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Sa joue vraiment n'importe comment depuis 2 jours
10.01.2014 21:52:07
Subject: Sa joue vraiment n'importe comment depuis 2 jours
Link on message: #6950003

{lang:macro__view_post}meric57, on 10 January 2014 - 07:47 PM, said: Franchement  wargaming  va perdre des clients  si il agisse pas au plus vite,un ferdinand   qui reste en arrière  je lui dit move ;donc pour le faire bouger  je dire avec l'arty a coté de lui   hop il va se noyé  ,depuis 2 jours je tombe sur ce genre de comportement  voir des joueurs qui  joue  n'importe comment   en bataille.   je mettrai le replay de cette bataille 

Tanatoy:   Je dire ou tire ?    S'il vous plaît...utiliser les reports disponibles en jeu, plutôt que de vous plaindre sur le forum. Moi, nous, enfin ici, rien ne changera. Vous voulez voir quelqu'un de bannie pour son mauvais comportement ? Utiliser les reports.   4 ième sujet de ce genre aujourd'hui. Encore une fois, merci d'utiliser les reports !     

Premium-Laden: Nachschub ist eingetroffen!
10.01.2014 21:44:35
Subject: Premium-Laden: Nachschub ist eingetroffen!
Link on message: #6949938

{lang:macro__view_post}Clandaries, on 10 January 2014 - 07:38 PM, said: Anscheinend pupt sich der Deutsche Community Staff in die Hose, denn sonst wäre doch mal was ordentliches dabei. Ihr wißt doch ganz genau, dass der Karl alles ausrechnet und zutage fördert, dass einige Pakete Lug und Trug sind ?!?   Sagt da doch mal Bescheid, dass da offensichtlich fehler in der Berechnung der Pakete sind. Oder hat WG den Finger auf dem eject Knopf und jeder Mitarbeiter der gegenan geht wird entsorgt? :trollface:   Und ich warte noch immer auf eine Antwort von PanzerGert, aber der hat wohl Urlaub.

SergeantBaba:   Ja er ist noch  bis zum 18.01 im Urlaub, also musst dich noch ein wenig gedulden. In der Berechnung war die Rabattierung der Premium Tage nicht mit inbegriffen,somit wurde das Paket angepasst.  

{lang:macro__view_post}Eukrates, on 10 January 2014 - 07:38 PM, said:   Ich finde es gut, dass ihr es angepasst habt und der Hinweis eigentlich kaum noch zu übersehen ist, aber hier habt ihr es übersehen:     Und das ist das Bild was zum Angebot des Monats gepostet wurde.
Aber ansonsten auf dem besten Wege und ich finde es gut, dass zwar nicht immer Feedback etwas bringt, aber immer wieder mal.
Gruss Eukrates

SergeantBaba:   Ich würde gerne die Bilder austauschen, jedoch fehlt mir der Zugang dazu :sad:  Wurde bereits weitergeleitet, jedoch kann Ich euch nicht sagen, wann dieses Bild ausgetauscht wird.

Przeżywalność - pytanie
10.01.2014 21:43:19
Subject: Przeżywalność - pytanie
Link on message: #6949924

Gepard_PH: Grasz dużo lekkimi czołgami i chyba bardzo nierozważnie, skoro masz tylko 13%. Myślę, że taki w miarę normalny wynik to 25-40% w zależności od tego czym się gra.

Work in progress (warning a boring read ahead!)
10.01.2014 21:43:02
Subject: Work in progress (warning a boring read ahead!)
Link on message: #6949921

