Bundles Full of Lucky Coins and Premium Time up for Grabs With Exclusive Raze...
Дата: 16.03.2022 17:29:09

Dwigt: Not only positives, but make sure you do not break the forum
rules.It's a choice, we have bundles and we are not forcing anyone
to buy them. You can still enjoy the game with or without those
bundles and whether you're a new or an old player!

Dwigt: but imagine putting your mouse on a Maus!

Dwigt: Agree but personally speaking, I like the Razer brand and I prefer
to have a fully branded setup. I guess nowadays it's a matter of
design, brand and if you want to have a full set up. Specs and
quality are almost the same, and in some cases the price!

Dwigt: Afaik, we're selling credits, premium days and gold in those
bundles which can be useful for many other stuff no?

Dwigt: Oh that's a very nice one indeed! Always wanted to get it but it
doesn't fit on my desk 

Bundles Full of Lucky Coins and Premium Time up for Grabs With Exclusive Raze...