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Geçmişe Dönüş: Ağır Çelik Hafta Sonu
13.12.2013 18:17:07
Subject: Geçmişe Dönüş: Ağır Çelik Hafta Sonu
Link on message: #6695611

View Postl3oomerangg, on 13 December 2013 - 02:12 AM, said: Etkinlik güzelde, şöyle bazı tanklara toplu indirim verdiğiniz zaman garaj yuvası ve kışla indirimi de koysanız yanında, tadından yenmeyecek yani. Listedeki 4 tankı almak istiyorum, tabii bunun için 4 garaj yuvası boşaltmam gerekecek :)

Ishtara:   geri bildirim için teşekkürler :) 

This is how you make a christmas surprise to your customers
13.12.2013 18:07:42
Subject: This is how you make a christmas surprise to your customers
Link on message: #6695528

Ectar: Ok guys I'll ask you all this;    After the 25th of December. Post in this thread and let me know if we surprised you or not and let me know if you were satisfied with what was available.  If not, please let me know what realistic expectations you had that were not met and how we could make next year better. (asking for discontinued tanks or tanks that have never previously been available in the gift shop for example isn't realistic).

type59 u winter suprise kalendaru?
13.12.2013 18:04:25
Subject: type59 u winter suprise kalendaru?
Link on message: #6695499

Hunter1911: Ja sam izgleda jedini koji voli Lowe...

type59 u winter suprise kalendaru?
13.12.2013 18:04:25
Subject: type59 u winter suprise kalendaru?
Link on message: #6695499

TheKroo: Ja sam izgleda jedini koji voli Lowe...

Türk komünitesine gelen yabancılar
13.12.2013 18:02:37
Subject: Türk komünitesine gelen yabancılar
Link on message: #6695476

View PostAlleinWolf, on 09 December 2013 - 07:59 PM, said: birkaç seferdir şahit oluyorum yabancı biri gelip konuyla hiç alakası olmayan postlar yollayıp gidiyorlar ve hiç cevap atmıyorlar arada milleti karıştıranlarda olmuyor değil(trollde diyebiliriz)bazıları beni sinir etmiyor değil ama sizinde görüşlerinizi almak isterim bu konuda.bu konuda olduğu gibi.acaba bunlar roaming için görevlendirilen arkadaşlarmı?eğer öyleyse varsın olmasın bu roaming olayı.bunun narsisti var,nasyonalisti var,noobu var,var oğlu var.

Ishtara:     Türkçe konular altında bu tarz yabancı oyuncuların yorumlarını gördüğünüz zaman lütfen raporlayın. eulash ve BlackLycan arkadaşlarımız bu raporlarla ilgilenip yorumları kaldıracak ve oyunculara trollingden ötürü gerekli yaptırımı uygulayacaklardır.

Discounts.Now or later?
13.12.2013 18:00:44
Subject: Discounts.Now or later?
Link on message: #6695453

Ectar: Doubtful that you'll see a 50% discount on tier VII. I would suggest however to anyone in any situation that involves buying something.If you're not in a hurry to purchase something and want to wait to a specific date... Then wait. Whilst there is lots of potential situations with different outcomes, only 1 thing is guaranteed. - If you buy it now, it's not discounted.  

Latviešu klani
13.12.2013 17:59:12
Subject: Latviešu klani
Link on message: #6695437

Yıl Sonu Şenliklerimize Katılın!
13.12.2013 17:56:44
Subject: Yıl Sonu Şenliklerimize Katılın!
Link on message: #6695412

View PostUfuko, on 10 December 2013 - 05:32 PM, said: Video olayını anlamadım gerçek hayattan videom çekiyoruz yoksa oyun içerisinden videomu? Oyun içerisinden çekiyorsak birşey yaparız :trollface:

Ishtara:   Oyun içerisinden değil, kendi çektiğiniz "mutlu yıllar", sene sonu veya kış temalı videoları bekliyoruz. 