IPaul72: Hello all  I just thought I would share with you the community something I have been working on. Please be aware it is a work in progress that I have been attending to in my spare time and will continue to add little parts when I remember :veryhappy:   See below: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   Operation: Unternehmen Wacht am Rhein (Herbstnebel) In December 1944 in the early hours of December the 16th operation Unternehmen Wacht am Rhein (Operation: On the watch at the Rhine) came into action. Later change name to Herbstnebel ( Autumn Fog) Or as the Allies later came to know it “The Battle of the Bulge” Simply named because of the Bulge or pocket created by the Axis when advancing into the Allied lines. This was a daring operation to capture the port of Antwerp and thus create havoc amongst the allies during their and push towards Germany.     Preparation by the Axis:  Intelligence reports had appeared to the high command of the Third Reich that the lines which was held by the Allies was weak, thus attacking the line at its weakest point would break up the alliance between the Americans the English and the French. It was decided that, because the Axis had lost air superiority in the region it would be best launched in December when the weather was at its worst. This would in theory take away the advantage of the allies. It was also thought, this was achievable through the thick forested area of the Ardennes, where earlier in the war the Axis had entered through the same area and drive onto to occupy France and her surrounding countries.   Operational Aim. The main aim of the operation was to disrupt supplies which was landing at Antwerp by capturing the port. Therefore bring the Allies to their knees in this sector of the Allied invasion eastward. This in turn would supply Germany with fuels which it was in desperate need of at this time in the conflict. Earlier bombing raids by the Allies had destroyed synthetic fuels plants to the east and the Eastern front of the Russians was fast closing. So in theory at least, it could be seen that slowing to a halt the western front, or possibly eliminating the western front. Would be of a great advantage the Axis victory.   Reality. The operation was launched too little and too late to make any difference to the outcome of the Axis. Even if the Axis had become victorious within this operation, the eastern front was steam rolling at such a pace it would have been a very hard machine to stop. The war production in the east by the Russians was so vast and expansive, it would have taken German many years to be able to match this production rate. By this time in the conflict the German war production machine had been brought to its knees and the allies were almost making vehicles faster than the German could take them out on the battlefields. So in Hindsight, although it was a good strategic plan. It was launched too late to make a difference which senselessly caused the waste of many of thousands of lives on both sides.   Operational Plan:  The Fifth and Sixth Panzer Army led by Sepp Dietrich and Manteuffel was to spearhead the attack and to capture Antwerp this was the main objective. Also outlined within this objective they would provide a right flank for the Fifth Panzer Army.   The Fifth Panzer Army led by Manteuffel was to attack the midst of the lines and the Allied American forces. Thus capturing bridges and the rail centre of St Vith and then drive on to Brussels this would then if successful provide a buffer zone for the sixth panzer division while driving onto Antwerp. The Seventh Army, led by Brandenberger, was to attack in the southern flank, as designated by Hitler. He was then to create a buffer zone to prevent American reinforcements from attacking the rear of Fifth Panzer Army whilst they drove onto Brussels. The Fifteenth Army was to be held in reserve to counter any Allied attack if and when they took place.       Planned Deception and the story of the Panther M10 Within the operation Unternehmen Wacht am Rhein was the sub operation called Operation Greif (Or Operation Griffon). This was an operation under a false flag led by Waffen-SS Otto Skorzeny. This was an operation of which the initial drive forward would be led by the use of deception and Allied equipment and uniforms with fluent English speaking soldiers. The main objective of the operation was to capture bridges over the Meuse. This would then provide a secure point crossing of the Axis troops to come. However, the attack on the bridges had to be taken under German uniform which finding the soldiers proved to be quite difficult. Collecting Allied uniforms was very difficult within the German territories, it was realising this the research in to making fake counterfeit ones was put into action. The Axis even went as far as to teach some of the soldiers how to open cigarettes in an American fashion and how to light up the cigarettes in the same style. The Axis soldiers were taught American slang words, expressions and insults. The equipment requested by Otto Skorzeny accumulated to: 15 tanks, 20 armoured cars, 20 self-propelled guns, 100 Jeeps, 40 motorcycles, 120 trucks and Allied uniforms all to be delivered to Grafenwöhr in eastern Bavaria where the training camp was set up. Needless to say everything but what they needed turned up there including Soviet and Polish captured equipment. The dossier of equipment fell short, with the Axis having to use substitutes. The end result was 5 Panther tanks (it is rumoured and thought even ten may have been in existence) and 6 armoured cars. 30 Jeeps, 2 Sherman tanks (Poor condition) and fifteen trucks.  This was insufficient to transport and equip the entire brigade he wished to take. The Axis then resolved to disguise German tanks as US tanks, which by his own admission wouldn’t fool anyone.   The leaks of security and the mistakes A document which gave details about operation Greif and outlined the mission was in circulation within Allied hands and was passed promptly to the intelligence of the 106th U.S infantry. Within this document it outlined how American soldiers could recognise the Axis soldiers who were adopting their uniforms.    The Jeeps   The mistake was made by installing 4 Axis personnel per Jeep due to the Axis supply of vehicles. The US rarely carried more than 2 per Jeep. The Axis also made the mistake of using blackout headlights on the Jeeps. The US troops at the time didn’t, they used all or nothing often driving around with full lights or turned off. When the Axis Jeeps were spotted they quickly aroused suspicions of the US troops which tightened security immediately.   The Panthers The panthers were disguised as Wolverine M10’s this came about by using sheet steel for the turret sides and rear. Also a false gun mantlet was installed and the turret cuppola’s removed. Possibly 2 to 4 pieces sheet steel was used to imitate the hull section each side, the lower bow section was constructed to give the impression of the front sprocket housing of the M10. The tail plate was imitated and made of sheet steel and 2 holes were left for the exhaust housings. However, even after all this work there were very prominent tell tale signs it wasn’t a Wolverine M10. The allies quickly picked up on these, they were: Engine sound Muzzle break from the 7.5cm Kw.K 42. Wide tracks of the Panther tank The distinctive Panther bogie suspension.   All this was to lead to instant recognition that it wasn't an initiation M10. Above the Panther M10 Below the Wolverine M10 However comparing the 2 vehicles the axis came quite close to completing a copycat tank.   The operation Unternehmen Wacht am Rhein, failed with many mistakes being made and cost thousands of lives.   In the duration of the operation the Axis advanced so fast in such a short time they extended their supply route to breaking point. This caused very big problems like ammunition and fuel supply.    Due to clearing weather and restoration of air attacks, Included within this also, was various operations launched by the Allies. The Axis push was driven back aiding to the eventual downfall of the Third Reich.                      

