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In this section you'll find posts from the official developers forum. The base is updated every hour and stored on a server wot-news.com. If you encounter any bugs, have suggestions or comments, write to info@wot-news.com

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Over a period
09.01.2014 21:02:16
Subject: Spezialauftrag
Link on message: #6939857

View PostSuicideMonkey, on 09 January 2014 - 07:01 PM, said: Danke fürs Gold aber was ist mit der versprochenen Medallie? ^^

W4RGAMER:   Wie jetzt? Du hast keine Kriegermedaille gekriegt? :trollface:   Spaß beiseite, das war tatsächlich der Gedanke dahinter. Ich wollte das ganze nur durch das Rollenspiel etwas interessanter gestalten. Sorry, dass ich nicht klar genug betont habe, dass es nur um die Krieger-/ Assmedaille ging. :sceptic:

Is it just LUCK?!
09.01.2014 21:00:37
Subject: Is it just LUCK?!
Link on message: #6939842

IPaul72: 250k  Now I'm curious too :amazed:  

Ne Frage zum Teamkill
09.01.2014 20:51:30
Subject: Ne Frage zum Teamkill
Link on message: #6939749

View PostKathanis, on 09 January 2014 - 07:46 PM, said: Meiner Erinnerung nach gab es irgend wann mal eine Anpassung - Splashschaden bei Schüssen, die auch einen Gegner treffen, werden nur teilweise als Teamschaden gewertet

W4RGAMER:   Das hängt aber nur indirekt mit der Fahrzeugklasse zusammen. Arty verwendet halt fast nur HE, andere Klassen fast nie. :blinky:

bug enregisterment des replay
09.01.2014 20:46:08
Subject: bug enregisterment des replay
Link on message: #6939708

Tanatoy: Bonsoir à tous,   Il y a effectivement un souci au niveau des replay avec cette dernière mise à jour 8.10, certains ne sont pas enregistrés. Cela sera résolue pour la mise à jour 8.11, même si malheureusement, il ne sera pas possible de "retrouver" les replays perdus.

WoT i moje przemyslenia przy około 10k stoczonych bitew
09.01.2014 20:13:14
Subject: WoT i moje przemyslenia przy około 10k stoczonych bitew
Link on message: #6939429

{lang:macro__view_post}Alcarin, on 09 January 2014 - 06:54 PM, said: Hm. Liczyłem na jakiś sensowny temat a wyszło jak zawsze. Ale ja stosunkowo nowy na forum jestem to mało widziałem...    Ponieważ jednak dyskusja jakaś się pojawiła to skorzystam z okazji i przedstawię wam moją teorię "Wajchy"    Powstała we współpracy z dwoma zależnymi od MM specjalistami. Zakłada ona, że do każdej bitwy przydzielany jest pracownik WG(ktoś wspomniał o tajniakach SerBa), który ma panel kontrolny z nazwami graczy w bitwie i obok każdego nicku ma taką wajchę. Zadaniem jego jest przestawianie tej wajchy w górę i w dół losowo. Pozycja w górę pozwala przebijać Mausa z HE na przedni pancerz a pozycja w dół... Rodzi takie tematy. Pracownicy jednak nie stosują się do założeń ich pracy i w wyniku paskudnej zmowy działają z premedytacją na niekorzyść nieświadomych istnienia tego systemu graczy.    Jak myślicie? Jakie są wasze odczucia? Czy ta teoria może być prawdziwa?     P.S. Tak to jest troll. Ale ja dopiero zaczynam, gdzie mi tak do światowego poziomu :child:

Gepard_PH: Te wajchy całą piwnicę zajmują... wysyłają nas tam na zmianę, bo jak się tam cały dzień posiedzi to ręcę potem przez tydzień bolą. :wink:

There are may "top gun" threads but this one is mine
09.01.2014 19:49:17
Subject: There are may "top gun" threads but this one is mine
Link on message: #6939194

IPaul72: Well done & happy hunting :great:  Kind regards IPaul72

#2 - Pour les gros titres !
09.01.2014 19:35:42
Subject: #2 - Pour les gros titres !
Link on message: #6939056

Tanatoy: Oui, oui m'sieur ! Elles sont autorisés, si c'est vous qui les avez prises ! 

