Developers posts on forum
In this section you'll find posts from the official developers forum. The base is updated every hour and stored on a server If you encounter any bugs, have suggestions or comments, write to
Subject: Zusammenfassung des Weltkarten-Events: Konfrontation
Link on message: #18918355
FleiszG, on 10 March 2022 - 03:28 PM, said: @Zapfhan Hi! Kannst du vielleicht sagen, was war der
Link on message: #18918355

Zapfhan: Das durchschnittliche Gebot habe ich nicht zur Hand
Subject: Zusammenfassung des Weltkarten-Events: Konfrontation
Link on message: #18918327
Aurelion_Black, on 10 March 2022 - 02:52 PM, said: aber was haben die Beschwerden und die Abstimmungen
Link on message: #18918327

Zapfhan: Dies kann man noch nicht sagen, da Regeln für eine etwaige
nächste Kampagne nicht feststehen.
Subject: Saison VII des Battle Pass: FAQ
Link on message: #18918303
uels58, on 10 March 2022 - 02:39 PM, said: Hallo Zusammen Gegen Ende wird ein 8er Premium verfügbar
sein. Weiss man da schon, um welchen Panzer es geht? Und in welchem
Zeitraum wird dieser erhältlich sein? Für was er zu holen ist? (
Punkte, Gold Marken, Credits….) Vielleicht habe ich da etwas
übersehen, ich kann nirgends etwas finden. Danke für
Antworten. Freundliche Grüsse
Link on message: #18918303

Zapfhan: Nein keines der Dinge ist bis jetzt bekannt.
Subject: Zusammenfassung des Weltkarten-Events: Konfrontation
Link on message: #18918290
Aurelion_Black, on 10 March 2022 - 02:35 PM, said: Egal was wir hier schreiben und was wir als Community auch an WG
rantragen: Es interessiert bei WG niemanden
Link on message: #18918290

Zapfhan: Das ist nicht korrekt.
Subject: Zusammenfassung des Weltkarten-Events: Konfrontation
Link on message: #18918097
elektroberto, on 10 March 2022 - 12:32 PM, said: 113 Bonds... Das ist wie im CW-Ranking auf Platz 4002 zu
sitzen. :O 12:33 Added after 0 minute Nochmal ganz
langsam und zum mitschreiben... Da haben sich welche den M60 und
den 121B ersteigert?!
Dragokar, on 10 March 2022 - 12:34 PM, said: Wer war denn so dumm den M60 und 121B für so viel zu ersteigern,
wenn es die für 15k im Bondshop gibt?
Link on message: #18918097

Zapfhan: Nochmal ganz langsam und zum mitschreiben... Da haben sich
welche den M60 und den 121B ersteigert?! ja

Zapfhan: Soll ja keiner denken ich kann es mir nicht leisten den
Panzer zu ersteigern. 

Subject: Shrnutí akce na globální mapě: Konfrontace
Link on message: #18918082
Link on message: #18918082
Sstyx: Výsledky aukce:113x Carro da Combattimento 45 t 215x VK 72.01 (K)
448x Objekt 907 2x M60 1x 121B 21x T95E6 7900x T95/FV4201 Chieftain
Aukce v bonech:min. příhoz 38 642 max. příhoz 150 000
Subject: Zusammenfassung des Weltkarten-Events: Konfrontation
Link on message: #18918078
Link on message: #18918078
Zapfhan: Als information Diese Panzer wurden in der Auktion
ersteigert 113x Carro215x VK448x Obj9072x M601x 121B21x
T95E67900x chief Gebote:min 38642max. 150000
Subject: Saison VII des Battle Pass: FAQ
Link on message: #18918008
MrPeebody, on 09 March 2022 - 08:23 PM, said: Mal ne blöde Frage
Link on message: #18918008

