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In this section you'll find posts from the official developers forum. The base is updated every hour and stored on a server wot-news.com. If you encounter any bugs, have suggestions or comments, write to info@wot-news.com

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Question aux développeurs : Les réponses Russes
27.02.2014 14:50:30
Subject: Question aux développeurs : Les réponses Russes
Link on message: #7405182

{lang:macro__view_post}Sgt_Vilcoyote, on 27 February 2014 - 12:30 PM, said: bon et bien on ne peut tt savoir :blinky:      

Tanatoy: Bien sûr :smile: ! Mais dire après que Wargaming n'aime pas ça, sur des faits erronés peuvent amener à plus par la suite, "battement d'ailes du papillon, tempête au japon toussa... :blinky:"

Duda velocidad
27.02.2014 14:45:32
Subject: Duda velocidad
Link on message: #7405138

MrDonnie: Es la primera noticia que tenemos al respecto. Voy a trasladar vuestras quejas y veremos qué nos cuentan. 

27.02.2014 14:44:56
Link on message: #7405132

{lang:macro__view_post}J45_MaSdeS, on 27 February 2014 - 07:04 AM, said: Si l'un d'entre vous reporte des infractions sur ces chats (FR, Clans...), elles seront sanctionnées, @Rhaya - Faux! Deja fais un report d'un spammer en mode "XD trololol mdr rejoignez mon clan des XX-R0xX0r-XX" et le support m'a dit qu'il ne pouvais rien faire car ce n'est pas un canal officiel

Tanatoy: @Rhaya - Faux! Deja fais un report d'un spammer en mode "XD trololol mdr rejoignez mon clan des XX-R0xX0r-XX" et le support m'a dit qu'il ne pouvais rien faire car ce n'est pas un canal officiel Non, on t'avait répondu exactement ceci (après un envoi erroné pour te dire qu'il fallait utiliser le système de signalement disponible en jeu) :    "Nous ne punissons personne pour un seul message de recrutement. Techniquement nous ne punissons que le flooding qui consiste à inonder le chat avec le même message ce que je ne constate pas ici."   Tous les moyens de communication disponibles en jeu sont et restent aussi sous notre responsabilité. Tous les canaux, sont donc "modérables". 

Concurso: ¡Volando voy, volando vengo! II
27.02.2014 14:38:28
Subject: Concurso: ¡Volando voy, volando vengo! II
Link on message: #7405050

MrDonnie: Además de verdad que no está nada fácil. Muy buenas aportaciones chicos. 

Soutěž: Měsíc světa Wargamingu
27.02.2014 14:37:09
Subject: Soutěž: Měsíc světa Wargamingu
Link on message: #7405037

{lang:macro__view_post}winetach, on 27 February 2014 - 12:25 PM, said: Už je pomaly aj koniec týždňa aj koniec mesiaca, tak by som sa chcel spýtať, v akom štádiu je spracovávanie výsledkov súťaže ?

Karlie:   Výsledky již máme, ale vyhlášení na portálu se objeví až příští týden - překlady, procesy,papírování... :o) Ale prozradím, že se umístilo poměrně dost Čechů/Slováků na vrcholných příčkách a vůbec jsem zahlédla spoustu známých nicků v TOPu.

Soutěž: Let's Battle
27.02.2014 14:17:28
Subject: Soutěž: Let's Battle
Link on message: #7404829

Posted ImageKometaBrnoMihi, on 27 February 2014 - 05:36 AM, said: To by mě zajímalo, jak budete srovnávat vtipy např. od nějakýho skopčáka a čecha  :amazed:...na to su fakt zvědavej.

Karlie:   Je to hodnoceno dle regionu, takže celkem snadno.  :deer:  

Posted ImageChiCkEn911, on 27 February 2014 - 11:44 AM, said: Může mí někdo říct, co je tohle za to letadlo ?  

Karlie:   Supermarine Spitfire IX zřejmě s Browningem M2 na křídle.   

Posted Imagejogeorage, on 26 February 2014 - 06:15 PM, said: Takže zase good job WG. Mám doma starší android a najnovší windows phone a môžem ísť akurát handry fajčiť. Trošken diskriminácia či?