Lt. Hiroo Onoda & the Japanese holdouts.
09.01.2014 19:28:01
Subject: Lt. Hiroo Onoda & the Japanese holdouts.
Link on message: #6939001

IPaul72: Thanks for the article it's a very interesting read .. who would have thought they held out for so long :amazed: KInd Regards IPaul72

#3 - MEMEorisez-nous !
09.01.2014 19:27:09
Subject: #3 - MEMEorisez-nous !
Link on message: #6938990

{lang:macro__view_post}jarran29, on 09 January 2014 - 02:10 PM, said: Je ne comprends pas : on doit faire un MEME avec avion, tank et navire? Ou juste faire une référence à chaque univers mais illustrer avec l'image qui correspond au jeu ciblé? Genre un tank pour WoT, et un avion pour WoWp?   Sinon, autant poster le même pour les deux concours...

Tanatoy:   C'est bien le même pour chaque concours, j'ai juste mis un sujet de participation pour chaque, afin que personne ne soit perdu. En gros...Soit vous participez sur le sujet WoWp, soit sur le sujet WoT.

Experiment "Historisch korrekt"
09.01.2014 19:23:00
Subject: Experiment "Historisch korrekt"
Link on message: #6938951

W4RGAMER: Hei. Hört sich seltsam an, aber nimmst du auch mal jemanden (mich ôÔ) im Panzerzug mit?  Zum einen um mehr über die historischen Konfigurationen zu lernen (Da bin ich nicht so der Experte) zum Anderen finde ich es immer nett jemanden im Platoon zu haben, der exakt das gleiche fährt. Ich finde das Experiment absolut Klasse und sehe da noch ne ganze Menge Potential. :great: Wenn du mich mal mitnehmen würdest schreib mich einfach mal per PM im Forum an.  Gruß, W4RGAMER

Contest #3: MEMEmber Us, 9th - 12th January
09.01.2014 19:17:53
Subject: Contest #3: MEMEmber Us, 9th - 12th January
Link on message: #6938909


Dakiras:   Actually, by playing the game in the specified tiers (this week it is IV and V) you are already taking part in the event through playing the game. You can find full info on the main article which is updated each week with info of the currently eligible tiers: http://worldoftanks.eu/en/news/45/contest-wargaming-universe-month/

Spieler im Gefecht, aber Konto existiert nicht?
09.01.2014 19:11:29
Subject: Spieler im Gefecht, aber Konto existiert nicht?
Link on message: #6938866

{lang:macro__view_post}Chrom_Valium, on 09 January 2014 - 05:08 PM, said: War mein erster Kontakt mit so etwas und war etwas verwundert. ^^  Danke, kann dann close. 

SergeantBaba:   Wird gemacht!

Spieler im Gefecht, aber Konto existiert nicht?
09.01.2014 19:03:56
Subject: Spieler im Gefecht, aber Konto existiert nicht?
Link on message: #6938790

View PostChrom_Valium, on 09 January 2014 - 06:01 PM, said: Möchte mir den Wehrpass von Spieler WoT_810_2  im Game ansehen.     Hatte ich ja noch nie. Schau mer mal über die Website.     Klicke ich nun auf das Konto, ...     Habe jetzt extra ein paar Minuten gewartet, damit der Server die Daten updaten kann. Kein einziges dieser Konten existiert. :amazed:

W4RGAMER:   Das sind Testaccounts für WG Mitarbeiter. :eyesup: Die werden für alles mögliche verwendet, regelmäßig refreshed, usw. Sind keine "richtigen" Konten. 

Ne Frage zum Teamkill
09.01.2014 19:01:44
Subject: Ne Frage zum Teamkill
Link on message: #6938772

View Postfeindbild, on 09 January 2014 - 04:55 PM, said: Danke für die Antworten. Damit währe die frage nach dem Blau werden Beantwortet. Aber generell wird Arty bei Teamkill auch blau oder ?.  

