Developers posts on forum
In this section you'll find posts from the official developers forum. The base is updated every hour and stored on a server If you encounter any bugs, have suggestions or comments, write to
Archives\Beta\Level of tank customization?
Link on message: #533
Harabeck, on 19 February 2010 - 03:31 AM, said: To what level can tanks be customized? How many different
components of the tank can be manipulated? Can I replace the track,
engines, main gun, armor plating etc?

Link on message: #533

Jeremy Taylor: You can replace and modify the track, engine, main gun, turret and
radio. All modifications assumed in World of Tanks were approved
from historical standpoint (e.g. you can't install the gun from
Tiger on your middle Soviet tank).
Archives\Beta\Type of Game this will be?
Link on message: #506
CarlR, on 19 February 2010 - 12:49 AM, said: i am not refering to the clan war mode, i am asking when the Clan
forum section will be available for the clans

Link on message: #506

Jeremy Taylor: Closer to the beta announcement.
Link on message: #494
Azimuth, on 18 February 2010 - 08:59 PM, said: I guess you mean that a user can have many tanks in his 'garage'
but use only one at a time in a battle ?

Link on message: #494

Jeremy Taylor: This is exactly what I mean.
Archives\Beta\Game Types
Link on message: #493
CarlR, on 18 February 2010 - 11:55 PM, said: What Clan Features do we get? can we make Alliances with other
clans and work together? and fight on same side on a battle map?

Link on message: #493

Jeremy Taylor: Sure, this is what I call diplomacy
Just like politics lobby intrigues.
The greatest warriors must be good not only at the battlefield but
in politics as well.

Archives\Beta\Tank Interiors?
Link on message: #487
CarlR, on 18 February 2010 - 11:49 PM, said: exactly... i'm sure they considered it in desgin stage. The
workload to make all of them would have likely been too much. and
only added to the production costs for a feature that the game can
survive without...

Link on message: #487

Jeremy Taylor: You're absolutely right, CarlR.
Archives\Beta\Tank Interiors?
Link on message: #486
m4rek, on 18 February 2010 - 10:52 PM, said: Perhaps you could create an interior view for the players that
would like to see it, as there are certainly going to be some. It
shouldn't hurt gameplay because it is not forced upon the player,
but rather an option that can be selected if they so wish. This
could be added in a later patch so as not to hurt release dates?

Link on message: #486

Jeremy Taylor: I'm afraid those who will use the interior view will be destroyed
by the 3rd person players too fast: 3rd person view gives much
wider visual range.
Archives\Beta\Type of Game this will be?
Link on message: #483
CarlR, on 18 February 2010 - 11:08 PM, said: i imagine the voice channel/emblem/attributes are at/after launch,
but will clan forums be made available sometimes before or during
Beta? I would be Interested in organizing and establishing my Clan
as soon as i can, to claim my namem organize and build my numbers
for beta/launch.

Link on message: #483

Jeremy Taylor: Beta test is always a test
During the beta we will be checking
the game thoroughly, testing the balance and listening to your
wishes and advice. So I believe beta test is not the best time to
launch the clan war mode. But of course when there are more of us
here you may start inviting the like-minded people to your clan,
those you will rely on in war and diplomacy.

Archives\Beta\Type of Game this will be?
Link on message: #477
Doomlord52, on 18 February 2010 - 11:12 PM, said: The amount of awsomeness in this game is insane.
Dedicated voice channel? Embles? Private forum? This is insane. I cant think of any game that allows this level of tactics. Really, I cant wait for this. Its just SO epic. Hopefully i'll be able to get some friends in (I know at least 3 people who'd love this game) and do some damage

Link on message: #477

Dedicated voice channel? Embles? Private forum? This is insane. I cant think of any game that allows this level of tactics. Really, I cant wait for this. Its just SO epic. Hopefully i'll be able to get some friends in (I know at least 3 people who'd love this game) and do some damage

Jeremy Taylor: Spread the word among your friends and invite them to join our tank
You'll annihilate more enemy tanks
with the friends around always ready to cover you.

Archives\Beta\Game Types
Link on message: #458
Doomlord52, on 18 February 2010 - 09:41 PM, said: Oh wow! Those better be BIG maps!

