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Vánoční dárkový tank pro všechny!
26.12.2013 22:35:42
Subject: Vánoční dárkový tank pro všechny!
Link on message: #6812143

Tuccy: Docela se zadařilo... :)

The Hurtgen Forest Truce
26.12.2013 21:55:25
Subject: The Hurtgen Forest Truce
Link on message: #6811760

View PostKontranavoj, on 26 December 2013 - 07:52 PM, said: Excelent, touching and edifying story.   I would like to read more stories like this on WG site   Good job

Hunter1911:   Yes, the story does tell a nice message and edification. I am glad you guys are happy with us sharing it with you :)      

The Hurtgen Forest Truce
26.12.2013 21:55:25
Subject: The Hurtgen Forest Truce
Link on message: #6811760

View PostKontranavoj, on 26 December 2013 - 07:52 PM, said: Excelent, touching and edifying story.   I would like to read more stories like this on WG site   Good job

TheKroo:   Yes, the story does tell a nice message and edification. I am glad you guys are happy with us sharing it with you :)      

World of Warships
26.12.2013 21:25:27
Subject: World of Warships
Link on message: #6811481

Tuccy: Mogami je blízko, ale nejni to úplně :)   Jinak samozřejmě nejčerstvější informace najdete na fóru nebo na blogu vývojářů :honoring:

Se presenta J0HN_117. ES Community Coordinator.
26.12.2013 20:50:58
Subject: Se presenta J0HN_117. ES Community Coordinator.
Link on message: #6811195

J0HN_117: Ahí está Halcon_rojo, eso sí que es un tanque con patas xD   Buenísimo el video ZiggyZiggy :teethhappy:   ¡Gracias a todos!

Se presenta J0HN_117. ES Community Coordinator.
26.12.2013 19:52:45
Subject: Se presenta J0HN_117. ES Community Coordinator.
Link on message: #6810726

Hunter1911: Bienvenido J0HN_117!

Se presenta J0HN_117. ES Community Coordinator.
26.12.2013 19:52:45
Subject: Se presenta J0HN_117. ES Community Coordinator.
Link on message: #6810726

TheKroo: Bienvenido J0HN_117!

Die Waffenruhe im Hürtgenwald
26.12.2013 19:39:38
Subject: Die Waffenruhe im Hürtgenwald
Link on message: #6810617

{lang:macro__view_post}Ghdf, on 26 December 2013 - 05:10 PM, said: Monschau in deutscher Hand während der Ardennenoffensive?
Soweit ich weiß ist dass nicht passiert weil de Ardennenoffensive gar nicht in diesem Gebiet statgefunden hat...oder irre ich mich?

PanzerGert: Siehe Karte von Wikipedia, Monschau lag am "nördlichen Rand" der Offensive. Details sind mir da aber auch nicht bekannt, aber laut den roten Pfeilen (alliierte Bewegung) haben sie sich demnach aus dem Bereich nicht zurückgezogen. Die 5. Pz und 9. ID sind für den Bereich auf der Karte eingetragen. Die Info der Soldaten muss auch nicht zwingend richtig sein.     Davon ab, ich denke es werden noch weit mehr solche "Vorkommnisse" passiert sein. Von denen werden wir aber nichts wissen, weil sie Angst hatten das sie dafür bestraft würden.

Pro pobavení......
26.12.2013 19:00:26
Subject: Pro pobavení......
Link on message: #6810278

Tuccy: Hlavně nádherně vystihuje "charaktery" tanků... (resp. jejich obvyklých řidičů :D)

World of Warships
26.12.2013 18:59:25
Subject: World of Warships
Link on message: #6810268

Tuccy: No, věží to má celkem dost s hlavní výzbrojí, to je i jedna z nápověd, pět dvojitých věží... :child:

Se presenta J0HN_117. ES Community Coordinator.
26.12.2013 18:39:53
Subject: Se presenta J0HN_117. ES Community Coordinator.
Link on message: #6810103

{lang:macro__view_post}TheQQmore, on 26 December 2013 - 04:09 PM, said: Bienvenido.   Por cierto, muchas gracias por resolver esas grandes dudas que tenemos todos los jugadores del Word of Tanks como: ¿Cúal será el plato favorito del nuevo Coordinador? y no aburrirnos con trivialidades como: ¿Qué opina el nuevo Coordinador sobre los Bots que campan a sus anchas y que tanto juego dan dejando a su equipo con 14 jugadores? y ese tipo de dudas tan banales...      