Zapfhan: Die Punkte sind nicht auf die 7500 begrenzt. Du kannst wenn
du den Battle Pass durchgespielt hast, noch immer mehr Punkte
verdienen und auch in dem Shop verwenden.
Subject: Onkel Hardwares Kaffeeklatsch(en) :) 15-16Uhr, Kännchen nur drausen!
Link on message: #18917983
Link on message: #18917983
Jahrakajin: TV ist nur da für größeren Bildschirm wenn man Netflix oder stream
vom PC anschauen möchte. Halbe Stunde Nachrichten reichen mir, ist
eh nur das selbe auch wenn man schon nicht apathisch sein sollte
was gerade um uns geschieht.
Subject: Sstyxina informuje o novinkách
Link on message: #18917925
Link on message: #18917925
Sstyx: Z důvodu dovolené 11.03.2022 nebudu přítomná na žádné komunikační
platformě. V případě, že budete potřebovat pomoci, kontaktujte
prosím naše moderátory či mi
zanechte PM, kdy se vám další pracovní den (14.03.2022 ) budu
Subject: Onkel Hardwares Kaffeeklatsch(en) :) 15-16Uhr, Kännchen nur drausen!
Link on message: #18917824
Link on message: #18917824
Jahrakajin: Moin, Dönerstag ist gut. Vielleicht später. Frühstück gab es kalte
Pizza von gestern, hatte keinen Bock etwas zu kochen. Letztes
freies Wochenende steht bei mir an.
Subject: Choose Your Rewards With March Monthly Twitch Drops
Link on message: #18917764
Von_Luger, on 08 March 2022 - 10:42 AM, said: Hi, I have a question: Do the points, earned from Twitch drops and
completed missions carry over to the next campaign, or do they
disappear (after 09 May), because in the official page the language
is vague?
SmegTheNoob, on 07 March 2022 - 09:51 PM, said: I am not interested in being forced to watch someone on Twitch,
just to get some meagre rewards. What has happened to the
monthly Prime Gaming stuff?
Sub_Morgan, on 07 March 2022 - 12:45 PM, said: What will happen with tokens if i can't reach tier 6 tank ?
Final_Eclipse, on 09 March 2022 - 11:05 AM, said: Don't waste your nerves with these stupid events for a tank that
costs 10 euros, have fun and don't give us any money or nerves for
this nonsense. I randomly blew up all 34 points for all sorts of
rubbish, and so far,
RockyRoller, on 09 March 2022 - 11:55 AM, said: I've been doing the missions and I have decent download
speed on my ISP to have Twitch on and do other online things at the
same time. I usually have something educational or current news on
whilst I play that I can listen too. But I'll be honest, it
seems to me WG are forcing folks to actually watch Twitch now as
I've found this week if you don't have the sound on and the browser
having Twitch as the top window that the Twitch stream will pause
at some point and you will not get any progress. Going
out walking the dog and leaving Twitch playing whilst I'm out
works. Kids train your parents to do this whilst you're at school.
10:57 Added after 1 minute I did them for the
free camo as it may look meh but its a free bonus.
Final_Eclipse, on 09 March 2022 - 01:14 PM, said: If it costs me time and nerves, then it's not worth it
this event. I'm here to have fun, but something started to make me nervous, so it's not right. And it's not worth it for 10 euros 3 months to give a person so much nerves and time. And one more thing there are no free things at least again free in WG this company even makes money from the air.
Only a person below the average level has not yet understood it
Link on message: #18917764

Dwigt: You will get to keep the tokens till end of the current campaign.
That's the current plan for now. Make sure you spend the tokens as
the Twitch Drops Store stays available until May 9 at
07:00 CEST (UTC+2).

Dwigt: We do not have any information about Prime Gaming for now but we
will share it as soon as we have any updates.

Dwigt: Tokens will stay until the end of this campaign on the 9th of May
as said in the article: "The Twitch Drops Store offers are
available until May 9 at 07:00 CEST (UTC+2)."