Link on message: #458

Jeremy Taylor: I'm really sorry, I've probably expressed my thought a bit
unclearly: till one hundred players in ONE clan (most powerful
though)are fighting for the domination on the global map(it will be
immense). And of course there can be more than two clans taking
part in clan war on the global map. The more players we have and
proud of - the more clans we get, the bigger these clans are.
Archives\Beta\Subscription game?
Link on message: #452

Link on message: #452
Jeremy Taylor: World of Tanks is a free2play MMO with no subscription.
Archives\Beta\My Collection
Link on message: #449

Link on message: #449
Jeremy Taylor: This is greate!!!!! We do more than respect your hobby. Wish to see
you more often here!
Archives\Beta\Tank Camouflage
Link on message: #427
Doomlord52, on 18 February 2010 - 06:51 PM, said: Well, in theory you could make kill marks free, BUT have kill marks
re-set every time you die 
Gives you some motivation to stay alive, especially after insane kill streak. It also gives the enemy motivation to go after YOU. Also, as they are free, it wouldnt be really annoying. It wouldnt be a statistical loss, just an asthetic loss.

Link on message: #427

Gives you some motivation to stay alive, especially after insane kill streak. It also gives the enemy motivation to go after YOU. Also, as they are free, it wouldnt be really annoying. It wouldnt be a statistical loss, just an asthetic loss.
Jeremy Taylor: Thanks for good idea. We will definitely discuss it.
Archives\Beta\Game Types
Link on message: #425
eladc94, on 18 February 2010 - 07:23 PM, said: The mode of clan wars and team deathmatch are different modes,
aren't them?

Link on message: #425

Jeremy Taylor: These are two different modes. In team deathmatch two teams till 30
players in each are fighting on the random map with dimensions 1km
x1km or 2km x 2km. In the clan war mode clans till 100 vehicles in
each are fighting for domination on the global map.
Archives\Beta\Question Thread
Link on message: #423
Doomlord52, on 18 February 2010 - 06:54 PM, said: Another, somewhat un-related question: Is it actually POSSIBLE to
get into the Russian CBT? A friend of mine (who understands russian
reasonably well), signed up a few days ago.... (and I really wanna
see him play / the game in action).

Link on message: #423

Jeremy Taylor: Of course we can't prohibit you to take part in the Eastern Europe
CBT. But:
- We want your gaming experience to be smooth and nice. This is hardly possible if regarding the foreign language and Russian language speaking community that communicates with each other on Russian and cooperates their actions on Russian as well (team cooperation is extremely important in World of Tanks)
- We haven't optimized the interface for the English speaking community yet. And this is what we are working on. Russian interface will lead to multiple misunderstandings for you. We want you, let me repeat myself, to gain maximum fun from this game and not to waste your nerves on translation. This is why we ask you to have some patience and wait till the launch of the English version CBT.
- We want your gaming experience to be smooth and nice. This is hardly possible if regarding the foreign language and Russian language speaking community that communicates with each other on Russian and cooperates their actions on Russian as well (team cooperation is extremely important in World of Tanks)
- We haven't optimized the interface for the English speaking community yet. And this is what we are working on. Russian interface will lead to multiple misunderstandings for you. We want you, let me repeat myself, to gain maximum fun from this game and not to waste your nerves on translation. This is why we ask you to have some patience and wait till the launch of the English version CBT.
Technical Support & Bug Reporting\General Error Reporting\System Requirements?
Link on message: #415

Link on message: #415
Jeremy Taylor: Our system reqs are not excessively high and we are working on the
further requirements' decrease. We are trying to make our game
available for all users with more or less good machines without the
loss of quality. We think it's fair.
Archives\Beta\Armor info
Link on message: #403

Link on message: #403
Jeremy Taylor: In the very nearest future we will publish the tree of already
completed fighting vehicles. At least you may be sure that the most
legendary Soviet and German vehicles and prototypes will be there.
The tree of the US fighting vehicles will be submitted a bit later.
American line will be really interesting, you'll see some tough
heavy tanks' prototypes there (a lot of US heavy tanks existed only
as ptototypes).
For that moment you may refer to the renders available on our site
For that moment you may refer to the renders available on our site
Archives\Beta\Tank Camouflage
Link on message: #397
Syllas, on 18 February 2010 - 01:39 AM, said: talking about paintjobs...what about killmarks? like the rings on
the gun of Michael Wittmanns Tiger or something like that.some
soviet tanks had also killmarks. i have a photo of one with many
killmarks on it and next to them its writen "Ruthless" in russian.i
don't know how to attach it so...
also apart from paintjobs and insignias and killmarks,some soviet tanks had some realy nice white stripes on them and mottos as addons.i don't know if the germans had such things.anyway any plans about these things?