[AKTUALIZACJA] czołgowe aukcje na rzecz Wielkiej Orkiestry - PRZEWODNIK
10.01.2014 21:39:34
Subject: [AKTUALIZACJA] czołgowe aukcje na rzecz Wielkiej Orkiestry - PRZEWODNIK
Link on message: #6949895

Gepard_PH: Caritas niech robi swoje, a WOŚP z Owsiakiem swoje. Niektórzy mają problem z Owsiakiem ze względu na jego światopogląd, z powodu Przystanku Woodstock (czy jak to się tam nazywa) i jego poparcia lub sprzeciwu dla pewnych zachowań. Tylko że światopogląd Owsiaka nie ma związku z realną pomocą jaką niesie WOŚP. Niektórzy próbują wykorzystać niechęć do osoby organizatora, żeby zdeprecjonować całą fundację i przedsięwzięcie.

Premium-Laden: Nachschub ist eingetroffen!
10.01.2014 21:31:01
Subject: Premium-Laden: Nachschub ist eingetroffen!
Link on message: #6949828

{lang:macro__view_post}ElSol86, on 10 January 2014 - 07:25 PM, said: Bei dem Angebot des Monats steht jetzt nicht dabei das es exklusiv für World of Tanks ist. Wenn ich mir dieses jetzt kaufe, wo werden mir dann die 100.000 Silber gut geschrieben? Bei WoT, WoWP, bei dem Spiel bei dem ich mich zuerst einlogge oder sogar bei beiden?

SergeantBaba:   Bei beiden wäre es schön :) Es handelt sich hierbei nur um WoT :smile:  

Artyparty - Münzwurfevent
10.01.2014 21:24:43
Subject: Artyparty - Münzwurfevent
Link on message: #6949778

W4RGAMER: Ok... :teethhappy: Hat Spaß gemacht. Am Anfang sah es sehr nach einem eindeutigen Sieger aus. Das Ende erwies sich dann jedoch als außergewöhnlich spannend. Nach einem 2:2 aus den ersten vier Runden schafften es die beiden Teams im letzten Gefecht am Ende mit einem glatten 12:12 ein weiteres Unentschieden zu provozieren.      Der Gewinn wird deswegen gleichmäßig aufgeteilt und jeder der Spieler erhält 150 Gold.   Danke für eure Teilnahme. Man sieht sich dann beim nächsten Event wieder. :blinky:

World of tanks skins?
10.01.2014 20:59:49
Subject: World of tanks skins?
Link on message: #6949583

Dakiras: Snipe to a reply! Was just about to hit Post when the "new message posted" notification popped up! I'll also move the thread. :smile:

Médailles de la gloire : la médaille d'Orlik
10.01.2014 20:43:31
Subject: Médailles de la gloire : la médaille d'Orlik
Link on message: #6949423

Tanatoy: Si tu avais 7 ou 8 Boelter, elles doivent toujours être affichés. Car elles n'ont pas été supprimés de votre historique. 