Karlie:   Dle tvého modelu bychom soutěžemi zaměřenými na skill diskriminovali ty, kteří hrajou špatně, v soutěžích, které jsou zaměřené na tvoření ve Photoshopu ty, kteří v něm neumí, v soutěžích zaměřených na malbu zas ty, který kreslit neumí, v soutěžích pořádaných dopoledne ty, kteří se mohou účastnit večer apod. Soutěží je velké mnoství, ať už na portálu nebo na foru. Máš tedy možnost vybrat si tu, která je šitá na míru zrovna tobě. Někdo se může účastnit více soutěží, někdo méně - ať už proto, že zrovna něco neovládá nebo mu něco úplně nejde nebo proto, že k tomu nemá prostředky - koneckonců se na časopis můžeš podívat i přes známého, v okolí se vždy někdo najde. Nevím, jestli bych se třeba neměla cítit diskriminovaná i já tím, že jsem holka a že ve hrách většinou vynikají spíše muži...neb já jsem přeci jen programovaná spíš na ovládání mixeru, než PC hry. ;)    

Please ban this user..
27.02.2014 14:17:02
Subject: Please ban this user..
Link on message: #7404824

Dakiras: You already reported in the game, as shown in one of the screenshots, so this will be seen and acted upon as necessary. Please don't then post on the forums to 'report' it. The forum isn't a report centre, and there are rules against naming and shaming others.

Issues with Matchmaking?
27.02.2014 14:02:40
Subject: Issues with Matchmaking?
Link on message: #7404688

{lang:macro__view_post}Svartmetall, on 26 February 2014 - 05:29 PM, said: Stuck at 53.92%.   Absolutely, incontrovertibly, 100% impossible to get past this. Because any time I start to have a decent run of victories the game immediately - and very blatantly - sticks me on team after team after team who lose in less than 2 minutes, with no chance whatsoever to win.   Anyone denying this hasn't played the game lately.

Dakiras:   Firstly, don't get me wrong. I'm not having a dig at you or anything, I just quoted your posted because I wanted to highlight a few things that a lot of people raise which your post kind of resonates. It's never 100% impossible to win, just maybe rather unlikely sometimes.   Skilled MM argument: If what you say about getting onto a win streak is true, and if someone empirically tests this and find it to be true (with actual numbers) then should it be considered that a 'soft' skilled-based MM already exists? Are you getting matched up against better people when your WR goes up, or is this just a perceived change in the game?   If not, then what you're noticing is called "Apophenia" which is mostly psychological, and the tl;dr is a condition of noticing patterns in otherwise meaningless data. I've caught myself on the same train of thought as you before with other games that have match-making, but there was no conclusive data so I attributed it to apophenia.   MM is two-side. This one is actually aimed at everyone posting and commenting. Think about it for a second, if you're getting bad MM, then what about the 15 others on the opposite team? Are they somehow blessed? Nah, because those same people in the next game might go into a "hopeless game" or however they want to call it.   Streaks occur, and I've just come out of a really bad streak of losses (or what felt like it.) ...Maybe I just got a bit better at the game, and slowly my ketchupy-ness is drying and hardening into something a little less squishy (likely 'cause I'm still super noob).  

{lang:macro__view_post}Janissary_ML, on 27 February 2014 - 10:51 AM, said: They dont anything for mm problem thats clear. There is one way for us just UNINSTALL since they share mm improve patch. Please guys do it. I did 3 weeks ago already. Best Regards.

Dakiras:   It's always a bad thing for us to lose players, but to be honest if you're feeling much better and happier for it then that was the right decision for you. We don't want to force people to play just for the sake of playing. Play the game to enjoy it, or to get better; whatever you motivation, just make sure you are happy with it. If not then have a think why you're playing the game (or doing anything) and review whether it's worthy of your time.   Sorry to derail. Life advice is often subjective, but don't do something you don't enjoy. It's a bad way to play games. :)   I was going to say more, but in writing this post I've actually forgotten some of the points. If it pops back into my head at any point I'll post again. :P   Edit: Oh yea, I remember. STAHP FITES!   Seriously, everyone can have a point of view, and do things their own way. Let's not derail this thread into arguments and bickering over things you disagree with. If you disagree with anyone, cool. Debates are good. Just remember there are ways of conveying your point without being abhorrent towards other people.

