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7.5 Update Note

Дата: 27.07.2012 17:39:12
View PostRidge512, on Jul 26 2012 - 17:48, said: Do you guys try to keep the tanks performance in game to match that of them in real life or are you guys trying to make all the tanks even? I know you guys work hard and I really like this game. But all the buffing and nerfing of tanks makes me wonder what your motives behind them are. Will all the buffing and nerfing eventually quiet down?

Vallter: We try to be close to historical reality in the mean of vehicle models, tactics, maps, tanks main purposes and characteristics, but the last are often change to the sake of game balance. Moreover, we always choose game balance, if we have to make a choice between it and hostprical accuracy. This ensure fun game for all.

View PostLoStRoC, on Jul 26 2012 - 17:49, said: Vallter, WG has severly nerfed the performance of the 100mm French premium ammunition(45mm!).

Vallter: Unfortunately, this Premium content will be overperforming in the reality of 7.5 update, thus we had to make a hard decision and nerf it. It's a very rare exclusion from our policy. This is one of the reasons why we have given to you almost a weekly notice - this will allow you to use them in current state during battles.

View PostBlueHusky, on Jul 26 2012 - 17:56, said: There are two guns to be researched if you have the Lorraine currently. If I research BOTH guns, will I keep any of them after the update-- or will there be only one gun for the Lorraine after the update? I understand from reading the update that the OCA 45 will be gone, how about the other gun? The one that takes 34k xp to get.

Vallter: The other gun will remain on Lorraine.

View PostTheFlyingPig, on Jul 26 2012 - 19:23, said: All I noticed was this "KV-5 removed form the in-game shop" :Smile_mellow:
Edit:oh and this "Due to MatchMaker changes, parameters of gollowing USSR Medium tanks and TD’s were rebalanced: Т-28, Т-34-85, Т-43, КV-13, SU-85" so many misspellings.

Vallter: Thank you for watchfulness. All typo's fixed.

View PostPanzerleiter, on Jul 26 2012 - 19:51, said: Since there are so many grammar corrections in this thread: When you talk about durability decreases, as in, " Durability increased on 100 HP", it should be, "Durability increased by 100 HP".

Vallter: They have a good profitability for the vehicles of their Tier. We do not think that they need any buff of income or reduction of repair cost.

View Postgregm, on Jul 26 2012 - 19:52, said: What about tetrach and t 127? They need some cred income buffs since Thier special and premium!!!!!

Vallter: Though the problem is client side and we cannpt influence that much on it, I can assure you that we are trying to find a solution to implement this fix automatically to all our players.

View PostPaladin1, on Jul 26 2012 - 10:18, said: Vallter, from personal experience with this issue, and still having ongoing problems... I don't see how this explanation is correct. I HAVE contacted support with a lengthy over 2 week ticket, got the "fix", and there is still issues....  If it were because of temporary files on my computer, once the "fix" was initiated it should have fixed the problem, but it hasn't for my clan. Fixing my files worked for me, but EVERY clan member had to do the fix to get the emblems back. Still to this date, new players accepted into the clan have to use the fix to have our emblem. Getting a clan emblem was automatic before when you joined the clan, it just appeared on your tank. There were no problems with the emblems in my clan until I changed the emblem, that is when the issues started and they did not appear. Prior to that ALL new members had the emblem working for them as soon as they joined. So something that was working automatically, is not working automatically now. If it were something with temporary files, you would think there would be something added to game code during an update so people don't have to go in and "tinker" with their pc's files (not everyone is comfortable messing with internal files or even knowledgable).

Vallter: 1)CtD issue happened only on some PC configuration and not on all.
2)I would suggest to check your ISP connection
3)This feature of the gameplay was in since release. It's the game sence.
4)It was tested on the Public Test server, which has quite similar population.

View Postkingbright, on Jul 26 2012 - 20:49, said: ???
They introduced a crash-to-desktop with 7.4, which didn't happend on the test server. The fix for that was published yesterday, after several weeks, just before the new patch comes out.
They introduced serious lag problems during many hours of a day which wasn't the case on the test server.
They introduced this frustrating penetration-no damage feature.
They will introduce a new matchmaker which wasn't tested at all on the NA server and its population. We have to see how this will work out during a typical day. I'm sure it works fine with many players online ...

Vallter: Hmm... KV-2 would or a T95 with Maus amount of HP... Hmmmm....

View PostKeckers, on Jul 26 2012 - 22:22, said: Agreed. A date based tier ranking with similar HP for all tanks based on volume/mass size and NOT a tank's tier,  would mean that a Hetzer (available in 1944) could fight against an IS and NOT LOSE JUST BECAUSE IT HAS FEWER HIT POINTS!

Vallter: For such way of gameplay TD are present in our game. A TD+SPG mutant is neither close to reality nor something that can enter the gameplay.

View PostKeckers, on Jul 26 2012 - 23:41, said: Also, to make the game more historical the dispersion values for ALL arty in an indirect fire mode should be raised by at least 20%...in direct fire not, in fact in direct fire some arty should get a zoom like a tank's especiially if the optics are there and the muzzle velocity is high enough for direct fire!

Vallter: No, it will not.

View Postmp31b30q9, on Jul 27 2012 - 00:57, said: "Fixed the description and conditions for obtaining Fadin's medal."
Will it effect previous awards?

Vallter: Next week, most probably.

View PostDavidN28, on Jul 27 2012 - 02:04, said: Could someone tell me what "soon" means? They said that they are gonna release 7.5 soon. Does it mean 1 week? couple weeks? couple months?


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