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Flashback: Heavy Steel Weekend

Дата: 15.12.2013 04:39:42
View PostAsghaad, on 14 December 2013 - 10:00 PM, said: oh Ectar trying to hose down PR nightmare with outright lies... well thats a new one ...   1. the norm for as long as i can remember is weekend special. sometimes good, sometimes bad but it IS A NORM when you do this every week for years ... The same as new missions, they are the norm now, if you take them off you are changing the norm, but until you do that they ARE THE NORM so stop insulting the players by trying to push on us the idea that WG isnt required to do a special each week, because you are. If you really believe what you just said Ectar run a week without any weekend special and we will see if you can get away with that :smile:   2. trying to justify running 3 discounts with diminishing returns (and misleading description) in a row by saying that you just cant do anything else is really REALLY stupid ... few weeks back you tried to justify lack of this discount by need to spread it around because you just couldnt give the playerbase the thing it needed and now you are saying that you have to give us this same thing 3 times in a row because you must... what the hell stopped WG from doing what you said earlier - spread these discounts evenly around ?   3. there is a difference between a typo and misleading product description leading to monetary losses of buying customers. one is a tolerable mistake, second is grounds for legal lawsuit... Also typos arent kept and repeated three times in a row, especially on the weekly basis unless its on purpose. purpose here being to scam kiddies of their gold on crew skills dropping...

Ectar:   The term "PR nightmare" is blowing things out of proportion.    1) We can't do a weekend without a special as it now the expected thing. Go back 1 year then 2 and see what the specials are compared to now. They've gone up and up over time as people expect more and more.   2) On Sunday there will be an announcement regarding a bigger than normal event. Bigger than normal is quite honestly an understatement. You'll see why replying to concerns has been difficult or evasive based on what's included and why replying to you now is difficult knowing what's coming.

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