Akce a soutěže CZ/SK komunity
27.02.2014 13:49:10
Subject: Akce a soutěže CZ/SK komunity
Link on message: #7404561

Karlie: Zítra začíná víkendová soutěž s Frostem! Mrkněte se na podmínky soutěže! 

Yarışma: Let's Battle
27.02.2014 13:42:09
Subject: Yarışma: Let's Battle
Link on message: #7404493

View PostULTRAHakaN, on 27 February 2014 - 08:39 AM, said: ben havaya mı yazdım,anlamadım!!! vuque

vuque: Müşteri Hizmetleriyle ticket yoluyla iletişime geçiniz.

Akce a soutěže CZ/SK komunity
27.02.2014 13:40:05
Subject: Akce a soutěže CZ/SK komunity
Link on message: #7404466

Karlie: Odpolední soutěž s BalOnkem! Máte orlí zrak? 

World of warships
27.02.2014 13:24:12
Subject: World of warships
Link on message: #7404313

Delhroh: El caso del Bismarck podría dar para muchas discusiones e incluso para varios libros.   Tengo previsto escribir un libro sobre ese barco en concreto, pues siempre me ha maravillado su Historia.    Un cordial saludo.

Vladimir Putin's Local Olympics Commercial
27.02.2014 13:11:58
Subject: Vladimir Putin's Local Olympics Commercial
Link on message: #7404201

{lang:macro__view_post}EmperorSafirius, on 27 February 2014 - 11:30 AM, said: They didn't. But you don't have to be a psychic to know that the first mod who sees this will close it. So what's the whole point of posting it?

Dakiras:   Summoned... a bit late, but there was a traffic jam on the mystical highway.   Locked.  

World of Warships
27.02.2014 13:06:58
Subject: World of Warships
Link on message: #7404153

Brynd: Here's a couple of recent articles... :glasses:
Cruisers: the Sea Wolves of World of Warships Join us as Alpha Tester Kirill "Verich" provides a perspective on cruiser gameplay.

Torpedoes Right Ahead!
See how torpedoes will work in World of Warships.

Question aux développeurs : Les réponses Russes
27.02.2014 12:42:32
Subject: Question aux développeurs : Les réponses Russes
Link on message: #7403932

{lang:macro__view_post}Sgt_Vilcoyote, on 27 February 2014 - 10:04 AM, said: sinon tu peut tjr dl les autres versions de wit (NA,RU etc) et t'y co avec ton compte EU mais ils n'aiment pas trop ça chez WG

Non, tu ne peux pas te connecter avec tes identifiants européens sur le serveur NA ou RU, "ce n'est pas que l'on aiment pas ça", c'est juste que ce n'est pas possible. Mais si vous souhaitez créer un compte RU et NA, nous n'avons aucun souci avec cela.

*** Epic Battles ***
27.02.2014 12:37:02
Subject: *** Epic Battles ***
Link on message: #7403880

Tanatoy: Sujet déplacé et fusionné avec le sujet existant. 

Contest: Let’s Battle
27.02.2014 12:34:07
Subject: Contest: Let’s Battle
Link on message: #7403846

View PostHellcat22, on 26 February 2014 - 09:18 PM, said: The magazine Lets Battle is good,lots of good things in there.Guides,interviews and more.I recomend warmly to read it. I read the magazine and answer the questions(in english) but that joke question i answered in my national language(Croatian).If the answers were correct will i get that prize WG?  

Brynd:   For Croatia, the entry must be in English. Please feel free to submit another entry in English.   

View PostZvonzi, on 27 February 2014 - 09:43 AM, said: Oh, man. I wrote everything on English, and I'm from Croatia. MODs, is that going to be a problem?