W4RGAMER:   Nach den gleichen Regeln wie andere Fahrzeugklassen. Ich bin Arty-Spieler und mir ist das auch schonmal selber passiert. War die ganze Zeit nur mit Arty unterwegs in ner Zeit in der ich seeeeeeehr viel gespielt habe. Und da hatte ich dann halt irgendwann den Xten in kurzer Zeit gekillt, weil er den Gegner weggerammt hatte während meine Granate schon unterwegs war, in den Schuss reingefahren ist oder ähnliches. Plötzlich war ich blau markiert und wurde im nächsten Gefecht von Teamkameraden gekillt ohne irgendetwas gemacht oder gesagt zu haben. :sceptic: Danach habe ich beschlossen nie mehr nur Artillerie zu spielen. :teethhappy:

Gra Orkiestra!
09.01.2014 18:59:53
Subject: Gra Orkiestra!
Link on message: #6938753

View Post12312319873, on 09 January 2014 - 04:58 PM, said: 12 grudnia  ;) chyba stycznia ;)

Cmd_Latina:   O kurde, to bilet przeterminowany? :smile: Jasne stycznia, dzięki. :teethhappy:

Gra Orkiestra!
09.01.2014 18:51:09
Subject: Gra Orkiestra!
Link on message: #6938668

View PostAndzio121, on 09 January 2014 - 04:45 PM, said: O cześć Cmd_Latina :) Wgl takie osoby jak wy grają w plutonach ? :)

Cmd_Latina:   Cześć! :smile:   Zdarza się przy okazji jakiś eventów organizowanych przez nasz zespół. :izmena:   A tak w temacie cieszę się, że akurat 12 stycznia będę w moim rodzinnym mieści, aby samej móc dorzucić swoje do puszeczki wolontariusza. 

3 z 10
09.01.2014 18:40:36
Subject: 3 z 10
Link on message: #6938557

Gepard_PH: Wszystkie czołgi ciężkie i średnie, niszczyciele czołgów i artyleria V poziomu. Z czołgów lekkich tylko Crusader ma taki MM. Przypominam, że bez pojazdów premium.   W pierwszej rundzie udział weźmie 30 osób, które zapisały się jako pierwsze. Składy są następujące: Drużyna nr 1 malps decu22 Geqos Drużyna nr 2 Sir_Rio andrzej009 skiadrian Creeq554 Drużyna nr 3 bigbolo11 Dotalizer Deleted243 Drużyna nr 4 jaxo Leishay Mazi101 Drużyna nr 5 Terius Dabalan Trak1994 Drużyna nr 6 PuchaczTrado ulmus_montana 19artur94 Grzechu3435tank Drużyna nr 7 El_Ryszawy HanysFromSilesia DawcaPL Drużyna nr 8 mjrMatuszek stworek pawelton Jixez Drużyna nr 9 Michaello1984 Matt900RR jamjak Drużyna nr 10 mhs94 Bahedur EDRO   Termin nadsyłania zgłoszeń do I rundy: 16 19 stycznia 2014 r. (włącznie). Przypominam, że zgłoszenia w postaci linka do powtórki na wotreplays.com wysyłacie bezpośrednio do mnie na PM.   Powodzenia!

Die IS-6 Hauptgewinn Selbsthilfegruppe.
09.01.2014 18:32:57
Subject: Die IS-6 Hauptgewinn Selbsthilfegruppe.
Link on message: #6938484

View Postyallinho, on 09 January 2014 - 05:03 PM, said: D mit Nashorn und JP4 beendet, UDSSR mit KV1s beendet, CHN mit Type-58 beendet, USA mit Dailys auf M18, M44, Easy2 und Easy8 beendet, GB mit Cromwell und Churchill 7 (*kotz*) beendet JAP bei 95k mit, na klar, dem Chi-To (je mehr Gefechte, desto besser gefiel er mir) und F bei 43k auf dem ARL44.

