TD ♦ Radley Walters
Link on message: #13019141
Link on message: #13019141
Draschel: When people berate you about effectiveness, or ''least qualified''
they aren't attacking your character as a person. They are simply
remarking, you are lesser qualified. How did you get so far in life
where you cannot discern the differences between skills VS attitude
matrix? Tortoise is inflexible. It is an extreme. It has
armor, lots of HP, lots of DPM - but on the other side of the dark
moon has poor camo, is slow, lacks punch, and the gun handling is
bad. While it can do well in certain scenarios, such as devastating
tier 7s in funnel maps, it will flounder against people who know
what they are doing, not confined to funnels. Much more flexible
tanks like 263, T30, Conway, Pz Iv waffen, 704, K91PT don't have
the assault personality to face punch tier 7s in corridors, no. But
have avenues of flexibility that allow them to do things, where
Tortoise is doing nothing. You said it yourself, there will be
games where you do nothing. This is awful, and no sane skilled
player will attest to that being something you want in a tank. What
you want is consistency, flexibility. Not extremes. You
should rename your threads, to ''bestest tonk for 48% tater''
Then yes, I would believe you. Because I would want my 48% team
mate in a tortoise, and not Pz IV waffen or Strv. Someone who
doesn't know how to use mobility, camo, trades for 750, Etc
the things that lead people to be higher performing players,
can be sacrificed for easier to deploy features, such as driving
into funnels guns ablazing with thick armor and high
HP. So yes, you can take this as an offense, and
think that people dislike your ideas because your not a snapshot
unicum, or everyones a racist, or whatever other silly
thing you think about. No. Its because you are lesser
qualified to deem whats best and whats not best. For your
information, lets just 'say' best means great, and great play means
2nd mark? 3rd mark? When you try to deface what Skill4ltu thinks
and says, do you know what his TD are doing? Let me inform you of
yours, 1,800 damage in a tier 9 TD doesn't constitute great play.
No where, does that mean great play.
Subject: Best tier 9 TD ♦ Radley Walters
Link on message: #13019125
Link on message: #13019125
Draschel: oh my bananas. Some people. I think he picked the worst
tier 9 TD, and said its the best one.
Subject: Worst tank in the Chinese LT line?
Link on message: #13019118
Grillo_Parlante, on Mar 19 2022 - 22:08, said: It's more than sufficient DPM, and the s/p difference
is significant for light tanks. You yourself pointed out to
the importance of mobility when you discussed the tier 9 and 10 in
this very thread, so it's odd to see you backtracking
suddenly. Or maybe it isn't. I know the pointlessness
of trying to reason with you. Once you settle upon one of
your stat interpretations, that's all that matters to you,
even if you've never played the tank, which is likely the case here
(as usual). You're still won't admit your analysis of the
Kran was way off, and that is beyond ridiculous at this
point. However, I would think that you would at least have
the humility to acknowledge that when your only personal wot guru
has a wildly different interpretation of the tank then you, that
maybe you should rethink things. But of course, you
Link on message: #13019118

Draschel: soft stats are more important than hard ones.Do you know why
IS7 and FCM50 and AMXCDC are the way they are? Despite a thousand
HP/T? Its because they have crippling terrain resistances, and
possibly more things we don't know about such as tank
gearing. Terrain resistances are more important than
HP/T. I know the pointlessness in trying to reason with
you. Once you settle on your interpretation, its all that matters.
You don't have a clue about what is the case or not. None of my
analysis of the Kran was off. How about this, take a Kran to ranked
and do well. Good for you. And take Kran to CW, and get RUTHLESSLY
STOMPED by 279E and Chiefs. And see how well that is. My WZ131 has
more damage than yours, but you spot more. Two different people, so
any comparison is moot. Wotlabs says you still play it, while got
rid of it long ago, we are talking long long long ago, 9.17 when it
still had 100mm. and for the record, we aren't talking
about low DPM. We are talking about 400. Thats two shots. Only you
would place this aside. 400 DPM and 20m. Do you know how major
these are? For 5HP/T and 60m/s shells. Really? Thats your
justifications? Holy moly guacamole, I'd hate to see your field mod
choices. By the way, not even averaging 1k DPG in a tier 7 with
post-HP re-balance, and post- LT MM changes, are bad. No excuses. I
pulled in 1K with only a BIA crew, against Tier X in pre 9.17, and
without boosted HP we see today to feed off of. Stop assessing
stats? Play the game? With 400 DPM and 20m view
Subject: Do you find it hard to believe the match-maker is truly "random"?
Link on message: #13019064
Link on message: #13019064
Jaguarz: When lacking self determination the human brain seeks patterns
which simply dont exist, that said true randomness cannot be
generated by machines or programs so simply put no, it isnt random
in true terms but to all real extents and purposes for its function
it does close enough.
Subject: Casual Boops Commentary -- Object 277: Actually a Medium
Link on message: #13019060
Link on message: #13019060
Jaguarz: I wouldnt call it a medium by any stretch though and to be honest
these fast heavies dont come with enough negatives to warrant their
versatility, I mean its even got 400 view range
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