Brynd:   No, that's perfect. Good luck! :great:

Wargaming a Vigna Valle
27.02.2014 12:28:57
Subject: Wargaming a Vigna Valle
Link on message: #7403789

Brynd: Was great to meet you all. :smile:   I wish we had more time to talk after the tour, though. But I think the day was quite good in the end and we hope you feel the same way.:great:

Wettbewerb: Let’s Battle
27.02.2014 12:08:59
Subject: Wettbewerb: Let’s Battle
Link on message: #7403600

View PostWalther_K_Nehring, on 27 February 2014 - 10:03 AM, said: So gehts mir auch. Von daher lass ich das Antworten jetzt mal bleiben, bevor es hinterher Ällebätsch heist!

nRicochet:   Wird es nicht! :smiles:   Der Eröffnungsthread ist editiert worden:  

Block Quote Update: Aufgrund eines Übersetzungsfehlers der 2. Frage des Wettbewerbs, wird bei allen Teilnehmern, die bis 27. Februar 2014 - 11 Uhr MEZ, bereits am Wettbewerb teilgenommen haben, die Antwort für die 2. Frage nicht gewertet, um die erfolgreiche Teilnahme am Wettbewerb zu gewährleisten. Für diese Teilnehmer sind also nur 4 richtige Antworten plus Witz ausreichend. Für alle Teilnehmer, die nach dem genannten Zeitpunkt teilnehmen, ist eine korrekte Beantwortung der korrigierten zweiten Frage Pflicht. Wir bitten, diesen Fehler zu entschuldigen.

nRicochet:   Vielen Dank nochmal für eure Hinweise auf diesen Fehler! 

bugs arty depuis la 8.11
27.02.2014 11:35:32
Subject: bugs arty depuis la 8.11
Link on message: #7403285

{lang:macro__view_post}djnic0, on 27 February 2014 - 06:11 AM, said:   Sérieusement non plus qu'on est plein a avoir ce problème , d'ailleurs hier en CW on a viser une cible a 2 OBJ 261 en même temps histoire de faire encore plus mal et les 2 obus ne sont jamais arrivé . Donc les pertes de paquet en même temps et en étant chacun à des centaines de kilomètre j'y crois pas trop :sceptic:

Tanatoy: Dans ce cas, je vous conseille aussi de contacter le support client, avec un replay (comme cela nous aurons plus de données à analyser).  

WoT Latvijas sabiedribas tiksanas 1. marta apspriešana
27.02.2014 07:15:28
Subject: WoT Latvijas sabiedribas tiksanas 1. marta apspriešana
Link on message: #7402027

OldFox: Pasakums saksies 1. marta, 17:00, LIDO Vermanitis alus zale pagraba. Mums bus 3 laptopi ar WoT, turnirs sit&go ar 3 preses-kontiem kur ir visa speles esosa tehnika, ka ari bus viktorina. Ar kadu tanku spelesim, nolemsim uzreiz uz vietas. No sakuma es uzcienosu ar alu, pec tam katrs dzer ja grib par savu naudu. Viss ka parasti, veterani zin, ka tas notiek.

Mehr als die Hälfte der Spiele in Himmelsdorf?
27.02.2014 00:28:20
Subject: Mehr als die Hälfte der Spiele in Himmelsdorf?
Link on message: #7401204

nRicochet: 24 Gefechte heute Abend, 1x Himmelsdorf. :blinky:

Stag, zahradní gril, džektajgr a další.
27.02.2014 00:07:15
Subject: Stag, zahradní gril, džektajgr a další.
Link on message: #7401046

Tuccy: Von fe mi nefměje!   Hezká přezdívka pro Excelsior je (na základě videa kde byl poprvé zmíněn) XL Sir :)

probleme de latence
26.02.2014 22:57:09
Subject: probleme de latence
Link on message: #7400490

Rhaya: Bonjour,   De nombreux sujets sont déjà disponibles sur le forum, merci de les utiliser. Soucis de connexion / lags Latence et perte de paquets   Rhaya

Experienced kid looking for a new clan
26.02.2014 22:27:32
Subject: Experienced kid looking for a new clan
Link on message: #7400217

iScending: Moving to correct forum.

Concours : Let’s Battle
26.02.2014 22:24:23
Subject: Concours : Let’s Battle
Link on message: #7400183

View PostShananga, on 26 February 2014 - 08:13 PM, said: Faudrait quand même voir avec vos supérieurs pour qu'ils vous fournissent l'un de ces smartphones car cela risque d'être compliqué pour parler du sujet et d'éventuels problèmes du dit magazine avec les clients dont je fais partie.