Diskusija par pareizrakstisanu
13.12.2013 17:56:11
Subject: Diskusija par pareizrakstisanu
Link on message: #6695409

OldFox: Laba duskusija, bet Klanu sadala vinai nav ista vieta.

13.12.2013 17:50:36
Subject: Skandal!
Link on message: #6695369

{lang:macro__view_post}OTG_Marauder, on 13 December 2013 - 03:48 PM, said: Um was "Skandalöses" genau gehts denn??

PanzerGert: Diskussion der Moderation, was sonst. :smile:   Deswegen, auch hier nun wieder zu.

Video: Mekanik Açıklama - Eşleştirme
13.12.2013 17:50:26
Subject: Video: Mekanik Açıklama - Eşleştirme
Link on message: #6695367

Ishtara: Arkadaşlar, alakalı makale ile birlikte konu başlığını buradan takip edebilirsiniz.

Flashback: Heavy Steel Weekend
13.12.2013 17:50:23
Subject: Flashback: Heavy Steel Weekend
Link on message: #6695366

View PostdUG1, on 12 December 2013 - 09:19 PM, said:   Not true Ectar, sorry.   I have been here long enough to remember buying Ferdinand on 50% discount for Ferdinand´s Porsche birthday, as well as buying Pershing for Patton´s birthday.   Back then, specials, while not being available each weekend, were actually special and meant something - no wonder I remember those 2, but cant remember which one we had last weekend :harp:

Ectar:   Those 2 individual discounts were one off events and not a normal discount.  Yes in the past bonuses were higher along with discounts (only on tier VII and lower), you also frequently had events where it was 1 tank per nation and not all in a tier (for example it would be the Tiger P or Tiger H, the Hellcat or M36). It's not just in Europe but across all regions where the bonuses have been toned down. Please don't start saying that "back in the day" things were better because the first thing you'll need to show is a direct comparison (as in multiple months, not random individual weekend specials) of when things were apparently better. I can assure you that "back in the day" the playerbase was less demanding and things weren't taking for granted as much as they are now.    As I said earlier with the addition of weekly, weekend, and monthly missions this means that the in-game discounts and credit boosts can't be the same as they used to be. We're also conscious that the "extra help" that these events are intended to be, has been forgotten.  It used to be "Oh hey cool, a garage discount" whereas now it's. "I know there is such a thing as garage discounts, so give me one now".    When something becomes to regular you don't see it anymore as an extra. It becomes an expected regular feature/occurrence.   In this thread someone drew a negative that this event doesn't cater to low tier. Not that long ago we did a low tier event and people complained there was nothing for high tiers.   - now you might read this and think "Well why not just do an event that works for low and high tier?" but then what happens the week after? Everyone expects the same because last week it was like that, or this week we're not catering to XXXX. Players wanted discount crew training and when it was added one of the first comments was to swap it out for discount garage/barrack slots instead. There is requests for discount garage slots now, I can guarantee you that if we had it now, people would just complain later in the month that they can't buy new tanks because garage slots are full price so we should discount them then too.   I've seen comments in other threads with things like "Worst month ever" and "what you do later doesn't make up for now".  Where is this attitude coming from? do you even realize the tone of your message?  Again too many people are acting like we've given you something then taken it away, or promised something that hasn't came.  Look at these weekend events for exactly what they are. An extra bonus for players when playing the game. They are not the only reason for you to play this weekend and they are not something which is always going to be applicable to you as an individual player.   "You don't do enough 5x exp events!" - *do a 5x exp event* - "great nothing but noobs playing now, I can't win they're always in my team, stupid 5x exp events" "You don't discount high tiers" - *discount high tiers* - "Awesome, now all the noobs can rush into high tiers and ruin my matches" "You should give tanks credit boosts for specific types of tanks or tiers" *add credit boosts to tiers or types* - "OMG now this weekend the game is full of TDs/Heavies/Mediums/German/USSR/British etc etc tanks" "When will premium tanks be discounted?" *discount premium tanks* - "not fair, tier VIII is filled with wallet warriors now!" or "Screw you WG, now there is nothing but E25's everywhere" "It's always crew training, I want first win bonuses" /"You've done first win 3 times now, I want crew training"    Above examples is pretty much standard replies we see. Every time the missions that are active at the same time are also completely ignored.   Now regarding the claims of "this isn't a special" - you're taking the word too literary.  Even then if you're still going to be specific about the word it basically means: Something distinguished by a unique or unusual quality. Better, great or otherwise unusual from what is the norm. The "norm or normal" is having no bonuses or discounts at all on the weekend.  The norm isn't want you got last week/month, what another region got, or what you think the event should be.   I can honestly say that when the seasonal events are announced, everyone will be surprised and even the most skeptical/cynical people will struggle to find something to complain about. I can't wait to see everyone's reactions.  