Link on message: #397

also apart from paintjobs and insignias and killmarks,some soviet tanks had some realy nice white stripes on them and mottos as addons.i don't know if the germans had such things.anyway any plans about these things?
Jeremy Taylor: You'll be able to lay different attributes like mottos or symbols,
stickers and others over your tank to give it more individual
looks. We haven't considered killmarks actually, we have the rating
system for this puprose. Just suppose: if playing 10 battles per
day and being successful there will be no free spaces from
killmarks on your vehicle in a month. In the end, you'll be
suffering from the lack of space for your killmarks simply because
your tank is totally covered by them 
Dmitri Donskoi tank brigade

Tank crew drew the name of Donskoi on the turrets of their T-34-85. You may draw the name of your clan or your girlfriend on your tank or howitzer, why not?

Dmitri Donskoi tank brigade

Tank crew drew the name of Donskoi on the turrets of their T-34-85. You may draw the name of your clan or your girlfriend on your tank or howitzer, why not?

Archives\Beta\Beta Impressions
Link on message: #392
GSXswe, on 18 February 2010 - 10:23 AM, said: Haha, I know the feeling.
I want to play this game too!

Link on message: #392

Jeremy Taylor: Please have some patience
We are doing our best to make you
experience the most tense online warfare ever, so we need some
time. Beta for European and US audiences will be launched rather

Archives\Beta\Beta Impressions
Link on message: #387
eladc94, on 18 February 2010 - 04:35 PM, said: When should we send the applications?

Link on message: #387

Jeremy Taylor: As soon as beta is announced. Please have some patience
. Our official website is only two
days online. Beta for the US and European audiences will be
launched rather soon.

Archives\Beta\Type of Game this will be?
Link on message: #380
CarlR, on 18 February 2010 - 01:15 AM, said: Thanks for the answers Jeremy, just looking for a little more
clarification on specifics to my question if you can..
1) i wasnt refering to XP and gold, you mentioned that clans get resources from land held, what type of resources and what are they used for?
2) It's unlikely that 1 Clan could win the entire map, but it would be poor planning if you dont have an idea of what to do if 1 Clan or team of clans were to over power the rest and dominate the map, what would happen to the game if this were to happen.
3) So this is indeed Player made clans each fighting for land!? i think i will have to start a Clan up soon with someone then (been a solo leader b4, better with partner)

Link on message: #380

1) i wasnt refering to XP and gold, you mentioned that clans get resources from land held, what type of resources and what are they used for?
2) It's unlikely that 1 Clan could win the entire map, but it would be poor planning if you dont have an idea of what to do if 1 Clan or team of clans were to over power the rest and dominate the map, what would happen to the game if this were to happen.
3) So this is indeed Player made clans each fighting for land!? i think i will have to start a Clan up soon with someone then (been a solo leader b4, better with partner)
Jeremy Taylor: 1) Credits and extra features and abilities (we can't name them due
to some circumstances, sorry
2) World of Tanks strategy mechanisms will not allow such a scenario (the details can't be exposed yet, sorry again)
3) This is indeed player made clans. Each clan will have its closed forum thread, attributes, emblem and voice chat channel.

2) World of Tanks strategy mechanisms will not allow such a scenario (the details can't be exposed yet, sorry again)
3) This is indeed player made clans. Each clan will have its closed forum thread, attributes, emblem and voice chat channel.
Technical Support & Bug Reporting\General Error Reporting\System Requirements?
Link on message: #378
ChemAli, on 18 February 2010 - 03:10 PM, said: While we're on about graphics, will DirectX 10.1/11 be supported?

Link on message: #378

Jeremy Taylor: Yes it will
Archives\Junkyard\Realism vs. Gameplay
Link on message: #374
Syllas, on 18 February 2010 - 01:31 PM, said: i'll wait for Mr.Taylor's answers.

