Дата: 04.03.2022 14:11:49
a_noob_in_his_, on 02 March 2022 - 12:44 PM, said: what happened to the battle pass tokens accumulated over the
previous seasons? i had 20-odd tokens at the end of last
season (having not seen anything i wanted to exchange them for
up to that point), and as they had rolled over previously i had
assumed that would still be the case. i take it i was wrong. it's
just my luck that you finally get a British tank in the Battle Pass
rewards (for 24 tokens, no less) and that all my previously earned
tokens are gone and i have to start again from scratch. this
doesn't inspire me to continue playing at all, if all my previous
hard work counts for nothing. disheartening and
disappointing. peace.
a_noob_in_his_, on 04 March 2022 - 11:48 AM, said: read all the articles and watch all the videos? to find one
solitary piece of information? obviously i'm not as dedicated a
player as you are. how could i possibly miss such a vital,
game changing piece of information like that? of course i should
have been "fully aware" of every single change made to the game.
how remiss of me. the fact that it hadn't changed for at least 2
seasons led me to believe that this condition would remain.
how stupid of me to think such a thing. i'm glad you were here to
set me straight.
Dwigt: I guess I missed your comment yesterday but the info around the BP
tokens from previous season was posted several times on the forums,
articles (we even had a reminder to spend your tokens before the
end of Season VI), CCs and even players sharing it. I'm sorry to
hear that you missed it but I can assure you that the information
was available for a while.