Дата: 29.03.2022 14:37:01
Lt_Pfaffenbach, on 23 March 2022 - 04:16 PM, said: was this short and sensible question even noticed? i echo it, can't
select any of token prizes for myself and yet i dont wanna get
surprise by auto-convertion for bonds bundles.
ApocalipticSnowflake: Token prizes are granted automatically other than equipment which
you will be able to pick.
Hunt3r_Supr3m0, on 29 March 2022 - 10:29 AM, said: Guys, I dont understand why we have to wait for 2 weeks to
receive the reward tank... maybe 1 week.... but 2 weeks? what are
you doing in this time? stop wasting time in new useless game mode
like in test server... ffs Unebeliable.
ApocalipticSnowflake: We always stated that rewards will take up to 14 days to be
delivered. So we are still within that time frame. Please be