J0HN_117:   Hola TheQQmore,    Pues tampoco me gustan nada los Bots por supuesto, no hacen más que deteriorar la experiencia de juego. Por lo que sé, los desarrolladores están al tanto de este percance (gracias al feedbak que nos enviáis) y están trabajando en una herramienta que incluirán en un futuro parche.   Un saludo.  

World of Warships
26.12.2013 18:20:24
Subject: World of Warships
Link on message: #6809968

View Postmiistr, on 16 December 2013 - 09:55 PM, said: Už se těším až se objeví Closed beta do té se určitě zkusím dostat. Na Alphu bohužel nesplňuji požadavky, ale co už :blinky:. Jenom bude hrozné dilema jak u tanků do které lodičky půjdu jako první přeci jenom favoritů brázdící moře Atlantiku nebo Pacifiku bylo hodně. 

Tuccy: No tak pro začátek to máš mírně zjednodušené tím, že první dva národy budou Pacifik ;)   Schválně, kdo pozná třídu?

Mk VI christamas gift LMAO
26.12.2013 18:09:48
Subject: Mk VI christamas gift LMAO
Link on message: #6809891

LiannaSilverwind: One of the best attempts to farm negrep points on these forums. 9/10

Se presenta J0HN_117. ES Community Coordinator.
26.12.2013 17:27:53
Subject: Se presenta J0HN_117. ES Community Coordinator.
Link on message: #6809564

{lang:macro__view_post}BravoDosCero, on 26 December 2013 - 03:08 PM, said: pues bienvenido sea usted a la comunidad, Master Chief

J0HN_117:   ¡Por fin alguien me reconoce! Medalla para ti :medal:

Fog removal mod, from russia with love
26.12.2013 17:18:36
Subject: Fog removal mod, from russia with love
Link on message: #6809497

View PostPips, on 26 December 2013 - 12:57 PM, said: No - its realistic. U cant turn off fog in real life.

Wysch:   Argument invalid. U can't repair the tracks in few seconds in real life.

Se presenta J0HN_117. ES Community Coordinator.
26.12.2013 16:40:41
Subject: Se presenta J0HN_117. ES Community Coordinator.
Link on message: #6809238

J0HN_117: ¡Muchas gracias a todos! Seguro que no me aburro no :teethhappy:

Rekapitulace předvánočního setkání v Praze
26.12.2013 15:55:17
Subject: Rekapitulace předvánočního setkání v Praze
Link on message: #6808846

Tuccy: Konečně :)   Nahrál jsem je tam jak jen jsem se dostal sem, ale vypadá to že si ze mně technika dělala týden dobrý den...

Se presenta J0HN_117. ES Community Coordinator.
26.12.2013 15:55:01
Subject: Se presenta J0HN_117. ES Community Coordinator.
Link on message: #6808840

