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Discounts.Now or later?

Дата: 13.12.2013 19:05:25
View PostDan_Abnormal, on 13 December 2013 - 04:21 PM, said:   I appreciate the sentiment, but with indefinite time scales on discounts am I going to be waiting 2 weeks, 2 months or 2 years for a discount I'm interested in?   Would it be impossible to set up a long term discount schedule so people can actually time grinding certain tanks to coincide with certain discounts?

Ectar:   I wouldn't say impossible but I can explain why it won't happen. You're then taking something which is a bonus as something for granted and factoring it into your day to day playing.  It's no longer something extra and has become something which is expected as part of your regular play.    In any game you play that has an in-game currency you have 2 choices: Spend it as your earn it, or save it to buy things later.   We're not being an exception to other games you may play I honestly can't think of a game that announces sales in advance (and i'm taking about virtual currency here).  The prices of those tanks were set in advance with the aim of players working towards them and they're perfectly achievable goals. Discounting them at random should be a welcome surprise and a break from the norm. It shouldn't be thought of as a necessity.  It can't always be minimum effort for maximum gains.

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