New to the Supertest: 2 New Maps! Plantation & Silent Garden
Дата: 05.04.2022 14:53:35

Dwigt: You absolutely have a point and we know that once you get to test
the map on the test server you will defintely have more accurate
feedback but for now we are looking for your first impressions on
the map which is also helpful for us and the devs to know on which
areas they need to focus and adjust. About the trees and bushes, I
guess you can clearly see if from the video or screenshots, one
side have more concealment and cover for example or if the map has
too much shrubbery this will maybe push players to camp more and
TDs have more vantage points...

just keep spamming premiums like u usually do and dont get peoples hope up that u will actually do anything else for this game.

Dwigt: I guess you are both missing the Recon mode that we introduced
recently that was made for the sole purpose of including you
in the process of map development.Few weeks or maybe a month ago we
announced that 3 maps have been sent back to the Supertest for some
final adjustments. Those 3 maps were voted in last year's Recon
mission mode.I suppose the last 8 maps including those 2 might also
be added to Recon mode, if that mode is coming back anytime soon.
New to the Supertest: 2 New Maps! Plantation & Silent Garden