Dwigt: I did them for the free camo as it may look meh but its a
free bonus.

this event. I'm here to have fun, but something started to make me nervous, so it's not right. And it's not worth it for 10 euros 3 months to give a person so much nerves and time. And one more thing there are no free things at least again free in WG this company even makes money from the air.
Only a person below the average level has not yet understood it

Dwigt: No one is forcing you to watch the streams Final Eclipse and Rocky
Roller, it's totally up to you if you would like to take part in
this low effort event. Thousands of our players like to watch WoT
content creators, it's entertaining for them, maybe not for you and
for that we feel that they should be rewarded. I believe many free
to play players would like to get a tier 6 premium or maybe some
prem days and you call them "persons below average level".Totally
up to you again! Most of the missions are super easy, maybe the
last week are bit more challenging but you have 2 weeks to complete
them...The closest event I can compare the Monthly Twitch Drops to
is Tank Rewards, where you had to play hundreds of battles and
grind a whole month for a tier 6 and players complained that they
did not have enough time while now you can watch for 6-7 hours get
tokens and missions then decide what to get from the shop. I'm a
bit confused.
Subject: Update 1.16 Release - General Feedback
Link on message: #18917339
Link on message: #18917339
Dwigt: Micropatch 1.16_2 will be deployed tomorrow to fix some of the
issues. • Fixed the issue when some accounts experienced a
long waiting time upon entering the Store section with crew
• Fixed the issue of the Battle Pass progression not opening in some situations.
• Fixed the issue when the Holiday Ops discounts did not work on some vehicles.
• Fixed the visual issue of the shell launch point of the Lorraine 50t's gun being shifted to the side.
• Fixed some technical and localization issues.
• No new mods folder https://eu.wargaming...t-issues/10762/
• Fixed the issue of the Battle Pass progression not opening in some situations.
• Fixed the issue when the Holiday Ops discounts did not work on some vehicles.
• Fixed the visual issue of the shell launch point of the Lorraine 50t's gun being shifted to the side.
• Fixed some technical and localization issues.
• No new mods folder https://eu.wargaming...t-issues/10762/
Subject: Update 1.16 Release - Technical Issues and Bug Report
Link on message: #18917336
Link on message: #18917336
Dwigt: Micropatch 1.16_2 will be deployed tomorrow to fix some of the
issues. • Fixed the issue when some accounts experienced a
long waiting time upon entering the Store section with crew
• Fixed the issue of the Battle Pass progression not opening in some situations.
• Fixed the issue when the Holiday Ops discounts did not work on some vehicles.
• Fixed the visual issue of the shell launch point of the Lorraine 50t's gun being shifted to the side.
• Fixed some technical and localization issues.
• No new mods folder https://eu.wargaming...t-issues/10762/
• Fixed the issue of the Battle Pass progression not opening in some situations.
• Fixed the issue when the Holiday Ops discounts did not work on some vehicles.
• Fixed the visual issue of the shell launch point of the Lorraine 50t's gun being shifted to the side.
• Fixed some technical and localization issues.
• No new mods folder https://eu.wargaming...t-issues/10762/
Subject: Sstyxina informuje o novinkách
Link on message: #18917279
Link on message: #18917279
Sstyx: Z důvodu micropatche nebudou servery World of Tanks
dne 10.3.2022 dostupné po dobu cca 45 minut.Micropatch
1.16_2 bude probíhat dne 10.3.2022 od 5:00 - 5:45
CET Klanový portál ( bude nedostupný
od 5:00 - 5:45 CET složky na modifikace by se neměly
měnit. Opraveno:Opraven problém, kdy se u některých hráčů při
vstupu do sekce "Obchod - členové posádky" dlouho čekalo.
Opraven problém, kdy se v některých situacích neotevřel postup v
Battle Passu. Problém se mohl reprodukovat i na dříve
nainstalovaných herních klientech, pokud hráč spustil klienta na
jiném počítači po prvním výběru kapitoly Battle Passu. Opraven
problém, kdy na některých vozidlech nefungovaly slevy ze Sváteční
operace. Opraven vizuální problém, kdy byl výstupní bod
výstřelu granátu z děla Lorraine 50t posunut do strany - do
leva. Opraveny některé technické a lokalizační
Join Fun Streams With Twitch Drops to Celebrate International Women's Day
08.03.2022 17:58:38
Subject: Join Fun Streams With Twitch Drops to Celebrate International Women's Day
Link on message: #18916453
Link on message: #18916453
eekeeboo: Apologies we have had to remove the video for now and will be
editing once some changes are made and the new version uploaded
- articles will be updated as soon as we can.

