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Top of the Tree: FV215b

Дата: 05.08.2014 17:30:06
View PostHansiVonHinten, on 05 August 2014 - 01:45 PM, said:
Looking forward to here why :smile:   Also remember to explain why US almost every time has MUCH better missions, and I don't care about what mission is called (top of the trees, on track etc.) And why is there only a million dollar extravaganza in US and not EU? :popcorn:  

Ectar:   Well I've explained already why the credit rewards are lower. The NA credit boost for the top 3 tanks of the branch is also only 15% and their portal has been updated accordingly. I can't explain why NA is doing better specials, only the NA team could tell you the reasoning behind that. They have different goals for their region and offers will be different as a result to that.  I find it strange everyone compares what happens in EU to what happens in NA, and RU or SEA is never mentioned. - Even when we did match NA specials all that happened is people turned their nose up at the specials and said RU was better. It really is impossible to find a middle ground (the same specials for all regions isn't going to happen).   It wouldn't matter if we did every discount and bonus possible, if NA had 1 thing extra the usual people we see in these threads would still post in the thread only to point out that NA is different and the rubbish what's on offer.  There comes a point when we accept that no matter what we do, players will always complain at discounts and bonuses as they look at things purely on a personal point of view. Alternatively they're looking at weekend specials just to see what's not there so they can complain/highlight it.   Whist in some situations it can seem that people aren't getting enough, the flip side of that is it's easy to pass over when people may be getting too much. Remember the intentions of the bonuses and discounts is that they're supposed to feel special. Sadly many of them are now taken from granted and people realistically ask for things like 50% discount on tier VIII-X or expect an equipment sale every 2nd month because the other discounts we do are just things they always expect to be there.

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