Link on message: #374

Jeremy Taylor: Sorry for the delay.
1. Even though the speed of tanks in our game was increased (to make the gameplay more dynamic) suspension system is very close to the reality. If your tank was hit into the truck it remains immobile for some time and gets repaired automatically (your tank won’t be immobilized completely due to gameplay demands).
2. Models of our tanks have the elements that correspond to functional parts and mechanisms of their real prototypes. So if your tank got a shot into the place where the engine is located it remains immobilized for some time. There’s no engine overheat in our game; such feature would hurt the gameplay and action.
3. Recoil affects targeting. Blast from a nearby tank will not affect your vehicle; this is too much a simulator feature that would hurt the gameplay
Feel free to ask more questions and sorry for the delay
1. Even though the speed of tanks in our game was increased (to make the gameplay more dynamic) suspension system is very close to the reality. If your tank was hit into the truck it remains immobile for some time and gets repaired automatically (your tank won’t be immobilized completely due to gameplay demands).
2. Models of our tanks have the elements that correspond to functional parts and mechanisms of their real prototypes. So if your tank got a shot into the place where the engine is located it remains immobilized for some time. There’s no engine overheat in our game; such feature would hurt the gameplay and action.
3. Recoil affects targeting. Blast from a nearby tank will not affect your vehicle; this is too much a simulator feature that would hurt the gameplay
Feel free to ask more questions and sorry for the delay
Archives\Beta\Question Thread
Link on message: #373
Giza, on 18 February 2010 - 02:08 PM, said: There are 7-8 long videos on the russian page...can we get them
translated and posted on the english site....
They are MUCH better than the one you have now.

Link on message: #373

They are MUCH better than the one you have now.
Jeremy Taylor: This is what we are doing now - optimizing those videos.
Contests & Competitions\Contests\Contest: Best Tank Motto
Link on message: #363

Link on message: #363
Jeremy Taylor: More! We need more of your mottos!
Believe me, the intvite to World of
Tanks cbt is well worth sending more of your genius sayings

Technical Support & Bug Reporting\General Error Reporting\System Requirements?
Link on message: #362
itold, on 18 February 2010 - 10:53 AM, said: My notebook Toshiba A200-23n: Intel® Core™2 Duo T5550 (1.83GHz CPU,
2Mb L2), 1024Mb + 2048Mb, 15.4" WXGA (1280x800), ATI Mobility
Radeon HD2600 512Mb, Windows 7.
Russian closed beta works perfectly on middle settings, an a bit worse on max settings. And devs saying that they still working on optimization!

Link on message: #362

Russian closed beta works perfectly on middle settings, an a bit worse on max settings. And devs saying that they still working on optimization!
Jeremy Taylor: We are working on system requirements decrease.
Archives\Beta\Suggestions\Weather effects? Time of day?
Link on message: #361
GXPTG, on 18 February 2010 - 02:53 AM, said: Modern tankers have it "easy" at night with their advanced thermal
options, nightvision and everything as well as "operate in any
condition" machines.
Will World of Tanks include just sunny days at 72 degrees Farhenheit, or will there be rain, sleet and snow as well as dawn, high noon and dusk... dare I ask NIGHT battles?
Tell me... has that EVER been done in a game like this? I have goose bumps thinking about it.

Link on message: #361

Will World of Tanks include just sunny days at 72 degrees Farhenheit, or will there be rain, sleet and snow as well as dawn, high noon and dusk... dare I ask NIGHT battles?
Tell me... has that EVER been done in a game like this? I have goose bumps thinking about it.

Jeremy Taylor: - We are working on different times of day and wheather changes.
Please note, that the changing climate conditions will lead to the
changing of the battle tactics due to many factors. The primary
factor is the view range decrease.
Archives\Beta\Game Types
Link on message: #359
Captmoha, on 18 February 2010 - 10:32 AM, said: What game types will we be able to play? Apart from the standard
team deathmatch, Capture the flag and a point capture mode, will
there be any more interesting modes?

Link on message: #359

Jeremy Taylor: You'll start with training mode just to get the understanding of
the game. Standard battle modes - team deathmatch, Capture the Flag
and probably Domination (we are working on this mode at the
moment). Later we'll introduce more modes; the types of those modes
will depend on the players' wishes and our abilities. During our
special historical events we'll propose our players to recreate
most dramatic tank battles in history of WWII. And, of course,
probably the most exciting mode is clan wars on the global map,
where fightings for territories and domination may last forever.
Archives\Beta\Beta Impressions
Link on message: #358
Giza, on 18 February 2010 - 10:55 AM, said: I hope that forum members get the chance to be first in the closed
beta...afterall we are tank pros...;-)

Link on message: #358

Jeremy Taylor: You'll send us your applications (nothing complicated, actually) -
we'll send you the key. As simple as 1,2,3 

Archives\Beta\Will the area where you hit the tank matter?
Link on message: #357
GXPTG, on 18 February 2010 - 02:43 AM, said: THANK YOU Jeremy! Thank you thank you thank you... 