J0HN_117: ¿Quién eres? Cuéntanos algo sobre ti.   Me llamo Dani, soy un apasionado del cine (bélico sobre todo) y del mundo de los videojuegos en general (a ver quién acierta el sentido de mi nickname :tongue:). Comunicador audiovisual de profesión, he trabajado durante varios años en diversos campos como la realización, edición de videos y la gestión de redes sociales. Hoy en día tengo la suerte de englobar todas mis aficiones y hacerlas mi profesión, trabajando como Community Coordinator para la comunidad española de Wargaming.
¿Cómo llegaste a Wargaming?   Mientras trabajaba en España, siempre estaba buscando dar el salto a la industria del videojuego, deseando trabajar para una gran empresa del sector donde aplicar a fondo todos mis conocimientos adquiridos, entonces Wargaming se cruzó en mi camino, y después de un tiempo, no dudé en mudarme a París.
¿Cuál es tu trabajo en Wargaming?   Ser la voz de Wargaming para la comunidad española, junto al resto del equipo, cuidaré del foro, os informaré de todas las novedades dentro del mundo Wargaming, crearé concursos, y atenderé vuestras dudas, quejas, sugerencias y alagos (espero XD) hacia esta nuestra comunidad.
¿Cuáles son tus aficiones?   Dar alimento a todas las consolas y el PC ocupa gran tiempo de mi tiempo libre. También me gusta mucho viajar, conocer nuevos lugares, gente nueva, y sobre todo, tardes de palomitas, ¡World of Tanks y comida a domicilio! :popcorn:
¿Qué tipo de jugador eres?   Me estoy centrando bastante en la rama anticarros alemanes, y lo que más me gusta es matar enemigos a gran distancia, calcular el momento exacto y...¡BOOM!
¿Qué aportas al equipo de Comunidad?
Dedicación y compromiso en mis tareas, mi pasión por los juegos online y Wargaming, unido a mi experiencia pasada gestionando diferentes proyectos audiovisuales y de presencia en redes sociales. Tengo varios premios al mejor montaje en varios cortometrajes (uno de ellos exhibido en el Festival de Cannes) por lo que se me ocurren grandes ideas para hacer cosillas divertidas dentro de la comunidad relacionadas con lo audiovisual.   Me considero una persona sensanta, paciente, respetuosa y muy trabajadora, ¡dispuesto a crear escuela para el resto de comunidades de Wargaming!

¿Qué es lo que te gusta más en Wargaming?
Es una empresa grande con mucho futuro y pasión por lo que hace, pocos pueden alardear que llevan 15 años en el sector y siguen al pie del cañón (nunca mejor dicho). Me encanta la pasión que compartimos todos por los juegos de Wargaming.

¿Cuál es tu cita favorita?
"Alguien leal siempre consigue lo que se merece" - Mi hermano :teethhappy:

¿Cuál es tu plato favorito?
Entrecot con patatas fritas, y tarta de queso de postre :smile:

¿Cuál es tu tanque favorito?   Guardo buenos recuerdos del Panzerjäger I, con él descubrí cuál era la forma más divertida de jugar para mí, ¡sniper mode!
¿Tu fallo más estrepitoso?   En mis primeras batallas iba tan tranquilo buscando cobertura con mi Marder II y me caí por un barranco (no me acuerdo del mapa) pero me quedé seco, parado, casi nada más empezar la partida y sin kit de reparación. Pude disparar a un par de enemigos pero fui carne de cañón rápidamente...:bush:
Si pudieras pedir un deseo... ¿Cuál sería?
Como bien dijo mi compañero MrDonnie, que las únicas guerras fueran virtuales, dentro de juegos, con la única finalidad de pasar un buen rato.   PD: Dentro de poco completaré esta presentación escrita con algo más original ;)   ¡Nos vemos en el campo de batalla! 

Awesome Tank Pictures Thread
26.12.2013 15:42:14
Subject: Awesome Tank Pictures Thread
Link on message: #6808725

Hunter1911: Aye, Sure does look funny.

Awesome Tank Pictures Thread
26.12.2013 15:42:14
Subject: Awesome Tank Pictures Thread
Link on message: #6808725

TheKroo: Aye, Sure does look funny.