Takım Dağılım Sistemi (MM)
13.12.2013 17:48:38
Subject: Takım Dağılım Sistemi (MM)
Link on message: #6695345

Ishtara: Herkese merhaba,   Genel tartışmalar bölümünde Takım Dağılım Sistemi nam-ı değer Match Making (MM) sistemi hakkında birçok başlık açılmakta. Sizden ricam konuyu farklı başlıklar altında tartışmak yerine konu hakkındaki tüm yorumları bu başlık altında yazmanız. Bu bir geri bildirim/şikayet başlığı değildir sadece forumdaki dağılmayı önlemek amaçlı açıyorum.   Aynı zamanda MM hakkındaki son makalemizi burada ve son videomuzu da burada bulabilirsiniz. (Videoyu Türkçe izleyebilmek için altyazıları aktif hale getirmeniz gerekmektedir.)   İyi forumlar!  

skills and perks?
13.12.2013 17:41:32
Subject: skills and perks?
Link on message: #6695272

View Postazdsn, on 13 December 2013 - 03:53 PM, said: Pa ja racunam da samo ostatak posade dobija vise iskustva kao sto pise. Na mojoj posadi nije bilo razlike nakon puno iskustva i sklonio sam skill zato sto mi nije bas jasan i ako je tako kao sto pise,nije ni radio tada kad sam ga isprobavao.

Hunter1911:   cp iz jednog starog vodica Mentor: +10% iskustva posadi
+0.1% svoj posadi-- osim zapovjednika-- Po nivou vjeŠtine. (odnosno, @100%, to je 10% bonusa svim članovima posade osim zap.) Bonus dijeluje samo na buduće bitke, ne obračunava se na proŠle bitke, odnosno bitke prije nego ste izučili vjeŠtinu. Kumulacija: Nema.
I.a., _Loner_ nudi detaljnu analizu ove vjeŠtine:

Pogledajmo iznos iskustva potreban članu posade za njegovu vjeŠtinu:

1. vjeŠtina = 10000, 2. vjeŠtina = 20000, 3. vjeŠtina = 40000
Stopa dobivanja nove vjeŠtine je eksponencijalna, odnosno 2n, ili jednostavno možete ovo shvatiti da vjeŠtina nakon prve, dobija deprecijaciju 2n!
Ako razvijate Mentor kao prvu vjeŠtinu onda donosi (10% - 0%) / 2 = 5% po članu posade.
Nakon toga je samo ravna stopa u iznosu 10% dodatnog iskustva po članu posade nakon Što dosegnut 100% mentor s normalnim iznosom bitki.

