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Can a WoT video documentary be made?

Дата: 08.10.2010 16:45:03
ARGO: I know Wargames most likely has propriatary development secrets that they cannot reveal, But I am very interested in how the things in WoT work. Is it at all possible to have maybe a weekly video documentary showing different aspecs of WoT.
For example:
How did it come to be from idea to reality?
Game engines and how they work? Why some things just can't be done.
How sounds are put into the game?
How Devs tackle bugs and what causes them?
How the finished product is mass produced?
How marketing a video game works?
Meet the creators of WoT.
I am sure seeing all the interest in the game that a lot of players would love to see something like this or maybe they too have in depth questions that this could answer. Maybe some of them will be inspired to also join the game making community.

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