New to the Supertest: 2 New Maps! Plantation & Silent Garden
Дата: 01.04.2022 18:16:43

HeatResistantBFG: So if you check out the article here https://worldoftanks...-mission-recap/ about recon
you can see some info about the plans around new maps.
But basically, we don't want to bring in maps that need more work/aren't balanced, so we will be using things like recon mode to test the maps, then improve them based on the results, and then when "finished", then we'll look into bringing them to the game. So maps will be tested with player input repeatedly to get to a place where the map is both liked and balanced before being brought to the game
But basically, we don't want to bring in maps that need more work/aren't balanced, so we will be using things like recon mode to test the maps, then improve them based on the results, and then when "finished", then we'll look into bringing them to the game. So maps will be tested with player input repeatedly to get to a place where the map is both liked and balanced before being brought to the game

New to the Supertest: 2 New Maps! Plantation & Silent Garden