Bez mentora:
Pretpostavimo da neki tenk ima prosjek iskustva 750 po bitci. Bitke potrebne da se dobije prva vjeŠtina za četveročlanu posadu su: 10000 / (750/4) = 53.33 ili 54 bitke
Druga vjeŠtina: 20000 / (750/4) = 106.67 ili 107 bitki
Treća vjeŠtina: 40000 / (750/4) = 213.33 ili 214 bitki
Četvrta vjeŠtina: 80000 / (750/4) = 426.67 ili 427 bitki

S mentorom:
Pretpostavimo da neki tenk ima prosjek iskustva 750 po bitci. Bitke potrebne da se dobije prva vjeŠtina za četveročlanu posadu su:
10000  [(750 / 4) * 105.%] = 50.79 ili 51 bitka
Druga vjeŠtina: 20000 / [(750 / 4) * 110%] = 96.97 ili 97 bitki
Treća vjeŠtina: 40000 / [(750 / 4) * 110%] = 193.94 ili 194 bitke.
Četvrta vjeŠtina: 80000 / [(750 / 4) * 110%] = 387.87 ili 388 bitki.
Kada bi osoba imala tri vjeŠtine, uŠtedjela bi (54 + 107 + 214) - (51 + 97 + 194) = 33 bitke

Zaključak: Mentor smanjuje broj bitki kako idete gore. Je li uistinu koristan? Ovisi koliko bitki namjeravate uložiti u vaŠ tenk. Međutim, bitki uŠtede mijenjate za vjeŠtinu koja vam ne koristi u bitci.
ProŠirena matematika:
Bez mentora:
Peta vjeŠtina: 160000 / (750/4) = 854 bitke
Šesta vjeŠtina: 320000 / (750/4) = 1707 bitki
Sedma vjeŠtina: 640000 / (750/4) = 3414 bitki
Osma vjeŠtina: 1200000 / (750/4) = 6400 bitki

S mentorom:
Peta vjeŠtina: 160000 / [(750 / 4) * 110%] =  776 bitki (uŠteda 78 bitki)
Šesta vjeŠtina: 320000 / [(750 / 4) * 110%] = 1552 bitki (uŠteda 155 bitki )
Sedma vjeŠtina: 640000 / [(750 / 4) * 110%] = 3104 bitke (uŠteda 310 bitki )
Osma vjeŠtina: 1200000 / [(750 / 4) * 110%] = 5819 bitki(uŠteda 581 bitki)

U primjeru s prosjekom od  750 iskustva pi bitci:
Tijekom vremena prikupljanja osme sekundarne  vjeŠtina uŠtedjeti ćete si 1,196 bitki s mentorom za Što bi vam trebalo 11, 981 bitka u tenku (bez privatnog života)
Tijekom vremena prikupljanja sedme sekundarne vjeŠtina uŠtedjeti ćete si 615 bitki s mentorom za Što bi vam trebalo 6,162 bitke u tenku (izvodivo)
Tijekom vremena prikupljanja Šeste sekundarne vjeŠtine uŠtedjeti ćete si 305 bitki s mentorom za Što bi vam trebalo 3,058 bitki u tenku

Zaključak: Ako planirate odigrati 10,000+ igara svakako koristite mentor i uŠtedite si 1,000 bitki. Ako planirate odigrati 5,000 igri ili manje u tenku (kao većina normalnih ljudi) onda nije vrijedno.[/sup][/SPOILER]
Savjet Stavite ga prvog za maksimalnu učinkovitost; napomena: poboljŠanje treninga je % of zapovjednikovog treninga u ovoj vjeŠtini, odnosno.,  na 10%, posada dobija +1% bonus, na 20%, 2%, itd.; napomena2: ova vjeŠtina može biti uklonjena sa zapovjednika u bilo koje vrijeme, kako bi se zamijenila drugom vjeŠtinom/talentom; odnosno, jednom kada smatrate treniranje posade gotovim; ili, kada je trening posade gotov, ova vjeŠtina nema daljnje funkcionalnosti; napomena3: Zapovjednik ne dobija bonus od ove vjeŠtine, samo ostatak posade.   

skills and perks?
13.12.2013 17:41:32
Subject: skills and perks?
Link on message: #6695272

View Postazdsn, on 13 December 2013 - 03:53 PM, said: Pa ja racunam da samo ostatak posade dobija vise iskustva kao sto pise. Na mojoj posadi nije bilo razlike nakon puno iskustva i sklonio sam skill zato sto mi nije bas jasan i ako je tako kao sto pise,nije ni radio tada kad sam ga isprobavao.