Rhaya:   Ça ne sera pas nécessaire, l'équipe communautaire a plusieurs Ipad à disposition pour consulter le magazine en autre. Donc nous allons garder nos téléphones respectifs pour notre plus grand bonheur ! :smile:   Rhaya

Dělo nabito, cíl zaměřen
26.02.2014 22:11:02
Subject: Dělo nabito, cíl zaměřen
Link on message: #7400066

{lang:macro__view_post}nakain, on 26 February 2014 - 03:10 PM, said: Ahahahahaha ….. hoši, hoši…. Když mi někdo močí na záda snáším opravdu špatně. V reálu by ten nabíječ skončil za úsvitu před matracemi. A naprosto souhlasím s tím, co tu napsal JaroslavIV Bez urážky, ale kde jste toho*** spisovatele*** vyhrabali? Červená knihovna?

Karlie:   Autor článku je tam uveden, byl jen několik desítek let v armádě jako pilot a tankista, zkus si pokecat o červené knihovně s nim - máš možnost ho kontaktovat zde Jinak na AJ foru se vyjádřil, že kouřit v tanku rozhodně povoleno nebylo, ale... znamená to, že se to nedělalo?

Résultats des concours Wargaming Month sur forum allemand
26.02.2014 22:08:13
Subject: Résultats des concours Wargaming Month sur forum allemand
Link on message: #7400041

Rhaya: Non ne répondrons pas à cette question !   Rhaya:tongue:

Full Throttle: What Happens Next?
26.02.2014 20:55:01
Subject: Full Throttle: What Happens Next?
Link on message: #7399305

Dakiras:   Welcome to the Full Throttle competition, where I take the Pz I C into battle and double tap R. Throughout the duration of the battle I only use A and D to navigate... and just cruise along the highway of blasting guns and artillery fire.   The idea is to survive and be as useful to the team as possible (no suiscouting!) but not to stop moving. What you guys have to do is guess what happens next: which team wins and how long I survive.   The prize is 2,500 gold. If more than one person gets the answer correct, the total prize will be split between those people. Example: 5 people get the correct answer, they each get 500 gold 4 people get the correct answer, they each get 625 gold 2 people get the correct answer, they each get 1,250 gold   Prizes will be distributed 28th February. If there are no winners, then no-one wins the prize.   Rules To be eligible to win you must Guess the correct outcome of the game (win/loss) Guess the exact time that I survived Only 1 entry per player Edited entries are not allowed! This means even if you just change a typo your entry is voided! Please make sure to use the "Preview post" button before you post! If you were in the battle, you cannot participate If there are no winners the contest will run again at a later time Posts after 23:59 CET 27th February, 2014 will be ignored No spam, non-contest related posts will be deleted   This particular game's setup was as follows.   Map: Karelia Mode: Confrontation Enemy Tiers: 2-3 Battle Duration: 6m 18s Replay: HERE   When replying, please use the following structure in your answer: Result: Victory/Defeat Time Survived: 00m 00s   Screenshot from the start of the match:   Good luck!

Bar de la [CGT]
26.02.2014 20:03:59
Subject: Bar de la [CGT]
Link on message: #7398875

View Post_Antipathy, on 26 February 2014 - 09:58 AM, said:     bar2.jpg

Ah, si on peut avoir une petite fée verte pour la fin de journée... 

Swedish tier 10
26.02.2014 19:59:31
Subject: Swedish tier 10
Link on message: #7398835

iScending: When I was going to do military service in my younger days this was the tank I wanted to drive alas I wasn't accepted and instead I ended up in the (in)active reserves! 

Noob teamy...
26.02.2014 19:56:49
Forum warning points and why - updated 26/02/2014
26.02.2014 19:50:29
Subject: Forum warning points and why - updated 26/02/2014
Link on message: #7398744

View PostXensation, on 26 February 2014 - 05:39 PM, said:   We needed this about 1.5 years ago before all the active forumites (especially in the round table subsection) started getting perm banned.

Ectar:   If players who are on read only status wish to have their account reviewed, this is possible. All they need to do is PM Mr_Kubrick and their respective Community Manager.   Yes, in the past things could have been different and if hindsight was foresight we'd never make mistakes.  We can't always changed what happened in the past but we are committed to making this forum a good place to be. It's still a goal of mine to see us nominated for something good by our community, or for our staff to be put forward for something.  I want the WoT forums to be an example of an awesome place to be. It might not be there now but that's not to say in the future with everyone working together it can be.