Subject: Saison VII des Battle Pass: Ratgeber zum Event
Link on message: #18916437
Smartraev, on 08 March 2022 - 05:59 AM, said: @ Zapfhan: da ich auf die Frage bisher nirgendwo eine Antwort
finden kann, würde ich sie gerne nochmal stellen: ist es möglich
einen progressiven Stil der Stufe IV auch in Stufe II zu verwenden?
Hintergrund ist der, dass ich z. B. beim Leopard diese Stufe besser
finde und das Kapitel dann ja nur bis Sufe 29 spielen dürfte, damit
der Stil auf Stufe 2 bleibt. Das wiederum wäre natürlich schade,
weil ich den BP dann nicht abschließen könnte.
Link on message: #18916437

Zapfhan: Aktuell ist es nicht möglich einen Stil zu "downgraden". Wenn
du Stufe III freigeschaltet hast, kannst du nicht mehr Stufe I
anwenden.Die Möglichkeit dies zu tun ist jedoch etwas, das wir auch
im Rahmen des jetzigen Battle Pass weitergeleitet haben.
Subject: Update 1.16 - Battle Pass Saison VII
Link on message: #18916434
Horny_Hans, on 07 March 2022 - 04:48 PM, said: Moin Zapfhan,
Link on message: #18916434

Zapfhan: Ist der Unterschied bei dir noch immer der Fall?
Subject: Saison VII des Battle Pass: FAQ
Link on message: #18916387
Kraftwolf, on 05 March 2022 - 09:02 AM, said: Frage zu den Besatzungsmitgliedern für 3.000 Punkte: kann man bei
ALLEN Besatzungsmitgliedern die Nation und Spezialisierung frei
wählen? Ich kann mich erinnern, dass es mal Besatzungen mit fester
Nationalität gab..
Bleeding333, on 06 March 2022 - 02:06 AM, said: Ich fand den letzten Battle Pass besser, sicher der
Ladescreen sieht ja schick aus, aber mehr tut er bei mir
Eddi99, on 06 March 2022 - 11:14 AM, said: Für mich sieht es danach aus, dass man gar keine dieser
Besatzungsmitglieder bekommen kann, wenn man sie bereits in den
alten Pässen erhalten hatte. Oder täusche ich mich da?
Link on message: #18916387

Zapfhan: Da so wie ich das sehe nur die Kommandanten der Saison IV-VI
sind, sollte bei allen die Auswahl der Nation und Rolle
verfügbar sein.

Zapfhan: Ist bekannt und an einer Lösung wird gearbeitet.

Zapfhan: Du kannst nur Besatzungsmitglieder rekrutieren, die du noch
nicht erhalten hast.
Begeht mit uns den Weltfrauentag und seid auf unterhaltsame Streams mit aktiv...
08.03.2022 16:29:32
Subject: Begeht mit uns den Weltfrauentag und seid auf unterhaltsame Streams mit aktiv...
Link on message: #18916381
Huzzemann, on 08 March 2022 - 12:23 PM, said: warum kriegt das der d00fe ami und wir nich???? 
Link on message: #18916381

Zapfhan: Andere Länder andere... Drops
Subject: King Tiger (Captured)
Link on message: #18916170
Link on message: #18916170
Sstyx: Americký těžký tank sedmé úrovně. Více informací o
tanku v Tankpédii. Odkaz na
- statistiky a 3D model. Historické pozadí:
Během druhé světové války používaly všechny strany zajatá
nepřátelská obrněná vozidla, přičemž je co nejdříve natřely barvami
své armády a nanesly na ně viditelné označení, aby minimalizovaly
riziko „palby z vlastních řad“.
WoT7 Finals: Who Will Prevail? Find Out This Weekend and Earn Twitch Drops
08.03.2022 11:19:31
Subject: WoT7 Finals: Who Will Prevail? Find Out This Weekend and Earn Twitch Drops
Link on message: #18916152
L0rd_0f_War, on 04 March 2022 - 09:02 PM, said: Used to be 2D styles or camo as Twitch rewards, but now only
decals... Would have been more useful if a few extra tokens (to be
used along with the monthly twitch reward tokens in the in-game
store) were awarded, than some decals. Anyway, good luck to anyone
Link on message: #18916152