TheKroo:   cp iz jednog starog vodica Mentor: +10% iskustva posadi
+0.1% svoj posadi-- osim zapovjednika-- Po nivou vjeŠtine. (odnosno, @100%, to je 10% bonusa svim članovima posade osim zap.) Bonus dijeluje samo na buduće bitke, ne obračunava se na proŠle bitke, odnosno bitke prije nego ste izučili vjeŠtinu. Kumulacija: Nema.
I.a., _Loner_ nudi detaljnu analizu ove vjeŠtine:

Pogledajmo iznos iskustva potreban članu posade za njegovu vjeŠtinu:

1. vjeŠtina = 10000, 2. vjeŠtina = 20000, 3. vjeŠtina = 40000
Stopa dobivanja nove vjeŠtine je eksponencijalna, odnosno 2n, ili jednostavno možete ovo shvatiti da vjeŠtina nakon prve, dobija deprecijaciju 2n!
Ako razvijate Mentor kao prvu vjeŠtinu onda donosi (10% - 0%) / 2 = 5% po članu posade.
Nakon toga je samo ravna stopa u iznosu 10% dodatnog iskustva po članu posade nakon Što dosegnut 100% mentor s normalnim iznosom bitki.

Bez mentora:
Pretpostavimo da neki tenk ima prosjek iskustva 750 po bitci. Bitke potrebne da se dobije prva vjeŠtina za četveročlanu posadu su: 10000 / (750/4) = 53.33 ili 54 bitke
Druga vjeŠtina: 20000 / (750/4) = 106.67 ili 107 bitki
Treća vjeŠtina: 40000 / (750/4) = 213.33 ili 214 bitki
Četvrta vjeŠtina: 80000 / (750/4) = 426.67 ili 427 bitki

S mentorom:
Pretpostavimo da neki tenk ima prosjek iskustva 750 po bitci. Bitke potrebne da se dobije prva vjeŠtina za četveročlanu posadu su:
10000  [(750 / 4) * 105.%] = 50.79 ili 51 bitka
Druga vjeŠtina: 20000 / [(750 / 4) * 110%] = 96.97 ili 97 bitki
Treća vjeŠtina: 40000 / [(750 / 4) * 110%] = 193.94 ili 194 bitke.
Četvrta vjeŠtina: 80000 / [(750 / 4) * 110%] = 387.87 ili 388 bitki.
Kada bi osoba imala tri vjeŠtine, uŠtedjela bi (54 + 107 + 214) - (51 + 97 + 194) = 33 bitke

Zaključak: Mentor smanjuje broj bitki kako idete gore. Je li uistinu koristan? Ovisi koliko bitki namjeravate uložiti u vaŠ tenk. Međutim, bitki uŠtede mijenjate za vjeŠtinu koja vam ne koristi u bitci.
ProŠirena matematika:
Bez mentora:
Peta vjeŠtina: 160000 / (750/4) = 854 bitke
Šesta vjeŠtina: 320000 / (750/4) = 1707 bitki
Sedma vjeŠtina: 640000 / (750/4) = 3414 bitki
Osma vjeŠtina: 1200000 / (750/4) = 6400 bitki

S mentorom:
Peta vjeŠtina: 160000 / [(750 / 4) * 110%] =  776 bitki (uŠteda 78 bitki)
Šesta vjeŠtina: 320000 / [(750 / 4) * 110%] = 1552 bitki (uŠteda 155 bitki )
Sedma vjeŠtina: 640000 / [(750 / 4) * 110%] = 3104 bitke (uŠteda 310 bitki )
Osma vjeŠtina: 1200000 / [(750 / 4) * 110%] = 5819 bitki(uŠteda 581 bitki)