Banajte osobu iznad sebe!
26.12.2013 15:14:16
Subject: Banajte osobu iznad sebe!
Link on message: #6808482

Hunter1911: Ban jer mi nije lijeno, samo nemam gdje :(

Banajte osobu iznad sebe!
26.12.2013 15:14:16
Subject: Banajte osobu iznad sebe!
Link on message: #6808482

TheKroo: Ban jer mi nije lijeno, samo nemam gdje :(

26.12.2013 15:12:37
Subject: Teamkill
Link on message: #6808470

{lang:macro__view_post}xex0tiqzx, on 26 December 2013 - 12:13 PM, said: Gerade eben musste ich wieder 2 Teammates killen

PanzerGert: Ich muss wieder Threads teamkillen!     PanzerGert
Community Coordinator

Awesome Tank Pictures Thread
26.12.2013 15:06:00
Subject: Awesome Tank Pictures Thread
Link on message: #6808404

Hunter1911: Gentlemen,   I see we have a couple of tankies well versed in armour knowledge, what do you think about opening an "Armour 101" thread where we can debate over it. So this thread can continue on its merry way :)

Awesome Tank Pictures Thread
26.12.2013 15:06:00
Subject: Awesome Tank Pictures Thread
Link on message: #6808404

TheKroo: Gentlemen,   I see we have a couple of tankies well versed in armour knowledge, what do you think about opening an "Armour 101" thread where we can debate over it. So this thread can continue on its merry way :)

Hidden Kidden
26.12.2013 15:01:36
Subject: Hidden Kidden
Link on message: #6808365

View PostFurlock, on 25 December 2013 - 06:19 PM, said: Yes Mr. Hunter, ofc I can.   - Around 40%-50% of the map is just decoration, which makes out of a small map a ridiculous small map. - Then the piece of map only gives two routes to go. - As above stated by another costumer, the map creates only two possible outcomes. No alternatives, no strategy but massive and bulky arcade escenario. - Pac Man is a game where you have to go through tunnels until you reach a certain point which gives you ultrapower to eat up the enemy. The enemy and you - the player - pursue each other trough such labirints, always under the shockwaves of some sounds you will never forget.   Granted the necessary knowledge base, I follow your invitation to express the cause of my profound dislike:   - the easier a map becomes, the worse player result - with a constant to feed players in the wrong direction, the unique direction is uniformed mass - a uniformed mass doesn't play, but follows exactly always the same tunnels that were created for them, turning any kind of gaming into a nightmare for creative thinking, making any effort of using brains a totally useless task. - after a while of doing so, people stop playing the game, as even the dullest of all wants a real challenge, once in a while or so.   Please check it out and remove the map before it harms too deeply our and your strategies.   Thx.    

Hunter1911:   Thank you, this is graspable feedback.  

View Postmasheene, on 25 December 2013 - 06:57 PM, said:   For example some (not all) brilliant maps: Erlenberg, Murovanka, Steppes, Highway, Ruinberg and Siegfried Line.   Why are all these maps brilliant?   - every single tank class can use its class-specific strengths - nearly the whole map is passable, which offers automaticly more tactical options - smart obstruction, which block the enemy view but not the movement (such obstruction are forrests, humps, hollers, etc. and not this crap like at Tundra or Northwest, which creates movement tunnels) - no hardcore climbs like at Dragon Ridge, Sacred Valley and Severogorsk, which slow down and tunnelling the gameplay - well balanced terrain resistance for effective maneuvers with lights and mediums - a lot of natural cover, to use the really smart viewsystem of WoT in a tactical manner (yes dude, this is one of the best attributes of WoT) - the possibility to fight shootouts on maximum range (there some tanks with low armour ingame which really need this tactical option and for some reason it's in the nature of tank fights) - a lot of tactical options and not that 2 or 3 way crap like Pearl River, Sacred Valley, Severogorsk, Mountain Pass (worst map ever), Arctic Region, Abbey, Karelia or El Halluf (it's really broing to play every single match in the same manner, becaus there are two practicable options and one to suicide fast)   With every single new map, WoT become more and more a stupid arcade shooter with no tactical depth. Always the same mass brawl at the same positions. Your map designer ruins the game, no joke.