10.01.2014 20:34:57
Link on message: #6949348

{lang:macro__view_post}Stankela_, on 10 January 2014 - 06:58 PM, said: I'm waiting for Support guys to answer me for a week, in the past, they were answering very fast (couple of minutes)... But now, I'm waiting almost one week.... Does somebody knows what's going on, it's really important, my email got hacked, and I want them to change my email...

IPaul72: Hello there  I have been contact with support and they are looking into the issue for you. :smile: Kind regards IPaul72 

#3 - MEMEorisez-nous !
10.01.2014 20:23:33
Subject: #3 - MEMEorisez-nous !
Link on message: #6949228

Tanatoy: Tu verras plein d'exemples ici :) http://memegenerator.net/

[Concours forum] Réponse en Vidéo des vacances d'hiver !
10.01.2014 20:22:41
Subject: [Concours forum] Réponse en Vidéo des vacances d'hiver !
Link on message: #6949219

Tanatoy: Ou peut-être pas :girl:

Do you know Tanks?
10.01.2014 19:59:27
Subject: Do you know Tanks?
Link on message: #6948959

Hunter1911: All these seal avatars are confusing me who is who here.

Do you know Tanks?
10.01.2014 19:59:27
Subject: Do you know Tanks?
Link on message: #6948959

TheKroo: All these seal avatars are confusing me who is who here.

There are may "top gun" threads but this one is mine
10.01.2014 19:58:05
Subject: There are may "top gun" threads but this one is mine
Link on message: #6948944

Hunter1911: Good battle, absolutely love the reference.

There are may "top gun" threads but this one is mine
10.01.2014 19:58:05
Subject: There are may "top gun" threads but this one is mine
Link on message: #6948944

TheKroo: Good battle, absolutely love the reference.

Artyparty - Münzwurfevent
10.01.2014 19:50:12
Subject: Artyparty - Münzwurfevent
Link on message: #6948866

W4RGAMER: Und voll. :smile:

Medaile hrdinů: Orlikova medaile
10.01.2014 19:45:48
Subject: Medaile hrdinů: Orlikova medaile
Link on message: #6948827

Tuccy: Čím to střílel? 20mm kanónem na základě 20mm protitankové pušky ;) Začátkem války to byla ještě dost účinná zbraň.   Ad medaile, za Osu je jich hned několik, i když třeba Bolterovu už není možné vyhrát, další (napč. Knispel) pak jsou v postupných oceněních - ale je tam opravdu problém zejména s Německými úřady (viz nutnost zaměnit Wittmanna za Bolterse).

Artyparty - Münzwurfevent
10.01.2014 19:39:15
Subject: Artyparty - Münzwurfevent
Link on message: #6948754

W4RGAMER: Zwei Plätze sind noch frei.  

Mise à jour de l'assistant World of Tanks
10.01.2014 19:19:04
Subject: Mise à jour de l'assistant World of Tanks
Link on message: #6948544

{lang:macro__view_post}Hyeronimus, on 10 January 2014 - 04:19 PM, said: Alors d'où vient celle que j'ai mis en lien ?

Tanatoy:   Je viens de demander plus d'informations à ce sujet. 

Artyparty - Münzwurfevent
10.01.2014 19:12:52
Subject: Artyparty - Münzwurfevent
Link on message: #6948465

W4RGAMER: Habe einen Kanal erstellt. Titel = Titel des Events. Für alle die vorher schonmal reinschauen wollen. :blinky:

Please Urgent un ADMIN peu t'il me contactez Urgent !
10.01.2014 19:06:34
Subject: Please Urgent un ADMIN peu t'il me contactez Urgent !
Link on message: #6948394

Tanatoy: Merci de m'envoyer un pm. Cela ne sert à rien de créer un sujet pour cela. Et j'espère que c'est urgent ! 