U primjeru s prosjekom od  750 iskustva pi bitci:
Tijekom vremena prikupljanja osme sekundarne  vjeŠtina uŠtedjeti ćete si 1,196 bitki s mentorom za Što bi vam trebalo 11, 981 bitka u tenku (bez privatnog života)
Tijekom vremena prikupljanja sedme sekundarne vjeŠtina uŠtedjeti ćete si 615 bitki s mentorom za Što bi vam trebalo 6,162 bitke u tenku (izvodivo)
Tijekom vremena prikupljanja Šeste sekundarne vjeŠtine uŠtedjeti ćete si 305 bitki s mentorom za Što bi vam trebalo 3,058 bitki u tenku

Zaključak: Ako planirate odigrati 10,000+ igara svakako koristite mentor i uŠtedite si 1,000 bitki. Ako planirate odigrati 5,000 igri ili manje u tenku (kao većina normalnih ljudi) onda nije vrijedno.[/sup][/SPOILER]
Savjet Stavite ga prvog za maksimalnu učinkovitost; napomena: poboljŠanje treninga je % of zapovjednikovog treninga u ovoj vjeŠtini, odnosno.,  na 10%, posada dobija +1% bonus, na 20%, 2%, itd.; napomena2: ova vjeŠtina može biti uklonjena sa zapovjednika u bilo koje vrijeme, kako bi se zamijenila drugom vjeŠtinom/talentom; odnosno, jednom kada smatrate treniranje posade gotovim; ili, kada je trening posade gotov, ova vjeŠtina nema daljnje funkcionalnosti; napomena3: Zapovjednik ne dobija bonus od ove vjeŠtine, samo ostatak posade.   

Warum wurden manche ehemals gepinnte Themen "entpinnt"?
13.12.2013 17:39:25
Subject: Warum wurden manche ehemals gepinnte Themen "entpinnt"?
Link on message: #6695251

PanzerGert: Was die Threads betrifft so wurden diese aus unterschiedlichen Gründen entpinnt.   Da es hier aber ebenfalls wiederum in eine Diskussion der Moderation geht, wird auch hier wiederum zu gemacht. Die Forenregeln haben sich auch seit dem letzten Thread dazu nicht geändert.   PanzerGert Community Coordinator

A review of WoT's rival game...
13.12.2013 17:31:28
Subject: A review of WoT's rival game...
Link on message: #6695169

View Postbushwacker001, on 13 December 2013 - 04:30 PM, said:   Hunter, I really hope that was sarcasm and not that you think I really did it :tongue:

Hunter1911:   I know nothing.   Singed Jon Snow.

A review of WoT's rival game...
13.12.2013 17:31:28
Subject: A review of WoT's rival game...
Link on message: #6695169

View Postbushwacker001, on 13 December 2013 - 04:30 PM, said:   Hunter, I really hope that was sarcasm and not that you think I really did it :tongue:

TheKroo:   I know nothing.   Singed Jon Snow.

A review of WoT's rival game...
13.12.2013 17:31:28
Subject: A review of WoT's rival game...
Link on message: #6695169

View Postbushwacker001, on 13 December 2013 - 04:30 PM, said:   Hunter, I really hope that was sarcasm and not that you think I really did it :tongue:

TheyCallMeHans:  I know nothing. SingedJon Snow.

Awesome Tank Pictures Thread
13.12.2013 17:26:01
Subject: Awesome Tank Pictures Thread
Link on message: #6695116

Hunter1911:  One of the Bren gun carriers used by Australian light horse troops in Northern Africa, on January 7, 1941.