Hunter1911:   Thanks for your well worded input.

Hidden Kidden
26.12.2013 15:01:36
Subject: Hidden Kidden
Link on message: #6808365

View PostFurlock, on 25 December 2013 - 06:19 PM, said: Yes Mr. Hunter, ofc I can.   - Around 40%-50% of the map is just decoration, which makes out of a small map a ridiculous small map. - Then the piece of map only gives two routes to go. - As above stated by another costumer, the map creates only two possible outcomes. No alternatives, no strategy but massive and bulky arcade escenario. - Pac Man is a game where you have to go through tunnels until you reach a certain point which gives you ultrapower to eat up the enemy. The enemy and you - the player - pursue each other trough such labirints, always under the shockwaves of some sounds you will never forget.   Granted the necessary knowledge base, I follow your invitation to express the cause of my profound dislike:   - the easier a map becomes, the worse player result - with a constant to feed players in the wrong direction, the unique direction is uniformed mass - a uniformed mass doesn't play, but follows exactly always the same tunnels that were created for them, turning any kind of gaming into a nightmare for creative thinking, making any effort of using brains a totally useless task. - after a while of doing so, people stop playing the game, as even the dullest of all wants a real challenge, once in a while or so.   Please check it out and remove the map before it harms too deeply our and your strategies.   Thx.    

TheKroo:   Thank you, this is graspable feedback.  

View Postmasheene, on 25 December 2013 - 06:57 PM, said:   For example some (not all) brilliant maps: Erlenberg, Murovanka, Steppes, Highway, Ruinberg and Siegfried Line.   Why are all these maps brilliant?   - every single tank class can use its class-specific strengths - nearly the whole map is passable, which offers automaticly more tactical options - smart obstruction, which block the enemy view but not the movement (such obstruction are forrests, humps, hollers, etc. and not this crap like at Tundra or Northwest, which creates movement tunnels) - no hardcore climbs like at Dragon Ridge, Sacred Valley and Severogorsk, which slow down and tunnelling the gameplay - well balanced terrain resistance for effective maneuvers with lights and mediums - a lot of natural cover, to use the really smart viewsystem of WoT in a tactical manner (yes dude, this is one of the best attributes of WoT) - the possibility to fight shootouts on maximum range (there some tanks with low armour ingame which really need this tactical option and for some reason it's in the nature of tank fights) - a lot of tactical options and not that 2 or 3 way crap like Pearl River, Sacred Valley, Severogorsk, Mountain Pass (worst map ever), Arctic Region, Abbey, Karelia or El Halluf (it's really broing to play every single match in the same manner, becaus there are two practicable options and one to suicide fast)   With every single new map, WoT become more and more a stupid arcade shooter with no tactical depth. Always the same mass brawl at the same positions. Your map designer ruins the game, no joke.

TheKroo:   Thanks for your well worded input.

Hidden Kidden
26.12.2013 15:01:36
Subject: Hidden Kidden
Link on message: #6808365

View PostFurlock, on 25 December 2013 - 06:19 PM, said: Yes Mr. Hunter, ofc I can.   - Around 40%-50% of the map is just decoration, which makes out of a small map a ridiculous small map. - Then the piece of map only gives two routes to go. - As above stated by another costumer, the map creates only two possible outcomes. No alternatives, no strategy but massive and bulky arcade escenario. - Pac Man is a game where you have to go through tunnels until you reach a certain point which gives you ultrapower to eat up the enemy. The enemy and you - the player - pursue each other trough such labirints, always under the shockwaves of some sounds you will never forget.   Granted the necessary knowledge base, I follow your invitation to express the cause of my profound dislike:   - the easier a map becomes, the worse player result - with a constant to feed players in the wrong direction, the unique direction is uniformed mass - a uniformed mass doesn't play, but follows exactly always the same tunnels that were created for them, turning any kind of gaming into a nightmare for creative thinking, making any effort of using brains a totally useless task. - after a while of doing so, people stop playing the game, as even the dullest of all wants a real challenge, once in a while or so.   Please check it out and remove the map before it harms too deeply our and your strategies.   Thx.    