Yarışma: Let's Battle
26.02.2014 19:50:22
Subject: Yarışma: Let's Battle
Link on message: #7398743

View Postmstr_, on 26 February 2014 - 06:28 PM, said: Ben pek anlamadım, google playden dergiyi indirip telefondamı cevaplayacagız soruları?

vuque:   Soruları telefondan cevaplaman şart değil ancak dergiyi indirip, okuyup ondan sonra soruları cevaplandırman gerekmekte.

26.02.2014 19:49:08
Subject: Presentaciones
Link on message: #7398731

J0HN_117: Efectivamente, aquí nos tenéis. ¡Bienvenidos chicos! Y sobre todo... ¡a disfrutar!

Anyone thinking of buying a new mouse to play WoT?
26.02.2014 19:34:24
Subject: Anyone thinking of buying a new mouse to play WoT?
Link on message: #7398599

View PostHammerzeit, on 24 February 2014 - 05:21 PM, said: was thinking to bind all the wot keys on this  

Ectar:   I use the g600.  In honestly I don't really like it nor do I use all the buttons. I don't have large hands and find it a bit awkward.  Before that I had a Logitech G9x which I used for quite a while.  Would love to pick one of them up again  

Concours : Let’s Battle
26.02.2014 19:26:52
Subject: Concours : Let’s Battle
Link on message: #7398528

Azkolek: Petit ajout concernant le magazine Let's Battle: certes, il n'est actuellement disponible que sur Android et iOS (n'ayant moi non plus ni l'un ni l'autre, je compatis), mais comme nous vous l'avons dit auparavant, il n'est pas exclu que d'autres versions soient disponibles par l'avenir.
D'ici là, pour les besoins du concours, il n'y a rien qui vous empêche d'emprunter quelques instants l'appareil d'un ami, d'un membre de la famille, ou d'en consulter un en démonstration pour télécharger le magazine (qui rappelons-le, est gratuit), vos questions à la main, et relever les réponses... :harp:

Ping Plotter
26.02.2014 19:26:23
Subject: Ping Plotter
Link on message: #7398522

J0HN_117: Hola,   El equipo de desarrollo nos pide que aquellos que amablemente estén compartiendo sus Ping Plotter con nosotros, lo hagan siguiente estas tres características:   - Los mandéis a través de tickets a soporte (junto con vuestra IP)  - Sean Ping Plotters durante al menos 30 minutos de juego con los problemas de lag. - La imagen tiene que ser renombrada incluyendo el servidor (login p1 o p2), la fecha y vuestra IP entre paréntesis.   Muchas gracias por vuestra ayuda de parte de todo el equipo.

Nueva información sobre Ping Plotter
26.02.2014 19:25:07
Subject: Nueva información sobre Ping Plotter
Link on message: #7398514

J0HN_117: Hola,    El equipo de desarrollo nos pide que aquellos que amablemente estén compartiendo sus Ping Plotter con nosotros, lo hagan siguiente estas tres características:   - Los mandéis a través de tickets a soporte (junto con vuestra IP)  - Sean Ping Plotters durante al menos 30 minutos de juego con los problemas de lag. - La imagen tiene que ser renombrada incluyendo el servidor (login p1 o p2), la fecha y vuestra IP entre paréntesis.   Muchas gracias por vuestra ayuda de parte de todo el equipo.

Fed up with 'warning mods'.
26.02.2014 19:24:50
Subject: Fed up with 'warning mods'.
Link on message: #7398513

View PostNaboo, on 26 February 2014 - 05:21 PM, said: Last time I checked, the default F8 key just says "reloading". It does not say for how long I reload. Or is that some 8.11 feature that I have missed/that has been overwritten by my own mods ?

Ectar:     It was added in 8.11.  Now it will tell your team to the nearest second your reload timer. (Like "Reloading 28 seconds") When you're loaded and press f8 it will say "Ready to fire".  A really simply way to communicate info to team mates and co-ordinate when people are ready/not ready.

Реклама | Adv