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Flashback: Heavy Steel Weekend

Дата: 14.12.2013 00:05:28
View PostDarkrenown, on 13 December 2013 - 06:09 PM, said: The "norm or normal" is having no bonuses or discounts at all on the weekend.  The norm isn't want you got last week/month, what another region got, or what you think the event should be.   Since when? The norm for a loooong has been for regular weekend specials. You act like specials are a huge burden and we should be super grateful that you grace us with them, but the fact of the matter is you do it so that people will play more and buy more, which makes profits for your company. Everything is relative, you might be perfectly happy with your salary until you find out that the guy next to you is getting paid 50% more for doing the exact same job - thehn suddenly you'll be pretty mad about it. Likewise, specials are great until you notice that another server is getting better ones.   I also notice that in your post, you totally fail to address the two main complaints about this special: 1) You are repeating the same offers for the 2nd and 3rd weeks in a row, and 2) You market this as a flashback to a previous popular special, but you give this one a lesser discount.    It's also interesting that you show up this week to bemoan player complaints, but no one was around last week to address why the special offered "50% Discount on all Crew Training options", but this only applied to training between tanks, not crew skills.

Ectar:   Since when? The norm for a loooong has been for regular weekend specials. You act like specials are a huge burden and we should be super grateful that you grace us with them, but the fact of the matter is you do it so that people will play more and buy more, which makes profits for your company. Everything is relative, you might be perfectly happy with your salary until you find out that the guy next to you is getting paid 50% more for doing the exact same job - thehn suddenly you'll be pretty mad about it. Likewise, specials are great until you notice that another server is getting better ones.   I also notice that in your post, you totally fail to address the two main complaints about this special: 1) You are repeating the same offers for the 2nd and 3rd weeks in a row, and 2) You market this as a flashback to a previous popular special, but you give this one a lesser discount.    It's also interesting that you show up this week to bemoan player complaints, but no one was around last week to address why the special offered "50% Discount on all Crew Training options", but this only applied to training between tanks, not crew skills.  
"The normal" is a regular day in World of Tanks. No bonuses, no discounts, no missions etc. That is exactly what Saturday and Sunday would be without the "specials".   If another guy doing my job in my office was getting 50% more then yeah I might be annoyed but I'm pretty sure they would be a reason for it and the reason is likely something I'd only know about if I needed to. Sometimes we don't get to know about things we want to, no matter who we think we are or why we should. If another guy doing my job in an office on the other side of the world was getting 50% more I wouldn't really care tbh as it doesn't affect me. It's only natural to want what someone else has, even if you don't really like it/want it/would use it. Trust me I've a huge advocate of things being done fairly and I hate people or group getting special treatment. Sadly sometimes things do go the way we want them to. No one is asking you to like it, it's just that we don't always get what we want.   1) The same offers being repeated for 3 weeks I agree isn't really cool but that's because the normal things we use can't be used. 2) Indeed, the wording could have been different but changing it now wouldn't help.  Since March the discounts we can offer players has changed (I did mention this in my previous post) and that's a global change.   I wasn't able to reply to threads last week as I was on vacation last week.    Regarding the portal news, typo's can be made by anyone and sadly sometimes information can change at short notice. When people are working to deadlines it's easy to make a slip up. I've made a  good mistakes myself and in all honestly thousands of sites make errors, they're usually corrected instantly/within a few minutes or don't have an active forum waiting to point out the mistakes right away however. (A perfect example is a recent new article I just read on the BBC website. When talking about a car already mentioned in the article the term "Landrover Freeloader" is used when the correct term is a "Freelander").   When something is pointed out it's easier to notice. If I told you that there is more green cars on the streets than any other car, you'd unconsciously start noticing green cars all the time because someone has pointed this out to you.   New staff and changes in systems/processes can also make familiar work seem unfamiliar.  We're sorry for the issues when publishing past articles and steps have been put into place to help eliminate them.   

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