Keyhand: The 2D styles and paints are connected to and reserved for
15v15 tournaments - Coincidentally, there will be one on the 19th
and 20th 

Subject: Join Fun Streams With Twitch Drops to Celebrate International Women's Day
Link on message: #18915735
xXK4L1NXx, on 07 March 2022 - 04:39 PM, said: long would the watch time for those drops be?
Real nice of you to write a 5-paragraphs-long article saying the same general stuff over and over again, but leaving out actual important info.
Gremlin182, on 07 March 2022 - 05:25 PM, said: So how does this work can I watch the twitch stream while playing.
Im thinking of using the twitch app to cast the stream to my TV
while having the game running on my PC. That way I can do both
However if I have to type in codes etc its not going to work I
would have to abandon playing and just watch the stream.
Link on message: #18915735

Real nice of you to write a 5-paragraphs-long article saying the same general stuff over and over again, but leaving out actual important info.
Dwigt: The info is in the article, just needed to scroll down a

Dwigt: Can be done simultaneously, and you can even have Twitch running on
your PC as well to make it easier for you to claim the drops.Make
sure you link your WG and Twitch accounts and then once you
get the drops on Twitch click the claim button and you will receive
them in game!
Subject: Aktualizace 1.16 - Všeobecná diskuse
Link on message: #18915519
mjor, on 05 March 2022 - 03:12 PM, said: Zdravim, ma nekdo neustale probleme s odpojovaanim ze serveru
? Otazka na Styxx dik
Link on message: #18915519

Sstyx: Ahoj, při odpojení od serveru se vypne hra jen do přihlašovacího
okna nebo se celkově vypne hra? Případně sdílíš s někým účet?
Pokud ano, doporučiji změnit heslo - může se zkoušet přihlásit na
tvůj účet a to tě odpojuje od serveru.Jsi na wifi připojení nebo
jsi připojen drátem? Pokud na wifi, zkus internet drátem, zda bude
tento problém i nadále či ne.
Subject: VII. sezóna Battle Passu: často kladené dotazy
Link on message: #18915516
ExiZtenZ, on 04 March 2022 - 08:06 PM, said: Jsem u tebe na "Ban-listu" ? Všem tady odpovídáš a
hned na první dotaz ve vláknu neodpovíš.

embamex, on 04 March 2022 - 11:11 PM, said: Vymazáno a nepomohlo, poté jsem odinstaloval celou hru a znovu
nainstaloval a problém pořád stejný, kliknu na ikonu BT a běží
načítání a dál se nic neděje, to samé když kliknu na položku mise.
Link on message: #18915516

Sstyx: Ne, bohužel se musím omluvit, ale minula jsem dotaz.Časově omezená
kapitola není ještě spuštěná. Ta informace "Všechny detaily vydáme
krátce před začátkem celé akce..." se týká té dané části ne BP jako

Sstyx: Vymazal jsi opravdu vše a to včetně nastavení? Osobně jsem se
s tímto problémem také potýkala na jednom z PC, na laptopu bylo vše
ok. Až po smazání i nastavení, tedy komplet celé složky se vše
Subject: Battle Pass menu access
Link on message: #18915501
Link on message: #18915501
HeatResistantBFG: Solution can be found here https://eu.wargaming...-issues/34915/ 

Subject: does anyone else see that matches are rigged
Link on message: #18915499
Clint___, on 07 March 2022 - 02:55 AM, said: Your argument would be valid if those first 20-30 battles with
stock modules would average 48-50% WR when counting all tanks. If
say half had 20% win rate, the other half 80% win rate. But that's
not the case. When i average the games from tanks with
unlocked modules i am way, way below par. 20%-30% below par. That's
how rigging is spotted, by checking the stats that don't get
clouded by the general outcome. Of cause if you take 1
tank 1000 battels into account you won't see that the first 25
battles were a ripoff where WG just silently pressured you to buy
free xp with gold by rigging your mm. If you take first 25 battles
from 40 tanks and find 25% win rate...then you might understand how
things work. Annoying as it is, there is the consolation that after
a while the crap and rigged mm eventually turns into the just crap
mm everyone is used to.
Link on message: #18915499