W4RGAMER:   Respekt! :great: Eine Frage: GB --> Churchill VII... serious? Da glaub ich dir absolut den Kommentar in Klammern. Ich halte das Ding zwar für durchaus potent aber absolut 100% ätzend zu spielen ist der. Eine Sache: F 43k auf ARL 44 Du sagst, du findest den ebenfalls ätzend. Ich weiß nicht wie du den spielst, vielleicht ist es komplett überflüssig, aber als durchaus erfahrener ARL Spieler empfehle ich dir die 105mm Kanone draufzubauen, und nur mit AP + APCR rumzufahren. Dadurch wird das Ding echt erheblich angenehmer. Schreib mich mal per PM an, wenn du noch ein paar mehr Tips zum ARL willst. 

Is it just LUCK?!
09.01.2014 18:04:07
Subject: Is it just LUCK?!
Link on message: #6938227

{lang:macro__view_post}bushwacker001, on 09 January 2014 - 04:52 PM, said: A hunch tells me you should have kept quiet about this :blinky:

Dakiras:   This.   But now I'm curious.... :trollface:

Know Your Steel: The M-84 tank
09.01.2014 17:56:09
Subject: Know Your Steel: The M-84 tank
Link on message: #6938156

View Postdeveen23, on 09 January 2014 - 04:29 PM, said:   You mentioned it yourself earlier, the tank was in the prototype phase some 15 years ago. That's a long period of time in this day and age, with technology running forward and with all other issues, including qualified personnel. Now, I guess you can address many issues by cooperating with others like the Israelis or the Germans, but then again, they also have their own products to offer on the market.   As for the production, I'm afraid the factory can do the final assembly, with maybe some other domestic companies offering software related solutions, but everything else would have to be imported. While it is feasible to do so, it doesn't offer the incentive to do it as much as it would offer in the case of many domestic companies producing parts (which was the case in Yugoslavia when M-84 was mass produced). You can argue that it makes sense to do it nevertheless because you retain the know-how, but that takes the back seat to hard economics.   If you look at the big picture, main buyers for any kind of upgrade would have to be Croatian and Serbian armies. That market is split in two, with different companies from respective countries offering upgrade packages, with political reasons making it impossible for one company to clean the entire market. That leaves you with practically one army as your customer, with both armies having more urgent needs like new fighters, small arms, ATGMs etc. and export possibilities largely reduced due to bigger players.    

Hunter1911:   Yep, as I said, keeping the tank in a prototype phase for such a long period is definitely not going in it favour. The military technology keeps on going forward and the design could quickly be rendered obsolete, if the designers fail to keep pace with technological race. Some of the issues on that field were addressed by requesting help from outside - as in case of Swiss RUAG company and the Israelis for the armour. Now the question why would some of the companies that have a product of their own, help development of M-95 series? Answer is rather simple, to access new markets. They will grain certain amount of revenue simply by supplying M-95 manufactures with materials and raw products.   The domestic production of certain components would be limited, but you have to take into account, that for a small country like Croatia, even partial engagement on such project is highly beneficial. Simply said, the M-95 should be a more affordable option aimed at the countries which cannot afford the highest end of the offer, and that is quite a nice piece of the pie.  

Know Your Steel: The M-84 tank
09.01.2014 17:56:09
Subject: Know Your Steel: The M-84 tank
Link on message: #6938156

View Postdeveen23, on 09 January 2014 - 04:29 PM, said:   You mentioned it yourself earlier, the tank was in the prototype phase some 15 years ago. That's a long period of time in this day and age, with technology running forward and with all other issues, including qualified personnel. Now, I guess you can address many issues by cooperating with others like the Israelis or the Germans, but then again, they also have their own products to offer on the market.   As for the production, I'm afraid the factory can do the final assembly, with maybe some other domestic companies offering software related solutions, but everything else would have to be imported. While it is feasible to do so, it doesn't offer the incentive to do it as much as it would offer in the case of many domestic companies producing parts (which was the case in Yugoslavia when M-84 was mass produced). You can argue that it makes sense to do it nevertheless because you retain the know-how, but that takes the back seat to hard economics.   If you look at the big picture, main buyers for any kind of upgrade would have to be Croatian and Serbian armies. That market is split in two, with different companies from respective countries offering upgrade packages, with political reasons making it impossible for one company to clean the entire market. That leaves you with practically one army as your customer, with both armies having more urgent needs like new fighters, small arms, ATGMs etc. and export possibilities largely reduced due to bigger players.    