TheyCallMeHans:   Thank you, this is graspable feedback.  

View Postmasheene, on 25 December 2013 - 06:57 PM, said:   For example some (not all) brilliant maps: Erlenberg, Murovanka, Steppes, Highway, Ruinberg and Siegfried Line.   Why are all these maps brilliant?   - every single tank class can use its class-specific strengths - nearly the whole map is passable, which offers automaticly more tactical options - smart obstruction, which block the enemy view but not the movement (such obstruction are forrests, humps, hollers, etc. and not this crap like at Tundra or Northwest, which creates movement tunnels) - no hardcore climbs like at Dragon Ridge, Sacred Valley and Severogorsk, which slow down and tunnelling the gameplay - well balanced terrain resistance for effective maneuvers with lights and mediums - a lot of natural cover, to use the really smart viewsystem of WoT in a tactical manner (yes dude, this is one of the best attributes of WoT) - the possibility to fight shootouts on maximum range (there some tanks with low armour ingame which really need this tactical option and for some reason it's in the nature of tank fights) - a lot of tactical options and not that 2 or 3 way crap like Pearl River, Sacred Valley, Severogorsk, Mountain Pass (worst map ever), Arctic Region, Abbey, Karelia or El Halluf (it's really broing to play every single match in the same manner, becaus there are two practicable options and one to suicide fast)   With every single new map, WoT become more and more a stupid arcade shooter with no tactical depth. Always the same mass brawl at the same positions. Your map designer ruins the game, no joke.

TheyCallMeHans:   Thanks for your well worded input.

Promene na mapama
26.12.2013 13:48:08
Subject: Promene na mapama
Link on message: #6807790

View PostMLukaB, on 26 December 2013 - 12:21 PM, said: mape su specificne jer ne moze jedna strana sve da odradi  obe mape, ako gledamo u odnosu na centar, mogu se probiti sa bilo koje strane ako se lepo to izvede i odradi. Postoje pozicije koje donose prednost ali ljudi to ne znaju da iskoriste i svaki tenk ima svoj nacin probijanja (agresivniji ili ne zavisi od tenka). Samo jedan potez na ovim mapama ako isprati ekipa menja iz kampa u pobedu:wink:   tako je bilo i sa port mapom jer te mape ili se kampaju i cekaju gresku protivnika ili igraju agresivno cimanje nema. Cim  krene cimanje jedna strana je u prednosti sto im donosi veliku prednost i pobedu nad protivnikom

Hunter1911:   Timski rad je kljucan za ove dvije mape...  

Promene na mapama
26.12.2013 13:48:08
Subject: Promene na mapama
Link on message: #6807790

View PostMLukaB, on 26 December 2013 - 12:21 PM, said: mape su specificne jer ne moze jedna strana sve da odradi  obe mape, ako gledamo u odnosu na centar, mogu se probiti sa bilo koje strane ako se lepo to izvede i odradi. Postoje pozicije koje donose prednost ali ljudi to ne znaju da iskoriste i svaki tenk ima svoj nacin probijanja (agresivniji ili ne zavisi od tenka). Samo jedan potez na ovim mapama ako isprati ekipa menja iz kampa u pobedu:wink:   tako je bilo i sa port mapom jer te mape ili se kampaju i cekaju gresku protivnika ili igraju agresivno cimanje nema. Cim  krene cimanje jedna strana je u prednosti sto im donosi veliku prednost i pobedu nad protivnikom

TheKroo:   Timski rad je kljucan za ove dvije mape...  