Awesome Tank Pictures Thread
13.12.2013 17:26:01
Subject: Awesome Tank Pictures Thread
Link on message: #6695116

TheKroo:  One of the Bren gun carriers used by Australian light horse troops in Northern Africa, on January 7, 1941.

Testiram tenkove za vas - Diskusija
13.12.2013 17:21:27
Subject: Testiram tenkove za vas - Diskusija
Link on message: #6695070

Hunter1911: Izvrsna ideja i svaka pohvala na trudu.

Testiram tenkove za vas - Diskusija
13.12.2013 17:21:27
Subject: Testiram tenkove za vas - Diskusija
Link on message: #6695070

TheKroo: Izvrsna ideja i svaka pohvala na trudu.

Video: RNG Episode 13
13.12.2013 17:19:50
Subject: Video: RNG Episode 13
Link on message: #6695048

View Postbajs13, on 13 December 2013 - 03:35 PM, said: 13 RNG episode on 13th Friday. Coincidence? I don't think so.

Hunter1911: :ohmy:   0:51 wins lol

Video: RNG Episode 13
13.12.2013 17:19:50
Subject: Video: RNG Episode 13
Link on message: #6695048

View Postbajs13, on 13 December 2013 - 03:35 PM, said: 13 RNG episode on 13th Friday. Coincidence? I don't think so.

TheKroo: :ohmy:   0:51 wins lol

A review of WoT's rival game...
13.12.2013 17:16:15
Subject: A review of WoT's rival game...
Link on message: #6695022

View Postbushwacker001, on 13 December 2013 - 03:15 PM, said: I rage quitted and uninstalled due to hoof glitter noobs :angry:

Hunter1911:   How do you uninstall a browser based game? Format C?

A review of WoT's rival game...
13.12.2013 17:16:15
Subject: A review of WoT's rival game...
Link on message: #6695022

View Postbushwacker001, on 13 December 2013 - 03:15 PM, said: I rage quitted and uninstalled due to hoof glitter noobs :angry:

TheKroo:   How do you uninstall a browser based game? Format C?

A review of WoT's rival game...
13.12.2013 17:16:15
Subject: A review of WoT's rival game...
Link on message: #6695022

View Postbushwacker001, on 13 December 2013 - 03:15 PM, said: I rage quitted and uninstalled due to hoof glitter noobs :angry:

TheyCallMeHans:  How do you uninstall a browser based game?Format C?

12 Days of Christmas - Verse 1!
13.12.2013 17:12:04
Subject: 12 Days of Christmas - Verse 1!
Link on message: #6694986

Dakiras:   Seasonal Greetings!
As you may or may not know, Christmas carols are often sung in certain places around the world to celebrate this festive season. We have a unique competition to celebrate this fine event, in which we take the 12 days of Christmas song and make it World of Tanks themed.    All 12 verses must be completed in time for Christmas at the rate of one line per day, with a prize for each day. All we're asking is for you to help us re-write this popular carol, one line at a time. The line for today is highlighted in orange here as an example:   On the first day of Christmas My true love gave to me A partridge in a pear tree   Adapt this orange line to a world of tanks themed sentence that rhymes with the verse (see the example below).   At the end of the competition all 12 verses will be published on the forum. Lets see how adaptive and creative our community can be!
  The Reward is: Bonus Code: 1 Free Garage Slot
300 gold
1 Day Premium
Premium Light Tank M3 Stuart   The Rules: All answers must be posted within this topic. Answers sent any other way will not be counted. Edited posts will not count and only one post per player. Forum rules apply! Must not contain abusive messages or profanity, or you will be instantly dismissed from the competition.   Example: On the first day of Christmas My true love gave to me A shiny tank in my tech tree   Seasonal Regards Your Community Team

Fail Moments - Read, Laugh, Learn to avoid them
13.12.2013 17:05:44
Subject: Fail Moments - Read, Laugh, Learn to avoid them
Link on message: #6694937

Hunter1911: Saddest battle I had was in  the Pz.Kpfw. 38H 735 (f). I was on 10 kills and was facing the remaining 2 enemy tanks, alone. My shells ran out and the enemies got me. A 10 kills lost battle.