Link on message: #357

Jeremy Taylor: You are welcome GXPT! you are welcome you are welcome you are

Archives\Beta\Will the area where you hit the tank matter?
Link on message: #282
PantherkillsT34, on 18 February 2010 - 12:15 AM, said: For instance, would you knock a Tiger out quicker by hitting him on
the side, or is it all the same?

Link on message: #282

Jeremy Taylor: Each tank model in our game has the certain elements in its
structure that correspond to the functional parts and mechanisms of
its real prototype. By hitting the tank in tracks you will make it
motionless for some time. By hitting the enemy in the ammunition
stowage area you may destroy it at one shot - just like in a real
life battle. Aiming and hitting the "proper" most vulnerable tank's
parts is the best way to destroy it.
Archives\Beta\Beta Impressions
Link on message: #279
eladc94, on 18 February 2010 - 12:08 AM, said: hello,
I am writing this because I want to have more information about the beta and the game itself. These are my questions:
1. I would like to know when the European beta version starts (if not launched by now) and how I can participate in it.
2. Do you have the exact date of the game launch? because I would really want to put a reminder about it.

Link on message: #279

I am writing this because I want to have more information about the beta and the game itself. These are my questions:
1. I would like to know when the European beta version starts (if not launched by now) and how I can participate in it.
2. Do you have the exact date of the game launch? because I would really want to put a reminder about it.
Jeremy Taylor: Preliminary dates (these dates may be insignificantly changed later
- Closed Beta for the European and US audiences in a month or two
- Open Beta Version for the European and US audiences - the end of Spring/the beginning of Summer
- The Final Version release date for the European and US audiences - the beginning of Fall
- Closed Beta for the European and US audiences in a month or two
- Open Beta Version for the European and US audiences - the end of Spring/the beginning of Summer
- The Final Version release date for the European and US audiences - the beginning of Fall
Archives\Beta\Tank Camouflage
Link on message: #277
GXPTG, on 17 February 2010 - 11:27 PM, said: I'll second that! Always did like the whitewashed camo of WWII.

Link on message: #277

Jeremy Taylor: You want it - you'll get it;). Your wishes will be sent to
Archives\Beta\Question Thread
Link on message: #273
M0n3y, on 17 February 2010 - 11:46 PM, said: -Will there be some kind of skirmish mode?

Link on message: #273

Jeremy Taylor: There are two primary modes that are already completed: Team Death
Match and Capture the Flag. We're planning to introduce more modes
like Domination later on.
Archives\Beta\Why Tanks are Tougher than Orks
Link on message: #272
uNikat, on 17 February 2010 - 11:47 PM, said: Orc - 1 brain inside (if we can caLL this waLnut a brain)
Panzerkampfwagen VI Tiger - 5 brains inside

Link on message: #272

Panzerkampfwagen VI Tiger - 5 brains inside
Jeremy Taylor: This is a genius saying!
:). Why don't you move it to our
contest thread.

News from the Front\Discussion of News Articles\World of Tanks Official Site Launched
Link on message: #269
Syllas, on 17 February 2010 - 11:35 PM, said: finaly! congratulations and best wishes! and thank you for making
such a great game! i'm looking forward to the experience!

Link on message: #269

Jeremy Taylor: Thank you for this warm words. You'll get this experience very soon
- we promise;)
Archives\Beta\Type of Game this will be?
Link on message: #265
CarlR, on 17 February 2010 - 10:11 PM, said:
... i think i need a new pair
of pants... if that turns out just like you said i'm sooo going to
be in Clan Wars (i have all Total war games and HoI, except the
first one). i always loved a purpose, a meaning to a game.. i found
deathmatch style games boring and pointless... if we can actually
control the map then that would be frikken awsome... but now i have
3 questions...
1) What can we do with the resources? are specific tanks (like high end ones) only available or more readily available with the more resources you have?
2) Can 1 "Clan" control the entire map and effectivly Win? if so, will the map reset afterwards, and will there be any type of reward/bonuses to the victor?
3) does "Clan Wars" mean actual player made clans? or are they refering to the nations of the game that you side with?

