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My .02

Дата: 16.05.2021 19:57:47
View PostGold_Papercuts, on May 16 2021 - 02:49, said: Does any of the following sound familiar?  No How the grind comes in waves of heaven and hell for every tank?   It doesn't How every time there is a mission condition of "win a battle" and you just can't win to save your life?  I have no problems with the win missions How every time ANY experience based asset is in the upper "90's"  IE: Crew, Upgrades, etc.. you can't win a battle to save your life?  Never noticed this either. It's not a thing. How every time you freshly roll over to a new upgrade.... it still sucks and you can't win a battle to save your life?  Baddies will still be bad, even with an upgraded tank, maybe? How you are CONSTANTLY in need of Silver to purchase upgrades and new tanks?  You admit to using all large kits and spamming prem ammo and you wonder why you are always short of creds? Explains a lot about your ability to perceive true causes and effects. Why some tanks are just "Good Luck" while others are "Bad" even though there is NOTHING WRONG with either of them and your crew is top notch?  Crap happens in randomness. Why you will have horrific loosing streaks to horrifically lop-sided battle outcomes?   Your team has melted to (at best) 4 enemy kills...6 games in a row?   Baddies will be bad. How your tank one game can castrate a fly across the map for games on end....and then all of a sudden you can't hit the broad side of the barn at 10 feet away and even if you did...you can't pen it? ALL BATTLE LONG? Not enough to make me think it is intentional How everyone else in your platoon or team is having the exact same issue during THAT battle?  No How you can go into one battle, make one tiny mistake and get splatted like a bug on a windshield and your team still pulls off the "easy" victory yet in the next battle you are running through the enemy like a GOD OF WAR and you still loose?  This doesn't show or prove anything, other than conflicting with your point above about entire teams having issues at the same time.    Do you think that it's random that we all notice the same patterns????   Short answer is: No it is not random.  No you are not crazy.  No, it's not "random" that many of you make psychological errors and perceive patterns that aren't there. That's why Psychology has names for the errors that cause this line of thinking. It's the truth...  all of it.   (Well maybe not some of the fringe conspiracy theories... but if you feel you notice a pattern, you most likely are.)  No, it's not truth. The shills will blah blah blah about blah blah blah....but it's the truth.   No, it's still not the truth. The game is designed to MAKE MONEY and that's how it's done folks.  I know this because I work in this industry with numerous accolades on my resume to attest as such.  I know what I know because I have helped design such algorithms for numerous Fortune 500 companies.  I personally don't think you are smart enough for the type of thing you are describing. I'm calling BS on your "I'm super successful so I KNOW!" claim.   If you think it's random, you are either ignorant, mislead, a shill or have an agenda. PERIOD.  See Below... If you think serious money and resources weren't spent on Psychologists to maximize Micro-transactions,  you are either ignorant, mislead, a shill or have an agenda. PERIOD.  See Below... If you think that this company is in the business of providing you with free entertainment you are either ignorant, mislead, a shill or have an agenda. PERIOD.  See Below... If you think that these things will be fixed you are either ignorant, mislead, a shill or have an agenda. PERIOD.  See Below...

DeviouslyCursed:  If you think it's rigged, you are either ignorant, mislead, a moron, or have an agenda. PERIOD. If you think serious money and resources weren't spent on this game to make is a good as possible to maximize Micro-transactions,  you are either ignorant, mislead, a moron, or have an agenda. PERIOD. If you think that this company is in the business of providing you with free entertainment you are either ignorant, mislead, entitled, or have an agenda. PERIOD. If you think that these things exist and need fixed you are either ignorant, mislead, a moron, or have an agenda. PERIOD.  

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