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MM is fixed? Not so fast

Дата: 26.07.2012 22:24:21
View Post9mmCapsule, on Jul 26 2012 - 20:06, said: First, I appreciate WG taking player's feedback on MM and patch it for 7.5. This is a move to the right direction. However, I think MM issue is not an issue by its own but rather connected with other problems. Fixing it alone may bring unintended consequences.
To make my post less wordy I will try to make my reasoning short: There are more problem than just tier spread concern in MM, tightening tier spread while maintain same number of players on each side will cause further problems. Here I list some of my own observation:
1. the "tank stacking": This happened after they released Type 59 but has now gradually died off. However, with the tighter MM I can imagine the "stacking" feature will be back and maybe instead of 10 Type 59s you will get the new and shining T110E4, T62A or JgE100...
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2. no artillery cap: I personally have nothing against arty, but they cause pub to camp and other problem when there are too many of them on the field.
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3. no performance/platoon consideration: I fully agree a good platoon can bring a much better chance of victory. As my platoon have demonstrated many times in pubs
4. no tank equipment consideration: stock tank. I personally don't drive them but I don't think most people are like me, which effectively reduced the tank tier by as much as 2(imagine stock M48)
I simply searched MM related topics on the forum and found above screen shots in my post. There are many more screenshots that unhappy players have posted if you just search "MM". I'm not against the new MM change, I have said it at the beginning of this post that it's a move to the right direction. However, WG, you need to fix the problem as a whole not just patch one problem and worsen other problems.
FYI: the new MM chart:
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GeneralDirection: 2. no artillery cap: I personally have nothing against arty, but they cause pub to camp and other problem when there are too many of them on the field.
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3. no performance/platoon consideration: I fully agree a good platoon can bring a much better chance of victory. As my platoon have demonstrated many times in pubs
4. no tank equipment consideration: stock tank. I personally don't drive them but I don't think most people are like me, which effectively reduced the tank tier by as much as 2(imagine stock M48)
I simply searched MM related topics on the forum and found above screen shots in my post. There are many more screenshots that unhappy players have posted if you just search "MM". I'm not against the new MM change, I have said it at the beginning of this post that it's a move to the right direction. However, WG, you need to fix the problem as a whole not just patch one problem and worsen other problems.
FYI: the new MM chart:
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We probably won't stop with tier spread changes. This is just the first step now that the new matchmaker algorithm is complete. It's been a work in progress for months now; a complete rewrite of the algorithm to add more knobs that can be tweaked.
We'll take a look at how platoons affect the matchmaker, a tier spread within platoons and their effect, vehicle stacking, etc. We want to make the matchmaker smarter where possible, so I'd expect more changes in the future.
The tier spread change, we felt, was the biggest "bang for buck" to implement first, so it was the highest priority. It's by far the biggest change of any issue that needs to be addressed, but we know there are others.

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