Fail Moments - Read, Laugh, Learn to avoid them
13.12.2013 17:05:44
Subject: Fail Moments - Read, Laugh, Learn to avoid them
Link on message: #6694937

TheKroo: Saddest battle I had was in  the Pz.Kpfw. 38H 735 (f). I was on 10 kills and was facing the remaining 2 enemy tanks, alone. My shells ran out and the enemies got me. A 10 kills lost battle.

Heavy steel vikend misija
13.12.2013 16:46:15
Subject: Heavy steel vikend misija
Link on message: #6694759

Hunter1911: Vidis mogao bih ja malo provozati svoju Stotku.

Heavy steel vikend misija
13.12.2013 16:46:15
Subject: Heavy steel vikend misija
Link on message: #6694759

TheKroo: Vidis mogao bih ja malo provozati svoju Stotku.

skills and perks?
13.12.2013 16:34:46
Subject: skills and perks?
Link on message: #6694669

View PostChecola, on 13 December 2013 - 03:00 PM, said:
malo je brže ali zanemarivo, mislim da je totalno promašen skill, osim ako baš nema ničeg boljeg....

Hunter1911:   10% vise iskustva nije lose. No kad se uzme u obzir da mentor zauzima cijeli jedan skill slot, efekt je donekle zanemariv.

skills and perks?
13.12.2013 16:34:46
Subject: skills and perks?
Link on message: #6694669

View PostChecola, on 13 December 2013 - 03:00 PM, said:
malo je brže ali zanemarivo, mislim da je totalno promašen skill, osim ako baš nema ničeg boljeg....

TheKroo:   10% vise iskustva nije lose. No kad se uzme u obzir da mentor zauzima cijeli jedan skill slot, efekt je donekle zanemariv.

13.12.2013 15:53:40
Subject: Tarnwert
Link on message: #6694327

PanzerGert: Bitte keine doppelten Threads erstellen. Im ersten Thread ist ebenfalls bereits eine Antwort.   PanzerGert Communbity Coordinator

Themen verschwunden?
13.12.2013 15:50:30
Subject: Themen verschwunden?
Link on message: #6694296

PanzerGert: Da auch hier die Moderation diskutiert wird, ebenfalls vorübergehend geschlossen.   Panzergert
Community Coordinator

Winter Surprise Calendar
13.12.2013 15:34:29
Subject: Winter Surprise Calendar
Link on message: #6694145

{lang:macro__view_post}wolfmenseyes, on 13 December 2013 - 10:53 AM, said: Crap t127 turd tank easy to kill offer me something in the game shop stop being greedy goblins.

LiannaSilverwind:   After checking your hangar, I thought you are premium tanks collector! So you are not, got it.

Disskussionen über Bots - Sammelthread
13.12.2013 15:21:17
Subject: Disskussionen über Bots - Sammelthread
Link on message: #6694034

PanzerGert: Aufgrund Diskussionen bezüglich Moderation wird auch dieser Thread vorübergehend geschlossen.   PanzerGert Community Coordinator

Dieses Forum entwickelt sich zum absoluten Witz!
13.12.2013 15:14:33
Subject: Dieses Forum entwickelt sich zum absoluten Witz!
Link on message: #6693962

{lang:macro__view_post}PengTot, on 13 December 2013 - 01:08 PM, said:  Kommt mir jetzt auch nicht mit den Forenregeln daher, die kennen wir mittlerweile selbst. Checkt Ihr nicht daß das ein Thema ist das die Community mittlerweile auf die Palme bringt oder habt Ihr Anweisungen so zu verfahren? 

PanzerGert: Doch, ich komme mit den Forenregeln, und nein, ich handele und denke noch selbst.

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