Promene na mapama
26.12.2013 13:09:11
Subject: Promene na mapama
Link on message: #6807435

View PostMLukaB, on 26 December 2013 - 10:51 AM, said: lepo je to sto menjaju mape, jer onda se menja i stili igre na njima    meni se generalno svidjaju redizajni mada bi mogle jos neke mape da odu.   komarin i elemberg su dobre mape samo ih ljudi ne znaju igrati pa cekaju da protivnik krene:sleep:

Hunter1911:   Relativno tocna tvrdnja. Recimo ja Komarin volim/znam igrati samo u TD-u. Erlenberg mi je vjecni izazov.

Promene na mapama
26.12.2013 13:09:11
Subject: Promene na mapama
Link on message: #6807435

View PostMLukaB, on 26 December 2013 - 10:51 AM, said: lepo je to sto menjaju mape, jer onda se menja i stili igre na njima    meni se generalno svidjaju redizajni mada bi mogle jos neke mape da odu.   komarin i elemberg su dobre mape samo ih ljudi ne znaju igrati pa cekaju da protivnik krene:sleep:

TheKroo:   Relativno tocna tvrdnja. Recimo ja Komarin volim/znam igrati samo u TD-u. Erlenberg mi je vjecni izazov.

26.12.2013 13:05:46
Subject: VESTINE
Link on message: #6807404

View PostBr0thers, on 25 December 2013 - 07:20 PM, said: BIA ima smisla samo na artiljeriji.

Hunter1911:   Ne bih se slozio s ovom tvrdnjom. 5% vise vjestine s glavnim kvalifikacijama i 5% na redovne vjestine (popravak, FF, kamuflaza) po meni nikako nije za baciti.

26.12.2013 13:05:46
Subject: VESTINE
Link on message: #6807404

View PostBr0thers, on 25 December 2013 - 07:20 PM, said: BIA ima smisla samo na artiljeriji.

TheKroo:   Ne bih se slozio s ovom tvrdnjom. 5% vise vjestine s glavnim kvalifikacijama i 5% na redovne vjestine (popravak, FF, kamuflaza) po meni nikako nije za baciti.

CIja je najbolja linija razbijaca tenkova?
26.12.2013 13:02:58
Subject: CIja je najbolja linija razbijaca tenkova?
Link on message: #6807380

View PostChecola, on 25 December 2013 - 11:32 AM, said: A nis morat cemo  1na1:tongue:

Hunter1911:   Ja se javljam da budem sudac.

CIja je najbolja linija razbijaca tenkova?
26.12.2013 13:02:58
Subject: CIja je najbolja linija razbijaca tenkova?
Link on message: #6807380

View PostChecola, on 25 December 2013 - 11:32 AM, said: A nis morat cemo  1na1:tongue:

TheKroo:   Ja se javljam da budem sudac.

Banajte osobu iznad sebe!
26.12.2013 13:01:48
Subject: Banajte osobu iznad sebe!
Link on message: #6807369

Hunter1911: Ban mrletu jer sam gladan.

Banajte osobu iznad sebe!
26.12.2013 13:01:48
Subject: Banajte osobu iznad sebe!
Link on message: #6807369

TheKroo: Ban mrletu jer sam gladan.

Sretan i Čestit Božić
26.12.2013 13:00:51
Subject: Sretan i Čestit Božić
Link on message: #6807360

View PostEste_, on 25 December 2013 - 06:31 AM, said: To ti je tako Hunter kad radis za WG nema kuci za blagdane sad fino kupi jedan baget zagriji ulje na tavi zatvori oci i umaci

Hunter1911:   :arta: okrutno!

Sretan i Čestit Božić
26.12.2013 13:00:51
Subject: Sretan i Čestit Božić
Link on message: #6807360

View PostEste_, on 25 December 2013 - 06:31 AM, said: To ti je tako Hunter kad radis za WG nema kuci za blagdane sad fino kupi jedan baget zagriji ulje na tavi zatvori oci i umaci

TheKroo:   :arta: okrutno!

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