TheKroo:   Yep, as I said, keeping the tank in a prototype phase for such a long period is definitely not going in it favour. The military technology keeps on going forward and the design could quickly be rendered obsolete, if the designers fail to keep pace with technological race. Some of the issues on that field were addressed by requesting help from outside - as in case of Swiss RUAG company and the Israelis for the armour. Now the question why would some of the companies that have a product of their own, help development of M-95 series? Answer is rather simple, to access new markets. They will grain certain amount of revenue simply by supplying M-95 manufactures with materials and raw products.   The domestic production of certain components would be limited, but you have to take into account, that for a small country like Croatia, even partial engagement on such project is highly beneficial. Simply said, the M-95 should be a more affordable option aimed at the countries which cannot afford the highest end of the offer, and that is quite a nice piece of the pie.  

Wettbewerb #3 - MEMEmber Us!
09.01.2014 17:47:15
Subject: Wettbewerb #3 - MEMEmber Us!
Link on message: #6938058

{lang:macro__view_post}Cella_Dei, on 09 January 2014 - 02:12 PM, said: jaja, ich weiß ja dass ich alt bin, aber war zur hölle ist ein MEME??? wikipedia --> einen Bezirk in der Region Sud-Ouest von Kamerun wikipedie2 --> Als Internet-Phänomen (auch Internet-Hype) wird ein Konzept in Form eines Links oder einer Bild-, Ton- oder Videodatei bezeichnet, das sich schnell über das Internet verbreitet. Die am weitesten verbreitete Unterform ist das Mem(e). soll heißen, einfach n bild, dass u.u. viele teilen könnten?? versteh ich das grad richtig?

SergeantBaba:   Marshal hat es schon richtig angedeutet. Das Bild in meinem und seinem Beitrag ist zum Beispiel ein Meme.  Am besten öffnest du einfach google Images und tippst Meme ein. 

Premium Konto -46%
09.01.2014 17:46:06
Subject: Premium Konto -46%
Link on message: #6938049

Gepard_PH: To element świątecznej wyprzedaży, która trwa do 16 stycznia.

Is it just LUCK?!
09.01.2014 17:45:27
Subject: Is it just LUCK?!
Link on message: #6938035

Dakiras: Display error? The kill you got was not with a shell, but in fact a pebble? Do you have screenshots, cos that might help us identify what happened. If it's not a display error, you did something right!

TD nerf?
09.01.2014 17:32:45
Subject: TD nerf?
Link on message: #6937880

View PostVamiris, on 09 January 2014 - 04:28 PM, said:   Die Frage ist, was normal heißt.
Der Schnitt von der Arty ist bei 1275 DMG. Ich könnte jetzt sagen: "Juhu ich bin besser :D"
  Im Verhältnis zu anderen Klassen ist er vllt. gering, doch das sehe ich allgemein bei der Arty so. Laut VBaddict schießt da keine Arty im DMG einen Heavy des gleich Tiers raus.
Ich bin einfach nie mit dem Gedanken ran zu gehen, der Killer mit Arty zu sein. Ich sollte doch eher unterstüzen und Ketten ziehen, Druck aufbauen etc.

W4RGAMER:   Das ist exakt der Punkt. Arty ist eben für Support zuständig. Eher eine indirekte Rolle. Vielleicht vergleichbar mit Heilern bei RPGs. Die können zwar auch Schaden machen, aber nicht so gut. Dafür können sie eine andere Sache, die sonst keiner kann. Ist halt eine Frage der Einstellung ob man diese Rolle übernehmen will. :blinky:

Gra Orkiestra!
09.01.2014 17:04:23
Subject: Gra Orkiestra!
Link on message: #6937531