Link on message: #265

1) What can we do with the resources? are specific tanks (like high end ones) only available or more readily available with the more resources you have?
2) Can 1 "Clan" control the entire map and effectivly Win? if so, will the map reset afterwards, and will there be any type of reward/bonuses to the victor?
3) does "Clan Wars" mean actual player made clans? or are they refering to the nations of the game that you side with?
Jeremy Taylor: 1) All fighting vehicles in World of Tanks are divided into ten
levels. The first tank you achieve without any preliminary
upgrading is a light tank of the first level. Taking part in
battles you're gaining experience and scores you spend on your tank
upgrading or buying another tank of howitzer. That is how, step by
step, you can reach the heaviest super tank of the tenth level like
the German Maus. Meanwhile, nobody restrains you from upgrading
your second fighting vehicle (tank of another nation or howitzer,
for instance). Who knows, maybe it has always been your dream to
get all the tanks in the world
. As you see, the scheme is quite
simple. This leveling process doesn't take years in World of Tanks
if comparing with many other MMO projects.
2) Clans are fighting on the global map which represents an extremely large territory, so I think it will be quite challenging to control the entire map if regarding other multiple clans with the same goal - global domination
. It means that fightings on the
global map may last endlessly. The map is divided into, say, a
hundred areas of influence. The more such areas your clan has under
control - the more bonuses it gets. The war always goes hand to
hand with diplomacy: cooperation with other clans in order to
subdue a more powerful enemy is the brightest example of clan war
3) There's no obligatory division into nations in World of Tanks clan wars. One clan may represent different military machines from different countries. This is always up to you. Still, if you want your clan to consist only of Soviet, German or US tanks - you are welcome; invite the like-minded tankmen and join the war.

2) Clans are fighting on the global map which represents an extremely large territory, so I think it will be quite challenging to control the entire map if regarding other multiple clans with the same goal - global domination

3) There's no obligatory division into nations in World of Tanks clan wars. One clan may represent different military machines from different countries. This is always up to you. Still, if you want your clan to consist only of Soviet, German or US tanks - you are welcome; invite the like-minded tankmen and join the war.
Fan Zone\General Creativity\Pictures Damaged/Destroyed Tanks
Link on message: #248
PvtMalo, on 17 February 2010 - 07:14 PM, said: Post pictures of Tanks that have been Damaged or Destroyed.
Info of what happend if you are able to aswell.

Link on message: #248

Info of what happend if you are able to aswell.
Jeremy Taylor: Thanks for sharing!
Archives\Beta\Tank Camouflage
Link on message: #245
Axelius, on 17 February 2010 - 09:52 PM, said: Will the tanks in the game be of the same paint or will there be
different paintschemes? Frex' will all German tanks be the
"classic" grey or will you be able to change to the later more
common dunkelgelb or camo? Will you also be able to add insignia,
kill-marks and/or slogans?

Link on message: #245

Jeremy Taylor: - We are developing our models regarding all historical aspects. So
yes, you will see different paintshemes for tanks: classic grey,
dunkelgerb and camo.
- World of Tanks will allow obtaining attributes that will distinguish your fighting vehicles, including attributes you've listed.
- World of Tanks will allow obtaining attributes that will distinguish your fighting vehicles, including attributes you've listed.
Off-Topic Discussion\Historical Discussion\Vehicles during the Korean War
Link on message: #242

Link on message: #242
Jeremy Taylor: [quote name='CarlR' date='17 February 2010 - 07:43 PM'
timestamp='1266435792' post='239']
lol right now what feels like forever is Beta... and if i cant get in, then it will feel like an eternity for launch!
I dont know if my buddys would be interested in this type of game as they prefer the more kiddy type or FPS's (i am not fond of FPS's, pointless deathmatch games to me is pointless to play) but i'll definatly be spreading the word when i can.
Many thanks for your efforts. We are trying to make a great game for all kinds of players
. Moreover, FPS fans must love this
game too: our team matches are promising to be extremely tense and
captivating - just what fps lovers want.
lol right now what feels like forever is Beta... and if i cant get in, then it will feel like an eternity for launch!
I dont know if my buddys would be interested in this type of game as they prefer the more kiddy type or FPS's (i am not fond of FPS's, pointless deathmatch games to me is pointless to play) but i'll definatly be spreading the word when i can.
Many thanks for your efforts. We are trying to make a great game for all kinds of players

Archives\Junkyard\Realism vs. Gameplay
Link on message: #233
jones0430, on 17 February 2010 - 08:44 PM, said: SP artillery wasn't that close. The range for artillery engagement
is in past 2000 m. I keep getting the feeling that armor engagement
in this game will be far less a simulation than an arcade game.

Link on message: #233

Jeremy Taylor: Please note that we were talking about radio engagement, not armor
engagement. SP armor engagement in World of Tanks is about 1500m.
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