I also have been mostly doing top of the tree, if you
take out grinding for silver and some field mod grinding then it's
the majority of my games. I do tend to spend some free XP here and
there, but where possible I don't spend it and grind it stock, such
as in these brit lights because in general, the upgrades don't
affect the way these tanks plays. As I have done this one recently
I know what I've done free XP wise, GSOR none, Setter None and
LHMTV I upgraded the engine with free XP. The tier 6 to 3 stats are
from when the FV4202 was a tier 10 hence not including them
but they ironically enough were free xp'd modules but playing
with no prem account and no top of the tree, and also disagree with
your hypothesis.
So, using your own example of the first 20-30 battles while stock, and checking win rates... no issues here. With a current top of the tree too
BUTTTT I'd also say such a sample size proves nothing,
and it's far more likely that I know how to play light tanks
relatively well, these are lights that upgrades don't matter too
much and I'm a (stat-wise) above average player which means the
other people I come across also grinding the line I'll win the
fight against most of the time, resulting in a slightly higher win
rate because being the only light tank and playing well can make a
huge difference to the result. Point is, as has been said you're
concept is still mostly based on feeling, not actual hard proof,
and once you have any idea/belief like this one cognitive bias
tends to kick in and just confirm it even more to you.

So, using your own example of the first 20-30 battles while stock, and checking win rates... no issues here. With a current top of the tree too

Subject: Onkel Hardwares Kaffeeklatsch(en) :) 15-16Uhr, Kännchen nur drausen!
Link on message: #18914731
Link on message: #18914731
Jahrakajin: Moin, Sonntag ist Faultag. Es schneit und jetzt das große Dilemma,
die Stadt in SimCity 4 weiterentwickeln, ein bisschen Gwent oder
ein paar Panzer rausfahren. Ich hab auch noch GTA V installiert und
die letzten Tage gezockt aber irgendwie kein bock gerade :/
Subject: A może byśmy sobie zorganizowali mały Protest Graczy?
Link on message: #18914454
abstrakt2003, on 05 March 2022 - 07:51 AM, said: Zamykanie wątków politycznych na Off topick jest działaniem
politycznym. Po to jest off topick by ludzie pisali o czym im sie
podoba. Polityka jest legalna w krajach demokratycznych. Jeśli więc
WG zabrania pisać o polityce, to znaczy ze wprowadza cenzurę i jest
firmą antydemokratyczną. W Rosji za pisanie o wojnie na Ukrainie
grozi 15 lat łagru!
Ataman_Slawa_Ukrajini, on 05 March 2022 - 11:22 AM, said: Jaki jest problem żeby zmienić ten punkt. Zmieńcie i
egzekwujcie. Pytanie tylko czy nie można rozmawiać tylko o polityce
ale również o wojnie, akcjach ratunkowych, zbiórkach
charytatywnych? *edit
Link on message: #18914454

ApocalipticSnowflake: Off-topic dalej podlega naszemu forum i zasady forum
obowiązują także tam. Polityka jest legalna w kraju nikt nie mówi
że nie, ale miejscem do jej uprawiania jest Parlament więc polecam
wystartowanie w wyborach bo na forum gry komputerowej ich nie
wygrasz. Jak można "wprowadzać cenzurę" gdy te same zasady
obowiązują od ponad 4 lat? A na forum nie dostałeś ani jednej kary
więc... ?