Know Your Steel: The M-84 tank
10.01.2014 19:04:45
Subject: Know Your Steel: The M-84 tank
Link on message: #6948373

View Postdeveen23, on 09 January 2014 - 10:50 PM, said:   Considering they bought the Abrams and their alliance with the US, I doubt we'll see further purchases of M-84 of any kind, only possibly upgrades to the existing stock.

Hunter1911:   Well, AFAIK they are looking to modernize their M-84AB's to M-84D standard.

Know Your Steel: The M-84 tank
10.01.2014 19:04:45
Subject: Know Your Steel: The M-84 tank
Link on message: #6948373

View Postdeveen23, on 09 January 2014 - 10:50 PM, said:   Considering they bought the Abrams and their alliance with the US, I doubt we'll see further purchases of M-84 of any kind, only possibly upgrades to the existing stock.

TheKroo:   Well, AFAIK they are looking to modernize their M-84AB's to M-84D standard.

Propaganda Anime Poster!
10.01.2014 19:02:53
Subject: Propaganda Anime Poster!
Link on message: #6948347

{lang:macro__view_post}Trojanischer_Hase, on 10 January 2014 - 03:44 PM, said:   Fette Skills:great: Da hast du wohl den Jackpot um ein paar Tage verpasst...  

SergeantBaba:   Kann Ich nur bestätigen, du hast auf jeden Fall Talent, doch leider bist du zu spät:sad:

Artyparty - Münzwurfevent
10.01.2014 18:59:45
Subject: Artyparty - Münzwurfevent
Link on message: #6948305

W4RGAMER: Es ist mal wieder Partyzeit! Um genau zu sein ist Arty-party angesagt, nur damit ihr schonmal den Dresscode kennt. :trollface:   Allerdings mit Selbstfahrlafetten statt Eisenbahngeschützen...    Das Prinzip ist ganz leicht: die ersten 28 die sich in diesem Thread melden sind dabei + SergeantBaba & W4RGAMER 15 Spieler pro Seite; alle in Artilleriefahrzeugen der Stufe 6 oder niedriger Alle stellen sich innerhalb der ersten Minute im Capkreis des eigenen Teams auf; nach exakt einer Minute beginnt dann das Gefecht Niemand darf den Cap-Kreis verlassen Gefechtsdauer sind 10 Minuten Das Team, mit mehr Überlebenden Spielern gewinnt die Runde Das Team, das als erstes drei Runden für sich entscheidet gewinnt den Wettstreit (Also best-out-of-five) Jeder Spieler des Gewinnerteams erhält 200 Gold; 100 Gold pro Nase erhält das Verliererteam Zeiten: Anwesenheit im Spiel: 18:45 Uhr bis 20:00 Uhr Gefechtszeiten: Start um 19:00 Uhr     Seid schnell und sichert euch einen Platz! :playing:   Und... Ja, es ist Glücksspiel. :blinky:

Video: RNG Episode 15
10.01.2014 18:45:13
Subject: Video: RNG Episode 15
Link on message: #6948132

Hunter1911: Fails are strong in this episode :D

Video: RNG Episode 15
10.01.2014 18:45:13
Subject: Video: RNG Episode 15
Link on message: #6948132

TheKroo: Fails are strong in this episode :D

Darf man das?
10.01.2014 18:33:21
Subject: Darf man das?
Link on message: #6947994

SergeantBaba: Hi Silva,   wenn es für eine Klassenarbeit ist, sehe Ich keine Probleme. Du kannst dir gerne das Presse Kit herunterladen : https://wargaming.com/en/about/press/ (Einfach auf "World of Tanks press kit" klicken)   Dort sind Videos, Artworks etc. enthalten.   Gruß  Baba

WoT ile Güne Merhaba - 5
10.01.2014 18:26:54
Subject: WoT ile Güne Merhaba - 5
Link on message: #6947934

Ishtara: Arkadaşlar,   Lantirn'in belirlediği sonuçlar doğrultusunda aşağıdaki oyunculara altın talebi girilmiştir:   serdar1981 1250 eren1453 600 Patagons 250 durum_normal 600 Ephemerich 550 NDS 500 Karakoyunlu 600 Wuslat23 700 EwO81 400 tankiller61 200 bigthunder 250 cabbarow3535 50 grcan33 150 Yozgat_Spor66 50   Altınlar en kısa zamanda hesaplarınıza geçecektir!   Kazananları tebrik ederim!