View Postcleophas3, on 09 January 2014 - 02:58 PM, said: nie zaufany sprzedawca. ma zero pozytywów i znowu bezie jak z goldem z allegro. odradzam

Cmd_Latina:   Nie będzie - osobiście gwarantuję. Sprzedawca bez opinii, bo konto stworzone tylko do tego celu. Osoby, które wylicytują gadżety zdecydownie nie będa miały problemów, jesli chodzi o regulamin, jako że aukcja jest zorganizowana bezposrednio przez Wargaming. :smile:   Swoją drogą pamietam jak dosłownie kilkanaście lat temu biegałam z puszką WOŚP, a potem przez kilka lat poszukiwanie wolontariuszy na ulicach było zachetą do wyjścia na spacer w tą wyjątkową styczniową niedzielę. Teraz cieszy mnie, że możemy w ten sposób wesprzeć ten szczytny cel, bo myslę, że warto.

Know Your Steel: The M-84 tank
09.01.2014 16:58:46
Subject: Know Your Steel: The M-84 tank
Link on message: #6937477

View Postdeveen23, on 09 January 2014 - 03:52 PM, said:   Kuwait didn't buy Degman, or upgraded their M-84s yet.     I don't think we'll ever see even M-84D in active service, let alone M-95. Some of the reasons you state yourself, military industry is much more about politics then money itself. Then there is a question of actual ability to build such a sophisticated product like a MBT. With old M-84 you had many different factories producing parts, many of which are gone. I guess you can go with other suppliers, but it's not as easy as it seems.   There's also a conceptual issue as well, modern small armies usually don't invest heavily in tanks. You might even argue about the concept of MBT being obsolete in modern warfare. If you don't have a strong export market, it becomes very questionable if the price can be justified.   I would say that the best chance for all these proposed upgrades might not be M-84 itself, but actually T-72, considering how many are there around the world. Upgrade packages could be relatively cheap option for many armies to keep their equipment out of obsolescence. Then again, I'd imagine Russia, Ukraine and some other former Soviet Union countries make for strong competition there, both political and economic.

Hunter1911:   I agree with what is said above. I believe the main driving idea behind the M-95 series was the wish to export them, as there seems to be a market for such a product. Croatia itself, would never field a massive amount of them, in any case.   As for production, quote a lot of vehicles components come from external contractors, like the gun, the fire control system, engine and so on. The rest, I believe could be domestically produced and assembled at Djuro Djakovic factory.

Know Your Steel: The M-84 tank
09.01.2014 16:58:46
Subject: Know Your Steel: The M-84 tank
Link on message: #6937477

View Postdeveen23, on 09 January 2014 - 03:52 PM, said:   Kuwait didn't buy Degman, or upgraded their M-84s yet.     I don't think we'll ever see even M-84D in active service, let alone M-95. Some of the reasons you state yourself, military industry is much more about politics then money itself. Then there is a question of actual ability to build such a sophisticated product like a MBT. With old M-84 you had many different factories producing parts, many of which are gone. I guess you can go with other suppliers, but it's not as easy as it seems.   There's also a conceptual issue as well, modern small armies usually don't invest heavily in tanks. You might even argue about the concept of MBT being obsolete in modern warfare. If you don't have a strong export market, it becomes very questionable if the price can be justified.   I would say that the best chance for all these proposed upgrades might not be M-84 itself, but actually T-72, considering how many are there around the world. Upgrade packages could be relatively cheap option for many armies to keep their equipment out of obsolescence. Then again, I'd imagine Russia, Ukraine and some other former Soviet Union countries make for strong competition there, both political and economic.

TheKroo:   I agree with what is said above. I believe the main driving idea behind the M-95 series was the wish to export them, as there seems to be a market for such a product. Croatia itself, would never field a massive amount of them, in any case.   As for production, quote a lot of vehicles components come from external contractors, like the gun, the fire control system, engine and so on. The rest, I believe could be domestically produced and assembled at Djuro Djakovic factory.

Do you know Tanks?
09.01.2014 16:54:30
Subject: Do you know Tanks?
Link on message: #6937435

View PostStronkTenkererGuderian, on 09 January 2014 - 12:30 PM, said: A7V.

