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World of Tanks Championship International Announcement

Дата: 03.08.2021 17:27:36
View PostShrewd_Ape_In_The_Mist, on 02 August 2021 - 08:02 PM, said: Poker is a card game not a multiplayer game where mechanical skills are also very important.  Mechanical skills which actually are a huge factor in deciding an outcome. How well you drive, aim, position, angle, peek etc. In poker, for example, you don't wait to aim perfectly for x seconds only for the game to decide to miss your shoot afterwards anyway or you don't shoot at a completely flat side of a tank which is 100% pen only for the game to decide to make the shell not pen anyway.  The higher the level of play the more minor or even seemingly meaningless things start to matter because the skill level of players is so similar that every difference matters.  At that level even 1% of RNG would be game deciding fairy often for as little as you'd think that petty 1% matters when compared to randoms let's say. 25% RNG? Now with 25% the games are basically decided by RNG alone, probably ending up in a way WG wants them to.        

Dwigt: Not mechanical skills but you still require skills to play poker regardless of the RNG. Yes luck and RNG exist in poker and even the top players will not get lucky. Instead of shooting in poker (sounds weird I know :D) you can decide to raise/call/fold depending on the situation and the outcome of the round will sometimes depend on the cards (your game/outcome decider). Also that RNG is not always against you and will sometimes play in your favor in difficult situations.Even with the -+25% RNG, you still need to know what to do. IMO WoT with no RNG, will be so much harder and punishing, especially for newcomers trying to learn the game. 

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