ApocalipticSnowflake: O aktualnej wojnie wolałbym nie bo szybko to przejdzie w Politykę,
oczywiście wszystkie materiały zawierające gore też są zdecydowanie
nie na miejscu. Akcje ratunkowe i zbiórki są okej tak długo
jak nie dyskutują o Polityce. Jedną ze zbiórek wrzucił nawet
Chudy. Rozwine to też że strony do dzielenia się
ofertami pomocy w różnych aspektach też jest
okej. Jedyna rzecz o której proszę od tygodnia to brak
Polityki nic więcej.
Subject: Onkel Hardwares Kaffeeklatsch(en) :) 15-16Uhr, Kännchen nur drausen!
Link on message: #18914442
Link on message: #18914442
Jahrakajin: Gut das du besser bist, Scheiße weil halt Arbeit. Wieso jetzt
letztes Wochenende? Gibt es Samstag/Sonntag schicht?
Subject: Onkel Hardwares Kaffeeklatsch(en) :) 15-16Uhr, Kännchen nur drausen!
Link on message: #18913879
Link on message: #18913879
Jahrakajin: Moinsen und ein schönes Wochenende. Danke fürs Frühstück, erstes
und letztes Bilds bin is pass. Zu viele Weiber in meinem Leben und
Kaffee trinke ich selten.
Subject: A może byśmy sobie zorganizowali mały Protest Graczy?
Link on message: #18913646
battleofbacon, on 04 March 2022 - 08:12 PM, said: Na przykład jakie?
Link on message: #18913646

ApocalipticSnowflake: Mnóstwo: Można się zebrać w grupę na FB Można stworzyć Serwer
na Discordzie Zrobić czat grupowy na
Telegramie/whatsapp-ie/Signal-u Nawet 4chan ma specjalną kategorię
dla Polityki
Subject: Saison VII des Battle Pass: FAQ
Link on message: #18913500
Geno1isme, on 04 March 2022 - 04:24 PM, said: Die einzig relevante Info ist dass ihr derzeit keine weiteren Infos
rausrücken wollt, super. Der Rest ist einfach nur ne Wiederholung
von Infos aus dem Ursprungsartikel mit mehr Worten. Aber FAQ hat ja
schon lange nichts mehr mit echten Fragen zu tun.
Link on message: #18913500

Zapfhan: Die hier beantworten Fragen kamen allesamt aus der Community
und wurden auf den unterschiedlichen Kanälen recht häufig
genannt. Wenn es einer Wiederholung bedarf damit manch einer
nun den Artikel liest, dann ist es eben so.
Subject: VII. sezóna Battle Passu: často kladené dotazy
Link on message: #18913468
Artylery_bots_detector, on 04 March 2022 - 05:12 PM, said: Zajímá mě věc, která v článku ale napsaná není. Je tu na místě se
zeptat, jestli existuje šance, že se do Battle passu bude letos
přidávat ještě jiný vozidlo kromě Cobry a šilhavý 50t? Protože
pokud už mám všechny vozidla, tak za tento si můžu vyjezdit
Lorraine HT a zbydou mi 3 žetony. Takže na jedno trofejní vybavení.
A pak budou letos další 2 Battle Passy což znamená, že dalších
celkem 42 žetonů. 24 bude za Cobru, takže mi jich hodně zbyde. A
tady vzniká důvod se ptát, jestli s nima mám kalkulovat do dalších
sezon, nebo koupit ty trofejní vybavení až budu mít i Cobru... Víme
k tomu něco, Sstyx?
Link on message: #18913468

Sstyx: Pro tuto sezónu je vše oznámeno, pokud se bude dále něco přidávat,
bude to včas oznámeno, prozatím žádné takové informace
nemám. Sezóny jsou každý rok obdobné stran toho, co lze
Subject: Onkel Hardwares Kaffeeklatsch(en) :) 15-16Uhr, Kännchen nur drausen!
Link on message: #18913461
SturmMOECKL, on 04 March 2022 - 02:14 PM, said: Moin. Huzze und das Schlachteviech gehören jetzt der
Mopsfraktion an. 13:15 Added after 0 minute Achso: heute ist
übrigens Freitag
Colonel1965, on 04 March 2022 - 02:50 PM, said: Dich gibt's noch? Dit freut mir jetze aba! Verpasst? Nix,
außer den weiteren geistigen Verfall der WOT Spielerschaft.
Link on message: #18913461

Jahrakajin: Achso: heute ist übrigens Freitag
Mopsfraktion? Also Rollmöpse? Sind die nun auf der Speisekarte?
Mopsfraktion? Also Rollmöpse? Sind die nun auf der Speisekarte?