Hunter1911:   Yep, you are up!

View Postinterpol, on 09 January 2014 - 12:39 PM, said:
Because I did not see the answer yet... Object 142, right?

Hunter1911:   Yep.

Do you know Tanks?
09.01.2014 16:54:30
Subject: Do you know Tanks?
Link on message: #6937435

View PostStronkTenkererGuderian, on 09 January 2014 - 12:30 PM, said: A7V.

TheKroo:   Yep, you are up!

View Postinterpol, on 09 January 2014 - 12:39 PM, said:
Because I did not see the answer yet... Object 142, right?

TheKroo:   Yep.

Diffrent kinds of hits and what they do?
09.01.2014 16:47:43
Subject: Diffrent kinds of hits and what they do?
Link on message: #6937362

Dakiras: There are a bunch of different things the crew can call out, which are listed on the wiki: http://wiki.worldoftanks.com/Battle_Mechanics#Crew_Voice_Messages   Bouncing and ricochets are for when your shells hit the enemy and go PING! in a different direction. You can read about Pen Mechanics on the same page, too: http://wiki.worldoftanks.com/Battle_Mechanics#Penetration_Mechanics   Hope that helps a little.   Edit: sniped by TheTsunami1!!!! xD

Question : multi compte
09.01.2014 16:34:15
Subject: Question : multi compte
Link on message: #6937194

Tanatoy: C'est "juste" que l'EULA n'a pas été mise à jour sur le forum n'avait pas été mis à jour, alors que celle du portail si. Tout est revenu dans l'ordre ! 

Starting a youtube channel with the aim to help new players out.
09.01.2014 16:26:50
Subject: Starting a youtube channel with the aim to help new players out.
Link on message: #6937117

{lang:macro__view_post}Tankformer, on 09 January 2014 - 03:12 PM, said: Hi Really appreciate the side scraping video, I’ve read a lot about it but not quite managed to angle it right. It’s very helpful to see it, I’ve been getting the angle all wrong and going the wrong way making myself more vulnerable not less.   One suggestion, I don’t know it its possible but I watched the sidescraping video then the T34 tier 8 premium tank guide (no where near it but was interested in seeing another video after enjoying the first). The T34 was really quiet, I had to really turn up the sound which meant getting really loud volume when I watched my next video.   As the KV1 is the most communally recommended tank I’ve seen for new players to learn on I’d suggest a video on that would prove very popular.   Personally I’d enjoy seeing some Tier 3 videos as the jump in difficulty is huge and I need all the help I can get, shots bounce off, I don’t know the maps at all, or what my role is depending on where I am in the list. Possibly the T46 as its on the way to the KV1.

Dakiras:   I think that's a pretty good idea. KV-1 is definitely a widely accepted "newbie" to play for overall game knowledge and learning, but having done the jump from Tier 2 to 3 to 4, it's worth covering as the gameplay changes with those tiers, and after 4 and 5 it becomes more clearly defined.   As a comment when making videos to help new people, it's possibly worth jumping on a new account and having a fresh look at what new players face, since at 10k+ games you'll no doubt have forgotten the strife of being a newbie! See what happens on a new account, then jump back on your main account and plan a video around that. Cool idea, and worthy of some +1s there. :smile:

Know Your Steel: The M-84 tank
09.01.2014 16:23:01
Subject: Know Your Steel: The M-84 tank
Link on message: #6937068

View PostMad_MakS, on 09 January 2014 - 03:06 PM, said:   Yes, it will be replaced. But at the moment they still have their 125`s mounted. That project is of Swiss gun is on waiting list for years. Reportedly, it demands another firing control (to replace OMEGA which actually makes them great) and the turret also, due to entire system swap.  Expensive investment for a tank that is sitting as 2-model prototype for 18 years...  I think it will fail eventually, because of politics,strong Import interests in Croatia, or the stifled industry itself (specially in Djakovich factory). Never the less,  NATO will have the last decision unfortunately, even if our production ever sees the daylight.

