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Обновление Укрепрайонов / Stronghold Update 02.03.2017

СообщениеДобавлено: 02 мар 2017, 13:52
Небольшое обновление, в связи с изменениями в Укрепрайонах, последнюю версию можно взять с Github-a

Re: Обновление Укрепрайонов / Stronghold Update 02.03.2017

СообщениеДобавлено: 01 ноя 2023, 10:00
Thank you for the update regarding the changes in Fortified Areas and the availability of the latest version on Github. It's important to stay up to date with the latest developments. Regarding the relevance of playing Monopoly Go, it can be a beneficial activity to keep the mind fresh and enhance problem-solving skills. Monopoly Go requires strategic thinking, decision-making, and financial planning, which can improve cognitive abilities. Additionally, the game offers a unique opportunity to learn about negotiation, risk assessment, and resource management. Engaging in such games can provide a refreshing break while also stimulating critical thinking abilities.