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The Drill Boot Camp Tournament

Дата: 23.04.2011 22:17:01
View PostSHARKMEAT, on 23 April 2011 - 06:24 PM, said: Why do you keep doing all these drills and contest befor the real Patch comes out to fix the big glitches and vanishing junk that is still going on in the game come on get real, I understand you want to have movement to move gold, but lets get the patches out, as I still read it is still a beta, even though you stated release to public patch, and it reads beta still....on the download site, as you can see by my gold I have spent alot of money to buy gold, and I would like to see some work done to fixed the problems in the reg game befor you keep on having these contest........CHEERS
BTW: This is no bitching of the game in general, it is great, but I don't like shooting something after I get him down tp 3% to just vanish, to come up some where else on the map to be shot by some other play that didn't use 5 gold shots to get him to 3%. and one other thing why is it North American servers get all the no english speaking players and I can't jump into or join a ER server ???. or do I have to put in client of the diff Nations ?. which is so lame if that is the case.
PS: If you have problem understanding this due to grammar errors. pass it on to a linguistic expert to translate ;).

Overlord: Programmers, designers, artists, and testers don't do all those "drills and contest". They are involved in their own work.

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