WoT ile Bitmeyen Geceler - 5
10.01.2014 18:25:21
Subject: WoT ile Bitmeyen Geceler - 5
Link on message: #6947922

Ishtara: Merhabalar,   Lantirn'in de bildirdiği gibi aşağıdaki oyuncularımızın altın talepleri girilmiştir:   serdar1981    1200
Ephemerich    600
nsklnts    450
grcan33    450
cabbarow3535    650
Ozkaner64    550
Karakoyunlu    330
Crosssover    700
EwO81    350
Tankiller61    200
Wuslat23    50
NDS    200
MAXIMUS786    50     En kısa zamanda hesaplarınıza geçer. Kazananları tebrik ederim!

World of Warships
10.01.2014 18:24:41
Subject: World of Warships
Link on message: #6947914

Tuccy: Další kola náborů proběhnou, až se vyhodnotí výsledky prvního kola, aktivita v předchozích testech bude určitě brána v potaz - zatím ale nemůžeme říct nic víc :bajan:

Ban the person above you game!
10.01.2014 18:17:52
Subject: Ban the person above you game!
Link on message: #6947820

Hunter1911: Banned because that's not the bannhammer.

Ban the person above you game!
10.01.2014 18:17:52
Subject: Ban the person above you game!
Link on message: #6947820

TheKroo: Banned because that's not the bannhammer.

Ban the person above you game!
10.01.2014 18:17:52
Subject: Ban the person above you game!
Link on message: #6947820

TheyCallMeHans: Banned because that's not the bannhammer.

Ban the person above you game!
10.01.2014 18:04:55
Subject: Ban the person above you game!
Link on message: #6947663

Hunter1911: Banned because of not stating the obvious.

Ban the person above you game!
10.01.2014 18:04:55
Subject: Ban the person above you game!
Link on message: #6947663

TheKroo: Banned because of not stating the obvious.

Ban the person above you game!
10.01.2014 18:04:55
Subject: Ban the person above you game!
Link on message: #6947663

TheyCallMeHans: Banned because of not stating the obvious.

So what's it like to be unicum?
10.01.2014 18:00:42
Subject: So what's it like to be unicum?
Link on message: #6947628

Dakiras: I have seen the singling out of people in games. I've even been ordered to 'attack this person!' to which I promptly said "nope" :tongue:   It, of course, lost us the game. The poem "Charge of the Light Brigade" comes to mind, except it was more akin to skateboarders charging into an oncoming bus at top speed. The player they were targeting also survived the fight, to add insult to injury. LOL

Warum werden meine Kommentare gelöscht?
10.01.2014 17:52:48
Subject: Warum werden meine Kommentare gelöscht?
Link on message: #6947554

W4RGAMER: Die Idee hinter diesem Thread war mindestens genauso ehrgeizig wie die Idee hinter dem Thread: Große Themen. Ich hatte gehofft die Anzahl an Posts, die den Forenregeln widersprechen, würde signifikant abnehmen wenn es dazu mal eine gepinnte Übersicht gäbe. Leider musste ich recht bald feststellen, dass der Plan so nicht aufgeht. :amazed: Ich werde also auch diesen Thread unpinnen in diesem Fall schließen und evtl. aufräumen oder einfach ruhen lassen. Für alle, die wirklich an der Fragestellung interessiert sind empfehle ich lest euch meinen Eingangspost durch. Wenn ihr darin nicht fündig werdet schreibt eine PM mit möglichst allen nötigen Informationen an Panzergert, SergeantBaba oder mich. Gruß, W4RGAMER   p.s. Der direkteste Weg sind natürlich die >Forenregeln<. Da findet ihr alle Regeln und Einschränkungen, allerdings eben ohne Einschränkung auf die häufigsten Verstöße.

Реклама | Adv