Jahrakajin: Ah, geistiger Verfall. Also bin ich genau richtig hier!
Subject: does anyone else see that matches are rigged
Link on message: #18913423
Spectral_Warrior, on 04 March 2022 - 10:38 AM, said: Hi Heat, One question though regarding the map rotation. Is it true
that for each day or week or whatever, the rotation only includes a
subset of all possible maps? I heard this somewhere a while ago and
I must admit I am inclined to think this also. Often times over the
course of a day's worth I observed that some maps get 'picked'
multiple times whereas the great majority of maps not even
once. I know this could also be just the random thing, but I
was wondering there are rotation selection where during each
rotation it only selects from... say 10 maps at most (potentially
to ease server processing or something?)
Link on message: #18913423

HeatResistantBFG: Hey, so i don't have a definitive answer atm, will keep
trying to poke for one
Only info i know is what i picked up as a player and so is as
accurate as anyone else's
Don't want to portray that as reality though, feel free to DM
me so it doesn't get lost and I'll see what i can do about getting
an official answer.

Subject: VII. sezóna Battle Passu: často kladené dotazy
Link on message: #18913420
embamex, on 04 March 2022 - 04:23 PM, said: Proč se po kliknutí na BT nemohu nikam dostat? Pořád běží načítání
a nic se neděje.
Link on message: #18913420

Sstyx: Vymaž mezipaměť hry a to včetně nastavení.
Subject: These Two Strike From the Shadows
Link on message: #18913302
CIRLU, on 04 March 2022 - 02:32 PM, said: once again, premium tanks that were available during the caravan
event for those who might have missed out.. really this event had
nothing exclusive in the end, well played WG, way to undermine your
Link on message: #18913302

Dwigt: The Trading Caravan was not only about exclusive tanks but it
offered some deals and bundles. The Kirovets, and T-22 Medium were
probably the most exclusive vehicles in that event but you also had
deals for 1 credit and premium for credits. Those who were unlucky
can maybe catch up and buy the tanks if they're still interested.
Subject: Update 1.16 Release - Technical Issues and Bug Report
Link on message: #18913206
CHICKEN_steel, on 03 March 2022 - 10:25 PM, said: I have the problem that I cant select and activate any of the three
battlepass stages, I can look at the 3D skins but when I click on
the stage it self it keeps saying "loading content"
Link on message: #18913206

Dwigt: Are you still having this issue?
I had it once but then I clicked again on the chapter and everything was fine?
I had it once but then I clicked again on the chapter and everything was fine?
Subject: Update 1.16 Release - General Feedback
Link on message: #18913195
a_noob_in_his_, on 02 March 2022 - 12:44 PM, said: what happened to the battle pass tokens accumulated over the
previous seasons? i had 20-odd tokens at the end of last
season (having not seen anything i wanted to exchange them for
up to that point), and as they had rolled over previously i had
assumed that would still be the case. i take it i was wrong. it's
just my luck that you finally get a British tank in the Battle Pass
rewards (for 24 tokens, no less) and that all my previously earned
tokens are gone and i have to start again from scratch. this
doesn't inspire me to continue playing at all, if all my previous
hard work counts for nothing. disheartening and
disappointing. peace.
a_noob_in_his_, on 04 March 2022 - 11:48 AM, said: read all the articles and watch all the videos? to find one
solitary piece of information? obviously i'm not as dedicated a
player as you are. how could i possibly miss such a vital,
game changing piece of information like that? of course i should
have been "fully aware" of every single change made to the game.
how remiss of me. the fact that it hadn't changed for at least 2
seasons led me to believe that this condition would remain.
how stupid of me to think such a thing. i'm glad you were here to
set me straight.
Link on message: #18913195


Dwigt: I guess I missed your comment yesterday but the info around the BP
tokens from previous season was posted several times on the forums,
articles (we even had a reminder to spend your tokens before the
end of Season VI), CCs and even players sharing it. I'm sorry to
hear that you missed it but I can assure you that the information
was available for a while.
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