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Feedback Request: Tank Gameplay Roles

Дата: 24.09.2011 00:56:17
View PostAn_Average_Jho, on Sep 23 2011 - 23:08, said: General Direction, I plead you to stop trying to give specific tanks specific roles!
No tank has 1 simple role within a game, it all depends on the tier of the tank, the range of tiers the tank can come up against and the terrain it is fighting on.
For example, An A20 can be given the role of assault and Hunter in a tier 2-4 game, however that role falls to recon (or counter-recon depending on the tanks it is coming up against) in any game tier 5 and up.
Also some "roles" are too similar to each other, Sniper and Blocker both deny enemy movement, one by constantly harassing tanks and forcing them to take cover while the other just means a tank with enough firepower to scare tanks into cover. All arty, most TDs and a few mediums like the KV-13 and the "Easy Eight".
Very few tanks are only good at one thing, most of the tanks have a medley of skills that allows them, given proper placement and command, to fulfill 90% of those roles.

GeneralDirection: We have no intentions of assigning tanks to a single role unless, well, they only have a single gameplay role. There are many, many tanks that will end up having two or three potential roles listed wherever we end up putting this.
Thank you everyone for the feedback specific to where you land in a battle on the tier balance ("top of the food chain" or "bottom of the food chain" is what I refer to when playing ;)) -- that's something we'll definitely have to keep into consideration when crafting these role definitions.

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