Hunter1911:   Yes, in order to mount the 120mm, they would need to implement a new loading system, which means turret overhaul. And that is a fairly large change to the design.   The longer the tank stays in the prototype phase, the larger are the loses, both financial and technological, as the time will catch up with it, and the advances will be rendered obsolete. Now the reasons of such delays can be multiple, financial, technological, import lobby and so on...

Know Your Steel: The M-84 tank
09.01.2014 16:23:01
Subject: Know Your Steel: The M-84 tank
Link on message: #6937068

View PostMad_MakS, on 09 January 2014 - 03:06 PM, said:   Yes, it will be replaced. But at the moment they still have their 125`s mounted. That project is of Swiss gun is on waiting list for years. Reportedly, it demands another firing control (to replace OMEGA which actually makes them great) and the turret also, due to entire system swap.  Expensive investment for a tank that is sitting as 2-model prototype for 18 years...  I think it will fail eventually, because of politics,strong Import interests in Croatia, or the stifled industry itself (specially in Djakovich factory). Never the less,  NATO will have the last decision unfortunately, even if our production ever sees the daylight.

TheKroo:   Yes, in order to mount the 120mm, they would need to implement a new loading system, which means turret overhaul. And that is a fairly large change to the design.   The longer the tank stays in the prototype phase, the larger are the loses, both financial and technological, as the time will catch up with it, and the advances will be rendered obsolete. Now the reasons of such delays can be multiple, financial, technological, import lobby and so on...

Wieso ist sowas erlaubt?
09.01.2014 16:08:04
Subject: Wieso ist sowas erlaubt?
Link on message: #6936881

W4RGAMER: Der Mod ist erlaubt, weil er keinen tatsächlichen Vorteil gibt. Zwar werden hier die Trefferzonen angezeigt, aber ziemlich viele erfahrene Spieler können dir diese Zonen auch ohne Mod nennen. Das kommt mit der Übung. Du schießt 10* auf die untere Wanne eines Tiger uns stellst fest, dass er 4* anfängt zu brennen. --> Untere Wanne = Hitzone für Feuer. Du schießt X* auf die Seite der Wanne eines IS-3 unter dem Turm und 2* davon explodiert er, 2* lädt er deutlich langsamer nach --> Seitenpanzerung IS-3 unterm Turm = Munitionslager.  Spiel ein wenig weiter, dann wirst du sehen was ich meine. Man lernt kontinuierlich dazu wo man bei welchem Panzer am besten hinschießt. :blinky:

World of Tanks 2013 Summary
09.01.2014 16:03:06
Subject: World of Tanks 2013 Summary
Link on message: #6936827

View Postdysje, on 09 January 2014 - 02:25 PM, said: I can remember the day the KV-1S was considered a bad tank, how things change. Well, the KV-1S didn't change, the game around it did.

Hunter1911:   I still do not prefer to play it. Far from the fact that it is a bad tank, just does not suits me. I believe its popularity is due to the fact that it is a rather forgiving tank, easy to play and it has a cult of followers which make it popular.

World of Tanks 2013 Summary
09.01.2014 16:03:06
Subject: World of Tanks 2013 Summary
Link on message: #6936827

View Postdysje, on 09 January 2014 - 02:25 PM, said: I can remember the day the KV-1S was considered a bad tank, how things change. Well, the KV-1S didn't change, the game around it did.

TheKroo:   I still do not prefer to play it. Far from the fact that it is a bad tank, just does not suits me. I believe its popularity is due to the fact that it is a rather forgiving tank, easy to play and it has a cult of followers which make it popular.

Bräuchte mal Rat
09.01.2014 16:00:20
Subject: Bräuchte mal Rat
Link on message: #6936799

W4RGAMER: Ich denke ich schließ das mal. :sceptic:

Idée Trombinoscope
09.01.2014 15:55:15
Subject: Idée Trombinoscope
Link on message: #6936736

Tanatoy: Tant que cela reste du troll mignon, (comme cela l'est actuellement) vous pouvez continuer ! Par contre le sujet ayant dérivé du postulat de départ, il est déplacé en hors-sujet. 

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